At any rate. We have had some flawed arguments here. Like saying "x always fails" when it may not always fail.

Or we take 'government' and give it its own convenient little definition. Or take 'industry' and give that its own particular definition. Argument tailored to suit one's needs....

If its soo flawed, Give me an example of a government run business that is actually profitable... meaning that it's not just staying afloat from tax payer dollars.

Companies who follow moral and ethical values are already innocuous, we don't have to worry about them, so they don't even enter into the discussion...

I wish that was so, but there are no grey areas for laws/regulations. You either have them or you don't. You cannot pick and choose which companies to regulate and which ones you don't. That too creates a whole new problem with corruption in its self.

Now I'm not saying that no regulation is needed. We do need laws, however, we also don't need the government controling ever aspect of private business either. Thats what 'net neutrality' is really about. CONTROL, not about 'protecting' your rights. It allows the government to have the ability to deem what is and isn't acceptable on the internet. Capitalism hasn't failed... Greed has failed. Capitalism itself is just a vehcle, and we're the drivers. Any economic system will fail if we stop caring about the welfare of others. If you look at Hurricane Katrina, less than a month after the hurricane, private donations surpassed the $1 Billion mark, most of which went to private aid organizations that quickly provided relief. FEMA handed out $6.3 Billion in tax payer dollars, with about a quater of that going to scammers. So you tell me which was better?

So once again, give me a government run program that isn't a giant corrupted hole in which tax payer money is thrown into. So instead of accusing me of only finding the facts that just 'fit' my argument, try and find some examples of your own then I may take yours more seriously.