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Thread: TTP and TDR

  1. Devious Tyrant
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    The LM Project - Part Three

    Quote Originally Posted by Chordata
    Live forever or live for a day? A day. Forever would probably get tedious around the 15th World War and second alien invasion. Especially when everyone you cared about dies, leaving you unwilling to make any real relationships since you'll outlive them again anyway.
    Deep, I like that
    Quote Originally Posted by Chordata
    Apathy is not caring. So this doesn't make a lot of sense, unless you really, really meant "I used to not care, but now I don't care", or did you mean agnostic?
    :lol: it's an old slogan I use every now and then, it's the same thing. I said what I ment and ment what I said
    Quote Originally Posted by The Big One
    Never age or never die?

    never die
    I'd recomend reading the full gulliver's travels. One of the worlds has people that never die....

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    The LM Project - Part Three

    Quote Originally Posted by Chordata

    Ying or Yang? It's Yin and Yang

    Quote Originally Posted by Nusentinsaino
    I missed something...
    That you did. :nodding:

    Quote Originally Posted by The Dragon
    I've also determined that Shoping Chick is a sadist by the choices she has given some of us
    :lol: Perhaps I am deep down inside.

    P.S - I fixed the feet thing too

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    The LM Project - Part Three

    Up or down? Down

    Humans make it to another planet, but weâ??re at war or humans die off but we have fun trying to survive?
    Fun trying to survive

    Commit your entire life to the next person you sleep with or die alone, old and frail and very, very alone; slowly perishing in a pool of sewage? Die alone lol

    Occasional, crap sex that makes you feel cheap and degraded or no sex ever? I will take crap sex

    Never finding love or finding love and losing it?Finding love and losing it

    A Chinese burn or a wedgie?Burn

    Love or lust?Lust

    Living a lie or living the truth with dire consequences?I will take the lie

    Tea or coffee?Coffee

    Extremely long neck or huge pot belly?Pot belly, but both are sick YUCK

  4. Can I have a pretty pink name? I think pink is hot >.> /joke
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    The LM Project - Part Three

    Quote Originally Posted by Shopping Chick
    Group 2

    Never go outside again or never have a roof over your head?never go outside....

    3 months solitary confinement or 10 weeks at sea aboard a ship of fools?10 weeks

    You’re allergic to females or you’re allergic to males?males

    Microwave your own head or boil your feet?boil my feet, that wont kill me

    Arms that don’t bend or legs that don’t bend?legs

    God or no God?no god

    Chocolate or Strawberries?Strawberries

    Get offers of sex all the time, but your pants are sealed shut with a bewildering array of padlocks and combination dials or get no offers of sex but you can access your pants freely?i need to pee sex

    Left or right?Right

    Every time you sneeze, one of your friends die or every time you hiccup, you lose an hour off your life?rather lose my life then that of a friend
    TIS DONE!!!!

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    The LM Project - Part Three

    A reminder, your either answering questions or your not. if your not, I will delete your posts. Thanks and enjoy your day. Dragon gets away with one.

  6. Witch
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    The LM Project - Part Three

    Group 3

    Always sober or always drunk? I have a few beers but never get drunk tho.

    Meow or woof? woof

    War or peace? Peace

    Death or loss of pride? Death?

    Constant migraine or constant diarrhea? constant migraine

    Yin or Yang? Yin?

    Your pants are made of liquorish or your shoes are made of ham? pants made of liquorish.. anyone want a bite

    Live forever or live for a day? live for a day

    You can only walk backwards or you have no thumbs? only walk backwards

    Cake or pie? PIE

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    The LM Project - Part Three

    Up or down? Up, like the planes in the sky, the buildings on the ground, and the penises of sexually aroused men.

    Humans make it to another planet, but weâ??re at war or humans die off but we have fun trying to survive? At war. Humanity has a thing for rebuilding after wars end, therefore our survival is still guaranteed.

    Commit your entire life to the next person you sleep with or die alone, old and frail and very, very alone; slowly perishing in a pool of sewage? Given those parameters, commitment sounds good.

    Occasional, crap sex that makes you feel cheap and degraded or no sex ever? Crap sex. One pussy is just as good as the next.

    Never finding love or finding love and losing it? Never finding it. Dreaming of what could be is better than dreaming of what was.

    A Chinese burn or a wedgie? Wedgie.

    Love or lust? Love

    Living a lie or living the truth with dire consequences? Truth. I am what I am.

    Tea or coffee? Coffee

    Extremely long neck or huge pot belly? Pot belly. Exercise can deal with pot bellies, but not long necks.

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    The LM Project - Part Three

    A millions bucks or being able to fly? fly

    Regular or chocolate milk? choc

    Bright room or dark room? dark

    Flip flops or sneakers? sneaks

    Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture? be in

    Travel but never settle or settle but never travel? settle

    Never take a shower again or never have sex again? never shower

    Sleep forever or never sleep again? never sleep

    Never age or never die? never age

    No one has a gun or everyone has a gun? I'd be dead a million times if everyone had a gun, so I would wan't no one to have one.

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    The LM Project - Part Three


    This or That:

    Group 1

    A millions bucks or being able to fly? I'll take the cash. Flying can be done.

    Regular or chocolate milk? Just in a glass? 60% of the time chocolate, 40% regular. (2% milk FTW)

    Bright room or dark room? Depends on the format... In most cases light though.

    Flip flops or sneakers? Sneakers.

    Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture? I would rather play with the camera. (Take it)

    Travel but never settle or settle but never travel? Both are heck I would have to say never travel.

    Never take a shower again or never have sex again? Lets examine that for a moment. You ask, "Never take a shower again or never have sex again?". The operator "again" implys that the subject it is modifying has been done in the past. So therefor, you must think that everyone in the forum has had sex before, and/or has taken a shower in the past. An interesting point of view you have there. Why would anyone take a shower?

    Sleep forever or never sleep again? Will I get tired? Never sleep.

    Never age or never die? Never age.

    No one has a gun or everyone has a gun? Depends on the format. But in the most probable case, no one has a gun.

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    The LM Project - Part Three

    This or That:
    Group 4

    Up or down? Up :blink:

    Humans make it to another planet, but we’re at war or humans die off but we have fun trying to survive? Fun trying

    Commit your entire life to the next person you sleep with or die alone, old and frail and very, very alone; slowly perishing in a pool of sewage? Well to be honest, since the next person I will sleep with is the girl I'd rather like to commit my life to, this is hardly a choice

    Occasional, crap sex that makes you feel cheap and degraded or no sex ever? None.

    Never finding love or finding love and losing it? Better to have had it and lost it than never ever known what it is like

    A Chinese burn or a wedgie? Chinese burn, they don't hurt

    Love or lust? Love though having lust too makes the love betterer

    Living a lie or living the truth with dire consequences? Truth

    Tea or coffee? Neither

    Extremely long neck or huge pot belly? Belly I guess...

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