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Thread: I know this is old...

  1. Devious Tyrant
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    America is filled with morons

    Quote Originally Posted by Bohemund
    ... Now we give them jobs and tax breaks.

    The left whines about how so many Americans are unemployed. Maybe they would be able to get a job if you stopped letting in so many illegals... what a bunch of dumbasses. God...
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeffro
    I agreed with everything you said up until this point. It's not just the left, but the right also who has agreed to amnesty programs. It's all about political gain and you should know that, no matter what side of the spectrum you are on.
    Right premise wrong reason. There's a vast chunk of lazy welfare citizens too lazy to work for a living, hence we need the imports to work the jobs Americans are too lazy to do.

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    America is filled with morons

    Quote Originally Posted by beef flaps
    When you say WE I hope you are speaking for yourself.
    In that case, take your moronic ass out of this Country if you feel that way.
    I bet you couldn't even afford the fucking plane ticket let alone survive on your own in Europe.
    Fucking kids.
    You didn't deny any of the bad-mouthing he did to America though. Can you actually say with a serious tone that Nus. is telling lies? It's true and you know. As for Europe being better, I can't make that judgment since I haven't been there yet. The only thing I can assume is that Europe:

    *Doesn't have a plethora of chunky fucks everywhere you walk.

    *Actually appreciates the articulation of language instead of bastardizing it (ebonics/rednecks).

    *Won't elect spoon-fed, incompetent dumb shits to office.

    *No Over-zealous religious folk who disregard fact and reason.

    *Doesn't have homogenized architecture (just look at all of the fast food joints, wal-marts, and office buildings. They all look the f'in same)

    *Actually has respect for buildings with historic value instead of tearing down precious gems of history to build fucking banks or what not.

    Just assumptions.

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    America is filled with morons

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeffro
    You didn't deny any of the bad-mouthing he did to America though. Can you actually say with a serious tone that Nus. is telling lies? It's true and you know.
    Its a generalization fed to him by the media and YOU know it.
    There are less of those "morons" than normal hard working decent people.
    Just another whiney fucking teenage/college kid rant, someone that probably hasn't been far from his Mother's aprons.
    If you kids hate it here so much then instead of sitting in your rooms whining like little bitches on a computer, get a job, save your money, buy a plane ticket and move to where YOU think its going to be better.
    When you face the facts that the grass is not greener on the other side, save again and come back. I'm sure this "horrible: Country will welcome you again.

    Jeffro, don't assume anything. Go be a man and find out for yourself.
    There is always someone waiting in line to come in when you leave.
    you can\'t respect somebody who kisses your ass
    oofs: rincess: oofs:

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    America is filled with morons

    Europe respects historical monuments? Fuck, Europe is a historical monument. Those countries aren't real cultures anymore. They're just dead husks that babble about "diversity", and worship the Muslims trying to kill them.

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    America is filled with morons

    Quote Originally Posted by beef flaps
    Its a generalization fed to him by the media and YOU know it.
    Are you 100 percent sure about that? I don't watch the media (CNN, MSNBC, FOX) because it is a bunch of biased bullshit. The only news I watch is BBC world to get unbiased, fact based news instead of the usual speculated blabber that comes out of our mass media affiliates.

    There are less of those "morons" than normal hard working decent people.
    Just another whiney fucking teenage/college kid rant, someone that probably hasn't been far from his Mother's aprons.
    Sorry for having an opinion that you disagree with, beef. I really am.

    If you kids hate it here so much then instead of sitting in your rooms whining like little bitches on a computer, get a job, save your money, buy a plane ticket and move to where YOU think its going to be better.
    When you face the facts that the grass is not greener on the other side, save again and come back.
    I have a job that starts next week. It's manual labor 8 hours a day/40 hours a week and I'll come home with greasy blisters on my hands like last year.

    I'm sure this "horrible: Country will welcome you again.
    This country is far from horrible, however there are some vast improvements that need to be made.

    Jeffro, don't assume anything. Go be a man and find out for yourself.
    There is always someone waiting in line to come in when you leave.
    I am finding out for myself. I'm going to be studying in Vienna, Austria for 16 weeks, so I'll get back to you if I was suckered in to what I was being "fed to" in the media...

    As for permanently leaving, I doubt it. I'll probably live in some hippie/commie city such as Los Angeles, New York, or Chicago to further my music career.

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    America is filled with morons

    Quote Originally Posted by beef flaps
    When you say WE I hope you are speaking for yourself.
    In that case, take your moronic ass out of this Country if you feel that way.
    I bet you couldn't even afford the fucking plane ticket let alone survive on your own in Europe.
    Fucking kids.
    Crap, I thought this was the On-Topic forum. Beef, It's cool to judge people... no really, it is. :Y:

    Quote Originally Posted by beef flaps
    get a job, save your money, buy a plane ticket and move to where YOU think its going to be better.
    I have since a couple of years. I can tell you about my life, and how I want to live in Europe and all... but this is the internet, you shouldn't give a shit.

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    America is filled with morons

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeffro
    Sorry for having an opinion that you disagree with, beef. I really am.
    opinions are one thing, whining and ranting about moving to another Country because they are so much better is another.

    I have a job that starts next week. It's manual labor 8 hours a day/40 hours a week and I'll come home with greasy blisters on my hands like last year.
    Good for you. Now save your money instead of buying stupid shit like most kids do.

    This country is far from horrible, however there are some vast improvements that need to be made.
    There sure are.
    What are you going to do about them?
    How about when you find out all the improvements that better Country needs?
    Whine there too?

    I am finding out for myself. I'm going to be studying in Vienna, Austria for 16 weeks, so I'll get back to you if I was suckered in to what I was being "fed to" in the media...

    As for permanently leaving, I doubt it. I'll probably live in some hippie/commie city such as Los Angeles, New York, or Chicago to further my music career.
    Thats cool. I hope you get a lot out of it.

    Beef, It's cool to judge people... no really, it is.

    I have since a couple of years. I can tell you about my life, and how I want to live in Europe and all... but this is the internet, you shouldn't give a shit.
    Have you even been there?
    you can\'t respect somebody who kisses your ass
    oofs: rincess: oofs:

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    America is filled with morons

    Quote Originally Posted by beef flaps
    Whine there too?
    Nah, I go out to bars with my buds and see my family once a while and have a good life while I leave the politicians to do their job.

    I love America FTW!! It's the moronic people I hate.

    And yes, I have been to England, France, Italy, and will be going to France and England again this summer and also Belgium.

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    America is filled with morons

    Quote Originally Posted by Nusentinsaino
    Nah, I go out to bars with my buds and see my family once a while and have a good life while I leave the politicians to do their job.

    I love America FTW!! It's the moronic people I hate.
    I dislike moronic people too.
    So where are you going to live? On an island?
    or is Europe a nation of 100% non moronic, perfcect in every way dwelling people?
    Shit, show me proof and maybe I'll join ya.
    I can afford it, can you?
    But in reality I'm just like you. I avoid the people I see as moronic and go about my life having a good time.
    I'm not bothered by it.
    you can\'t respect somebody who kisses your ass
    oofs: rincess: oofs:

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    America is filled with morons

    Quote Originally Posted by Bohemund
    Europe respects historical monuments? Fuck, Europe is a historical monument. Those countries aren't real cultures anymore. They're just dead husks that babble about "diversity", and worship the Muslims trying to kill them.
    diversity is a good thing!

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