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  1. Devious Tyrant
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    I'll take a mod position. I can do research and post on it. Besides, I like a blue name

    I don't exactly post a ton, but I always make sure to check every post that is made.

  2. Australian.
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    Quote Originally Posted by AzH View Post
    Congrats. You're in.
    Quote Originally Posted by CAW View Post
    Grats. Welcome to the team.
    Thanks :insane06:

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    I don't exactly post a ton, but I always make sure to check every post that is made.
    Quality not quantity is what counts my good sir Well, in most things anyway...
    100% Fanboy free since 1804.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer AzH's Avatar
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    Thunder, I added you to the list for future positions. I don't want to over do it with the staff right now. I'm sure you understand.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    1/1/08 - Budget/Donations

    Guys - I'm doing things differently as there's been so much going on - thought we wouldn't list everyone out, and instead we've just made sure we thank you personally for your help. We respect your privacy here, we do not want to make anyone a target for donating......good or bad.

    Needless to say, we couldn't have made it through the month with out all of you. We're here because we stick together as a group to fight for what we believe in.....there will be future battles, tougher than this one, there will be things that catch us off guard....but as long as we never give up, and stick to our principals - our success will continue to stand as a beacon of teamplay and unselfish focus in the online gaming world.

    We're truly unique, we truly standalone.

    Income Jan 08 2335

    Jan Server 450
    Jan Server Setup 450
    Jan Firewall I (Setup Waived) 150
    Jan Firewall II (Setup+Server Move) 350
    Jan Firewall II 250
    RAM 34
    Dreamhost January (Now Cancelled) 81
    ThePlanet Data (psychostats etc...) 156
    Total Web Costs 1921

    Hypernia (Main Game Servers) 630
    Defcon (Match Server) 245
    Art of War (ARMA) 82
    Total Game Server Cost 957

    Total Cost January 08 2878

    Surplus as of 1/31/08 900

    Monthly Going Forward we expect our costs to be:
    Webhosting - 890
    GameServers - 957
    Re-occuring Monthly Costs Expected to be: 1847

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Feb 2008 DONATIONS

    Guys, we feel severly short this month, so if you've been thinking of a reserve slot, or of making a donation, now would be the time.

    Thanks to all that did donate - We now have 202 reservists total - almost the highest it's ever been.

    We had a little bit of runover as respects web hosting, it was $300 more than we expected due to some January overrun, things we'd used but not yet paid for.

    We also bought a year's worth of subversion hosting for some special things we're working on.

    152 - The Planet
    1103 - Rackspace
    630 - Hypernia (GameServers)
    235 - Defcon (Match Server)
    74 - AOWC (ARMA)
    82 -
    2276 - TOTAL BILLS

    1432 - TOTAL INCOME
    -844 - TOTAL LOSS Feb 08
    900 - JAN 08 Surplus

    66 - YTD Surplus as of 2/29/08

  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Everyone really pitched in this month and went the extra mile, and we apprieciate it guys.

    We fell only slightly short, about $121.00 all things said.

    We are starting to get a stable look at our expenses, our one time costs have run out - this appears to be our ongoing monthly bill.

    75 Rackspace-Ram (Web)
    1023 Rackspace (Web)
    630 Hypernia (Game Servers)
    256 Defcon (Match Server)
    173 The Planet (P-Stats/Web Box)
    84 AOWC (ARMA)
    2241 Total Cost
    2054.55 Total Revenue
    66 Surplus 02-08

    -120.45 Loss

  7. Registered TeamPlayer
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    April 08 - DONATIONS

    I'd like to republish the list of donator's this month - so everyone can see where we're at.

    Jan, Feb and March we didn't do this due to security concerns, but I feel the need to be transparrent now, more than ever. If you'd like your name removed, let me know via PM.

    927 Firewalls - (Installation Fee's Back to 01/01/08)
    1023 Rackspace-April (Reoccuring)
    152 ThePlanet
    76 RAM-Rackspace
    630 Hypernia-GameServers
    235 Defcon-MatchServer
    84 AOWC-ARMA
    3127 TOTAL APRIL

    1396 INCOME
    1731 (Loss)

    We did have a very large charge hit us back to January for firewall installation fee's. The charge actually hit 3/25/08 ish, and I thought it was next month's (April's) bill till April's bill came a few days later...Advertising revenue will start to show up in this month (May 08) or next, that should offset some of the costs incurred.

    We're grateful for such a strong community and appriciate all you guys do to keep teamplay alive!!

    As school lets out later this month and the summer begins - grab a reserve slot, buy a tee, get on the servers and website, we're counting on you!

  8. Registered TeamPlayer
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    We really had an absolutely fantastic month, this month guys, and for the first time our Ad revenue kicked in. We can't say who all it's actually from, but you can see that it helped.

    1737 Total Reserve Slots + Donations
    784 Add Revenue
    2520 Total Revenue May 2008

    926 Rackspace (Web)
    151 ThePlanet Data Box)
    87 AOWC (ARMA)
    620 Hypernia (Game Servers)
    235 Defcon (Match Servers)
    2019 Total Bills - May 2008

    501 Surplus May 2008
    1230 YTD Loss

    Details here:

    We had quite a few reserve slots expiring this month - so if you're on the list - reinstate them - let's keep the good time 'a flowin'.

    Happy gaming to you all as we begin the summer - it's our busiest time of the year!!

  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: June 2008 DONATIONS


    Link to list of donator's below:

    You'll see we're a bit deeper in the hole this month due to some extra costs we've incurred for advertising TTP.  We're spending about $5.00 a day with Google to advertise on sites in the gaming industry, to perhaps draw some more traffic to the site.  I'll leave the details to bigdog to explain but basically we've had our largest month BY FAR as respects users online (Over 80 on three different day's) and by unique users.

    If you want to help, but can't donate, speak up in game, invite good squad mates to the site - EVERY TIME YOU PLAY - !!!!!

    Thanks for your continued support folks - we had about 160 of us this month that helped spread the cost......without you all, we'd be a lost cause!

    The servers are heating up for the summer - If you've not purchased a reserve slot yet, you should - !

    1357 Total June Admin+Reservists+Donations (Less Paypal Fee's of appx $88.00)
    839  Ad Revenue
    2107  Total June Revenue

    235 Defcon (Match Server)
    86   AOWC (ARMA)
    630 Hypernia (GameServers)
    926 Rackspace
    151 ThePlanet
    8     Gamemoniter
    111 NewEgg Prize
    160 TTP Advertising Costs (june)

    2467 Total June Expenses

    -271 Total Loss June 2008

    1501 Total YTD Loss

  10. Registered TeamPlayer
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    July 2008 DONATIONS

    Link to the list of donators below:

    Reservists, Reg's and Admins really made the difference this month, by holding steady, being generous and helping us out by being consistent. Ad revenue was a little slow, but this will drastically pick up next month thanks to big's expert tactics.

    Another large thanks to everyone who participated in July, it was an expensive month, but a great month for growth, and for TTP, especially on the daily amount of unieque users on the site at a time...

    We had our first teamplay world championship (please see the homepage) and we awarded a serious prizes for our new banner.

    Keep gaming, keep your heads up and stay on your mic's.......if you want to help but you can't donate, tell EVERY ONE OF YOUR friends about us!


    1444 R-Slot+Donation Income
    538 Advertising Income
    1982 Total July 08 Revenue

    5 GameMont
    84 AOWC
    151 ThePlanet
    235 Defcon
    926 Rackspace
    630 Hypernia
    270 ContestPaymt
    150 Advertising August
    2451 Total July 08 Expenses

    469 Loss July 08

    1970 Total TYD Loss

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