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  1. Zombie chics can't say no
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    Teens aren't ll bad, in fact I'd say most of them aren't. It's also pretty hard to tell some people's ages on the mics, as I find all females between the ages of about 15 and 30 sound the same (talk differently, but sound the same) and a lot of young boys have deep voices and a lot of young men have estrogen voices.

    Probably some of the people behaving as teens are actually adults who think its funny to act immature or leet speak.

  2. Junior Member
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    I'm 15 and I cannot get along with anyone around my age on Xbox Live. Every teenager I have met is extremely obnoxious and annoying. The people I play L4D with all the time are ages 27+ and I have been friends with them for at least a year, and a few of them more than 3 years. I just think parents need to deal with their annoying kids instead of throwing them on Xbox. There are also the "adults" who think bad mouthing a little kid or teenager somehow shows superiority and intelligence. Most of the time they are just as annoying as the people they're yelling at.

  3. I've done my time
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    The reason why teenagers seem to be more problematic is simply because theres more of them, especially on xbox.

    Quite obviously, you are more likely to find an immature acting teenager than someone older acting immature. As you tend to remember the bad instances more than good....well work it out.

    However, the OP did remind me of one time which almost had me crying in laughter.

    Someone was being stupid, namely shotgunning me full in the back many times while crouched. A quick 'FFS will you stop that idiot?' brought down a whole deluge of insults.

    However, he went on to ask what rig I had after I was ignoring him. He then went on about how powerful his computer was, how mine couldn't possibly be better, his dual SLI cards, his raid 5 terabyte drive, oh the hilarity.

    He practically creamed his pants when I told him my spec (by most accounts, a POS thing), he told me how crap I was for owning such a thing.

    No-one voted him out, everyone was pissing themselves and he just didn't get why.
    Raagghh. Uurggghhh. Blluuurgghh.

  4. Regular Joe Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christoffeee View Post
    Judging by the level of intelligence shown by 99% of the teenagers I played with in games today, I'd guess some of us are gonna be seeing out our old age in a world similar to that of the neanderthals. :P
    I personally think each generation is different from another. (Gen. X, Gen. Y etc.) If you were 18 yrs old, would you play with a slow 70 yr old player?

    I think it is ignorant to say that teenagers are lesser of a person than an adult; I know of some very mature teenagers. I will say though that I am 31 and I do tend to "hang out" with friends whom are all around my age or within 5 or so yrs of my age. My preference is always to play with mature fellow gamers, no matter age. I think teenagers and adults do have different communication styles which makes it sometimes difficult. (i.e. teenagers may have some new lingo or slang words which I have no clue about or what those words mean OR maybe they communicate too fast for me).

    One pet peeve of mine in gameplay is communication. I like the team I am playing on to communicate to each other clearly and concisely. I can't stand when other players expect you to "just know how to play and where to set the smoker and boomer at" etc. The best games I enjoy playing have a leader giving pointers and plans and no one is pissed off with one another, ever.

    Have fun out there! Stick together, it's more fun.

  5. Zombie Rat
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    For a good deal of us have been teens, some are still in those years. Just play the game and set an example with skill.

  6. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattman155 View Post
    Man, playing with a teenager in left 4 dead is one of the worst experiences ever. I played cs:s but the team was huge enough for you to ignore the dumbass(s) (teenager) so you can still play. Back to the story, well he was going around saying 'stop qqqqq and thinking he has the most skill'.

    I made a mistake by saying "Yes because you derive skill by camping in corners and bash spamming". Then he did the usual teenage routine by question me and some of my teammates sexuality, race, weight, hight and the size of our ****s (idk, was never like that when i was a teen).

    Well it got to the point where the other team was telling him to STFU or we'll kick you. He didn't take that well because he started to ff everyone on his team and several failed vote kicks appeared. Turns out he has a friend on the team who is also being a douche. They leave and the two douchebags are still on calling us names.

    Well I had enough and was about to quit when i got the message that i was being the tank. So instead of going in and killing them i decided to go block the safe room with a car (all on no mercy 1). I got the car down the stairs and in succesfully blocked it.

    So i ran off with the tank and hid him so he will spawn later. The two guys go and make a mad dash for the safe room just to find it blocked. They cuss and scream like babies till they ran in front of the parked tank in the building. They die and rage quit while still calling us homosexuals (different words).

    Anyone else have a similar experience?
    many details.....well you won so i wouldn't really care lol

  7. Zombie Rat
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    I remember this one teen who was just plain creepy. he kept accost a female player for the usual A/L . I brought up the point that he was obviously making someone uncomfortable and he really should retire. needless to say by the time we went survivor, he just giggled and ff on everybody, creepy little sociopath.

  8. Rob Zombie
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    Quote Originally Posted by eridor0 View Post
    I play plenty of public games, yet I never find the assholes. It's intriguing.
    Would I be crazy for saying that the dicks on xbox live are in the minority?

    In my experience they all stick to playing COD and Halo, especially COD.

    I'm 16, and I meet a lot of people my own age who are good mature players on L4D. Shame a lot of my real friends won't play it, they stick to COD, and yes, they're dicks on it.
    "This is why we have guns!"

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    Quote Originally Posted by LightsAndNoise View Post
    Would I be crazy for saying that the dicks on xbox live are in the minority?

    In my experience they all stick to playing COD and Halo, especially COD.

    I'm 16, and I meet a lot of people my own age who are good mature players on L4D. Shame a lot of my real friends won't play it, they stick to COD, and yes, they're dicks on it.
    I was going to say the same thing. I've never really met guys who are as stupid as the usual idiots in CoD.

  10. Hi, my name is...
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    Since all the kids are on summer break I've been getting into huge altercations with teenagers. I've found the best way to handle these people is to use insults they are familiar with but with a more intelligent delivery.

    Last week I Quick Joined a game where this kid was like "McRape I'm gonna fuck your mom and blah blah" I really don't remember what he said but I replied with "Kiss your boyfriend with that mouth?" and he shut up for the rest of the round.

    Btw nice necro. lol
    I go by iQuickie or Mayor McRape. It's a Jekyll and Hyde sorta thing.

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