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Thread: You're playing Guitar Hero 2

  1. Devious Tyrant
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    A Call to Arms

    What is a man? Wikipedia has a simple definition for it: "i win." (Man) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. defines a man as: an adult male person, as distinguished from a boy or a woman. Fuck that. I'll tell you what a man is:

    Back in the day when spousal abuse was encouraged and AzH's great, great, great grandfather will still kicking the shit out of the French with his undoubtedly large penis, a man was true that very word. He got up in the morning, shat, ate, hunted for dinner, came back, fucked his wife, ate, drank, and then when to sleep after such a hard day's work. Men like that operated on principle; on instinct; on the very nerves, muscle, fat, and sweat that separates the weak from the strong. Ah, those were the days -- when every male human went out every day and earned his title as a "man."

    Then along came the 21st century. Oh sure, we still have the occasional man's man (take myself, for example). I wake up in the morning, shit, eat, work, come home, eat some more, and then sleep. Not exactly 100% true to the true form of a man, but it's as close as one can get these days. In the 21st century, the male sex has become confused and corrupted by the opposite sex. Days like today men dress in woman's clothing (as in, anything consisting of more than five colors and six articles of clothing), men cook for their wives, men stay at home and take care of their children -- I could go on, but what's the use? Any sensible man -- one who has a grasp of what it was like in the golden age of man -- can tell you what's wrong with the male sex today.

    I'll tell you what's wrong. There's a sentimental belief amongst males, one that has taken more and more precedence in the last 100 years. But, there's a harsh reality out there, that being:

    Just because you have a cock doesn't mean you're a man, fucker.

    Take the following assholes for example:

    ^ No homo god damn-it![/align]

    "Let me tell you how to dress/eat/walk/talk/decorate your house/shop/drive/live so that you can express your feminine side more and more [sic]." Your feminine side? Excuse-fuck-the-what-me?

    Listen up poof -- the proper English term for "fag" -- men don't have feminine sides. At least, we're not supposed to. It's thanks to prissy fucks like you that males have to stand in the bathroom and do their hair for 30 minutes every morning. With you, man has become a word that is seldom used in its proper form. Without you, the need to remind mankind of its true self would never have materialized.

    Learn how to use your balls, stop wearing 10 multi-colored articles of clothing, stop going to gay bars, and start acting like men you prancing faggots.


  2. Devious Tyrant
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    A Call to Arms

    those bitches you pictured are not men, they are faggots, and that has to be the lowest level of life form

    30 minutes on hair, fuck that, i run a brush through my hair so not to look homeless, and do what i gotta do, fuck all the extra shit

    also, real men eat red meat

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    A Call to Arms

    Quote Originally Posted by scpt
    also, real men eat red meat
    Exactly. And hold that fucking A1 shit. A real man eats his steak pure, without any additives.

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    A Call to Arms

    hell to the yes

    i work for a BBQ restaurant, and everybody complains about their steak not being well done, one of these days i am going to explode, it is meant to be rare, not burnt damn it

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    A Call to Arms

    Funny how a 21 year old thinks he compares to a man that's been through war... you fucking pussy if you really were a man you would know how to please a woman so she'd atleast stick around and cook your dinner...

    Masterbating and eating at your mom's every evening doesn't make you a man you wimp! Taking care of your wife, kids and home does!

    You really are a mongol... and you had to stroke AzH by naming his grandpa too... what's up, affraid he trashes you? or doesn't agree with you?

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    A Call to Arms

    Dude, way to change the subject. I'm going to ignore you because Nuke brings up some good points.

    Nuke, I brush my teeth for six minutes every day. And it takes me at least four to get my hair perfect. Also, I wear multitudes of clothing as to look like a prep. Pink is one of my usual colours. I spell certain words like colour with the ou at the end, as to look more French. Also, I occasionally pamper myself with massages and pedicures, all while coming home around six every night to have sex with my lady. Emotional books make me cry, as do chick flicks, which I watch religiously. Just the other day I watched the Princess Diaries. Oh, and I like my sandwiches with the crust cut off the edges.

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    A Call to Arms

    Quote Originally Posted by jAk
    Dude, way to change the subject.
    Why thank you.... ? You should try reading through the whole thread, before making up a whole new subject you think fits your reply better.
    Quote Originally Posted by jAk
    I'm going to ignore you ...
    yup that's the feminine thing to do...

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    Of course it is, which is the point. Talk to the hand, biotch.

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    A Call to Arms

    Quote Originally Posted by jAk
    I spell certain words like colour with the ou at the end, as to look more French.
    Couleur is French. Colour is English and color is wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by scpt
    i work for a BBQ restaurant, and everybody complains about their steak not being well done, one of these days i am going to explode, it is meant to be rare, not burnt damn it
    Amen, and fuck all this tenderising bullshit, I like to chew my food thankyou.

    Great post Nuke, we need to spread the message some more..

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    A Call to Arms

    I prefer my steak to not be soaking in blood, thank you. Well done for the win.

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