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Thread: Wii friend code

  1. Senior-Senior Member
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  2. Boomer
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    Wow thats a joke. Not only do they lower the damage fire does they secretly nerf it so that only gascans and molotovs fire creates the extra damage.

    How can 2 types of fire cause damage but a flaming barrel of fire dosent? What load of bullshit

    This game is getting more and more retarded i dont think ill play much anymore at least not untill some decent mods are released.

  3. Zombie Rat
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    I've seen some dumb crap in this game but I award the Lifetime Stupidity Award to whoever came up and implemented that bright idea.

    Wizav I'm with you on hoping for some decent mods.

    And how can they even distinguish between fire types? Isn't a flaming hunter a flaming hunter? Could it be possible for a mod to make one fire type burn faster than another?

  4. Boomer
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    What they need is a fire that will burn the current idiots who work on game patches so some new people with higher IQ's can be hired.

  5. Community Staff
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    It was either secretly discriminating between fires or just extinguishing the enviromental fires.

    I actually like it, granted I utilized enviromental fires..alot, it'll be a good challenge and now it makes survivors really think when throwing that molotov. I don't think they meant for hunters to be spawning on top of burning trash cans. This makes it extremely difficult to do meteor pounces while on fire also. 25+dmg pounce + a flaming hunter often lead to me reallllllly putting the hurt on to some unfortunate survivor..

    I don't think it's that dent in the gameplay, unless you relied solely on a flaming hunter to incur damage, in which case, you have a bigger issue to deal with.

  6. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizav View Post
    What they need is a fire that will burn the current idiots who work on game patches so some new people with higher IQ's can be hired.
    Ohnoes no more spawning on flaming trash cans? QQ

    Seriously man it's a game there's no need to freak out and start insulting the developers because you don't like what they've done.

  7. Australian.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizav View Post
    What they need is a fire that will burn the current idiots who work on game patches so some new people with higher IQ's can be hired.
    Rants go in the rants section - this isn't the rants section. Cool it.
    100% Fanboy free since 1804.

  8. Hi, my name is...
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    From about 9.1+ extra dps, it's been lowered to about 3.3-4.1 dps

    It's been nerfed ALOT, but it's not that much of a biggue, fire hunters were infact way to overpowered if you think about it :b

  9. Boomer
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    Why dont they change infected damage from Normal to Easy and they wont have to patch anymore. Thats the direction they are going with the patches every patch pushes a bit further towards easy.

    People keep saying flaming hunters were overpowered bla bla but thats irrevilant because both teams get to use the hunter.

    Infected are suppose to be feared this game is turning infected into fluffy pandas when i see a hunter lately i just smile rather than get anxious. Same can be said for the witch.

    I brought Resident evil 5 for my Playstation 3 yestaday and some of the mini bosses ive came across so far have made left 4 dead look like a 3 year old's game.

    One mini boss i came across charges at you with a chainsaw and getting hit causes instant death via decapitation.

  10. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizav View Post
    People keep saying flaming hunters were overpowered bla bla but thats irrevilant because both teams get to use the hunter.
    Not true. Just because something can be used by both teams doesn't mean it doesn't have to be balanced. There's more to balancing versus than having the end scores be the same; there needs to be balance each time a team of survivors tries to go through a map.

    If each team got a gun that killed one zombie with every bullet no matter what and the team that clicked the most won the game it would be fair between the teams. That gun wouldn't be balanced and would make the game less fun.

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