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  1. Devious Tyrant
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    Anti-Smoking Bullshit...

    But hey, do what you want, you are only hurting yourself, right?
    Excatly, the ones that smoke have chosen it themselves..If they can't stop it they are fucking weak..Sorry about your loss beef but they chose to smoke.

    And I don't like smoke when I eat either..Unless if I am the one that smokes.

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    Anti-Smoking Bullshit...

    Quote Originally Posted by erik1992
    If they can't stop it they are fucking weak..
    Yet you just said you still have one when you are nervous or after school, which implies that you haven't fully given up, and are therefore 'weak'.

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    Anti-Smoking Bullshit...

    I personally like the smoking ban because I used to smoke and it almost killed me. Like Beef said, I don't want to be eating and inhaling some cig smoke. Hell, my dad goes outside or in the garage to smoke becaue of my problems and the fact that my mom is on oxygen. Walk outside and smoke and quit your bitching or better yet quit smoking.

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    Anti-Smoking Bullshit...

    Quote Originally Posted by darkclone
    Yet you just said you still have one when you are nervous or after school, which implies that you haven't fully given up, and are therefore 'weak'.

    Didn't say I ain't...

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    Anti-Smoking Bullshit...

    This is a timely thread, for me anyways...Nova Scotia has had an anti-smoking law in place for a year, which restricts smoking within 4 meters of a public entrance to any business, not at all on any property belonging to Capital Health (Hospitals and such) and not outside smoke rooms located at bars...

    But today...
    Quote Originally Posted by Press Release
    Nova Scotians will no longer have to breathe second-hand smoke in public places.

    As of today, Dec. 1, smoking is officially banned in all indoor public areas, workplaces, and outdoor eating and drinking establishments in Nova Scotia.
    This also includes parking lots and inside your own bloody vehicle, if you're parked at a business...Kinda hard to enforce.

    Did you know, that at 12:01am this morning, when this amendment became law, the fine for smoking a cigarette will be more then if you're smoking a joint...:lol:

    (caught smoking a joint = $100.00 fine
    caught smoking a ciggy = $200.00 fine)

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    Anti-Smoking Bullshit...

    Omg....Poor you if you smoke...That is just fucking stupid!!

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    Anti-Smoking Bullshit...

    Quote Originally Posted by darkclone
    The smoke I don't mind, I just stay away. It's the attitude people have when they are smoking which really gets me. All the "Yeah I can twat you coz I fucking smoke!" or "Fuck off or I'll burn a hole in ya with my fag!" remarks coming from Chavs on estates.
    I think there is more attitude and arrogance (at least in the US) from the non-smokers towards smokers and as a result smokers will respond with a similar attitude.
    This is a timely thread, for me anyways...Nova Scotia has had an anti-smoking law in place for a year, which restricts smoking within 4 meters of a public entrance to any business, not at all on any property belonging to Capital Health (Hospitals and such) and not outside smoke rooms located at bars...
    I dont have a real problem having to go outside to smoke in most situations but making people smoke 4 meters from a public entrance where there is no shelter from the wind/rain/snow is fucking ridiculous. Laws like this are just passed due to anti-smokers fanatical hatred of people who smoke. Is a whiff of a few particles of smoke that offensive?

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    Anti-Smoking Bullshit...

    Attitude? Explain to me how asking if someone would please put out their cigarette is worse than saying FUCK OFF OR I'll BURN YOU CUZ I AM TEH 1337 SM0KER!

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    Anti-Smoking Bullshit...

    Cancer cures smoking.

    BTW Currently in the US (east coast) a pack a day habit will run you the same as a small new or used car. So just think, you could trade in those cancer sticks for a new or upgraded car.

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    Anti-Smoking Bullshit...

    Well, I think the ban is the consequence mainly of the selfish smokers. Not saying that all smokers are selfish, merely saying that some of them can act selfish.

    Smoking, it cannot be denied, is bad for you. Also, there are people who find the smell of smoke disgusting, and well, it really can be annoying (in e.g. restaurants).
    Because of this, I think that smokers should take the non-smokers into account rather than than the other way around.
    However, as I previously talked about the 'selfish' people among the smokers, they do not care about non-smokers.
    Now, that is annoying. And that is why (most) people complain about smoking, and would eventually lead to a ban.

    I mean, most people (including me) wouldn't give a flying fuck wether you smoke or not, as long as you do not bother us. However, if you do, I think the non-smokers have the advantage and you should have the respect to either put out your cigarette or move away.
    (Of course, this also depends on the situation.)

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