So in the past week MLB has handed out two 50 game suspensions for elevated testosterone levels to two somewhat prominent players. Melky Cabrerra was the all star game MVP, leading the NL in hits, second in BA, and had some possible considerations for NL MVP. Bart Colon was somewhat past his prime, but he was reviving his career as a serviceable starter for the As. He is also a former Cy Young award winner, but to me the interesting thing is if you look at him you would NEVER accuse him of being on PEDs. For that matter it's not like Melky was out bench pressing VWs in his spare time.

Based on all of that do you think PEDs are still rampant in the MLB? Victor Conte, former founder/owner of BALCO (the roid factory most players used in the 90s), said he estimates that about 50% of MLB players are still on something banned. Do you buy it?