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Thread: team play.....a definition

  1. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    team play.....a definition

    I'm putting together some .......ideas about what it really means to be on a team.

    there's some real shit going around on both servers. Both in and out of the admin population.

    Crazy accusations in the banned forum, plagues of players connecting, just to say "fuck you admin" and leave.

    for those of you that have a problem with how the game is played on TTP, it's time to stand up and make your point. You are free from penalty or discrimination in this topic, so speak freely.

    I'm not here to play CS by myself. I'm here to play with 10 people, and win, over and over. 10 people that respond when I speak to them. 10 people that pay attention, and try. I don't even care if they fail, if they were actually TRYING to be a teammate.

    I do it, with or without clan tags. There's no difference. Same play style, every time I play.

    Feel that if you don't agree with bigdog, you get slayed? Say so. Prove it.

    Feel that if you don't do what the admin tells you to do, you get banned? Show me. Log it.

    Think you got what it takes to be an admin of a teamplay-ENFORCED server? There aint no CVAR or client command we can run to make it happen. The admins here have to fight for it. They have to sometimes abandon their previous clans, friends, and even family members. They have to be willing to change their thought processes, and realize....EVERY PLAYER ON YOUR TEAM SHOULD BE GIVEN THE SAME RESPECT AND COOPERATION AS THE LEADER OF YOUR CLAN, FRIENDS, ETC. And that goes both ways. Show me you know what I'm talking about.

    Show me you're willing to be as hated and despised as I am. And you know I am. You fucks make jokes about it. Laugh it up. Think about how much I give a shit.

    Show me that you're willing to stand up and fight for it. Show me you even give half a damn that I do.......and you're in. I know people. I'm the best lobbyist here. If I want you, I'll make enough admins understand that we need you to be one of us.

    But I'm just getting shit sick and mother fucking tired of being the only god damn player, and frequently one of the few admins, who's willing to REALLY get in there, take out the trash, root out the dick heads and team saboteurs, and take the blame for it all. Having these punks come in and accuse me of abusing my powers. Embarassing me, and my work here. I'm tired of it..........I need help.

    You want to be an admin? You show us that you're willing to be a bigdog. You're willing to have people make fun of you, call you names, get on here and say all sorts of insulting, hurtful things about you. Don't know what I'm talking about? Go read some banned and abuse topics.

    Show us that you're willing to get on here and take it. And that you're willing to then stand up and fight for it. Not hiding behind your admin powers, muting and modding anyone who disagrees with you, but do it on your own free will, in a fair long as it takes...till they leave, prove that you lose, or you win. Balls right there on the table. Get out there, and fight the good fight, regardless of how stupid it makes you look to the "cool clan fags" and CAL fronting punk bitches.

    Do that, and THEN do you deserve the power to start slaying these motherfuckers.

    Then, you'll know why they deserve to be slayed, slow mo'd, burned, teleported, and banned.

    Then you'll understand what the server is about, and be given the priveldge and RESPONSIBILITY to start cleaning up the game, and getting back to business.

    We need help.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: team play.....a definition

    Hell YEAH! well 1 way ive found to get great teamwork happening is yellign and screaming on and oreo have found particular success wtih this ...we just yell and scream at everyone on our team to stick together and create rad plans for rushing..we basically yell and scream at everyone until they get so pissed off at us yelling they just follow to get us to shut up! ITS WHAT I LOVE ABOUT TEAMWORK..some ppl do it grudgingly..some ppl like to do it and some ppl jsut think its hella lot of fun..but w.e ur reasons r if u do it IT WORKS AND U CAN FKN OWN ALL THE LIL BITCHES WHO TRY TO GO plz JUST WORK AS A TEAM AND STOP BITCHING ABOUT ME AND OTEHR PPL MIC SPAMMING..WE DONT HAVE 2 IF YOU WOULD JUST LISTEN!

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    First day I got my mic fixed back a few days ago I yelled whole time I was there.
    Most no one knows how to mute and if they turn off the sound they'll never hear where firing is occuring and where footsteps are happening.
    So they HAVE to listen to me... and it works well.
    Microphone screaming = Success.
    I don't know about the CS server but I got this DoD shit on Teamplay lockdown always when I'm on.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer rock_lobster's Avatar
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    RE: team play.....a definition

    THANK YOU!!!

  5. Registered TeamPlayer MooMasterCowman's Avatar
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    Re: team play.....a definition

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    Show me you're willing to be as hated and despised as I am. And you know I am. You fucks make jokes about it. Laugh it up. Think about how much I give a shit.
    i don't hate you. in fact, the only cs player i actually hate is fagline... which is why this little gem brought me a lot of pleasure
    Quote Originally Posted by sjt17
    [sjt17] Executed : slayed user [[ATX]flatline[ATX]]
    we need more of that.

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    Man, well said..
    Then you'll understand what the server is about, and be given the priveldge and RESPONSIBILITY to start cleaning up the game, and getting back to business.
    I have only recently found my voice, both on the server, and on the game.. Its so much easier to get people to play together when there is someone to tell them what the hell to do.. But people tend to get insolent with me cuz of the fact that I am a girl.. And it pisses me off when people get petty about shit.. So, I take pride now, in knowing that if you don't play as a team, your an asshole, plain and simple.. Jello and Scuba Steve have the right idea.. Seems to work for me as well.. But the more you play, the easier it is to tell people what to do.. And the easier it is for people to listen as well..

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    team play.....a definition

    Two words made me click on the server the first time:

    Texas and Teamplayers.

    No shit. Just that simple.

    And I am happy to have found what I was looking for:

    Today, I was honored to be asked to organize and lead a team. It was, by far, the best gaming experience I've ever had in my life. Normally, I don't take the leadership role. Sure, I'll yell out to people "we need help over here," or "watch out around that corner". Stuff like that. But today was different. Someone said "Hartman, you've got a mic, why don't you get a rush together." I asked people to volunteer, and they did. I got to feel the rush of directing other players and leading a charge into the frey. I won't assume to be the leader, but if asked, I'll gladly do the job.

    A week or so ago, I saw something I've never seen before. We were stalemated on Flash. Apparently we all died at once. When we respawned, the whole team was there. Someone voxed "Stick together" and we did. We plowed the other team with an eight man rush. It was a sight to behold. It was awesome, I've kicked myself about ten times since then for not getting the screen shot. Next time I will. And believe me, there will be a next time.

    As for "The Job of Admin", I know exactly where you are comin from. I've run a couple of servers in my day too and I know how fucking shitty people can be. Honestly, from the sound of your post, you sound like you're getting a little burned out. Don't take it negatively. It happens to everyone sooner or later. I don't know who else is an admin, but if you've got one or two you trust, i'd recommend you turn things over to them for a few days. Take a break. It'll do you good and when you come back, things will be fresh. That's my 2 cents worth.

    Finally, i think there is just one more thing that needs to be said:

    Teamplay is alive here. Bigdog, you and your crew have done an outstanding job. I appreciate greatly the effort of you, your admin staff, and the players of your server. This is my home server, and there's no place I'd rather play.


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    Hartman says it all. Ever since the first time I played the TTP server, I immediately saw that there were both good and bad players, but almost all of them, not including the jackasses, were willing to use their skills with the game to win. Yes maybe one team's best flag-capper/shooter had a record of 30-45-60, but the final score for the TEAM was 10 wins, and the other team a big fat 0.

    Some people on the server just need a kick in the ass sometimes, saying something like, "Okay, you know how to suppress that entryway really well, so YOU cover our backs." We just need to get people involved.

    Yelling at people ALL the time doesn't make much sense to me, but I can understand yelling at someone if they are just going for 'ole number one.' I'm not saying giving lackluster or non-cooperative players a little 'encouragement' every now and then is bad, I just think more people would enjoy the server and become regulars if we stressed the TEAM concept over everything else, which we already do. But perhaps some of the regulars or the server admins or the respected clan members that are always on should automatically get whoever joins immediately into the game. I just feel the regulars that everyone knows and respects sometimes fail in including everyone in the game. I'll admit that I am guilty of this. I will find myself only talking to Jello or Dome sometimes, and we'll be the only ones laying down covering fire, or flanking the mg position; but if we all make it a point to work together, then the playing experience would be eons better than what we've come to know it has. Not to mention, some of the first-timers would see that this is an excellent server, and will come back.

    Bottom line is:

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    That is why I love this server. For the most part, teamwork is used, and as a DoD player, that is a necessity. The average skill is challenging to compete with as well, which is good.

    I remember my first time in here, I joined and it was Avalanche and I was on the Allies, and people were saying "sniper in the church window' and then "I got him" and the like. THAT was the moment I bookmarked this server. It's not always this good, but I haven't found another public server with anywhere near the quality and quantity of teamwork at any given time.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer yungryder's Avatar
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    team play.....a definition

    This server has brought the game to its potential...This is the way the game was designed to be played...I enjoy this way, anyone feels otherwise should go to a different server....SIMPLE AS DAT...

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