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  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    August 2008 DONATIONS

    Hello all - !

    Budget Spreadsheet located here shows the most recent TTP monthly figures:

    It was an excellent month from a revenue standpoint.  We had a very generous clan, {HRD} pay in advance, 12 months for their match server - and we did quite well on advertising.

    We were in the "black" (Didn't lose money) in August of 08 for the first time this year.

    Great Job guys.

    We had a lot of reserve slots expire this month, so I'd like to encourage all of you who have a slot/had a slot/are thinking about a slot to get one, and to tell your friends to get one! 

    What we need now, is for the word to really spread about TTP, at your school, your work, your casa.  Tell someone who games, invite them to the website, help TTP help the gaming world!!!!

    1740.39  R-Slot+Donation Income
    636      Advertising Income
    2376.39 Total Income July 07

    5      GameMont
    84    AOWC
    151  ThePlanet
    235  Defcon
    926  Rackspace
    630  Hypernia
    157  Advertising August

    2188 Total Cost Aug 08

    188  Total Surplus Aug 08

    1970 July 08 YTD Loss

    1,782 YTD (Aug 08) Loss

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    I won't comment on what a year this has been yet, but from hack attacks to hurricanes, to presidential politics and stockmarkets......2008 has been nuts and it's just October.

    I really attempt not to wax poetic, or at least refrain from being long winded in my donation posts, but I'm just so damn glad to be a part of TTP.

    When we started in 2005 we NEVER would have thought we'd have come this far.  We never thought/dreamed etc... we'd be posting numbers like the numbers I'm posting below - just straight up amazing.

    It's unbelievable what a group can do.....what the will of a few hundred or a few thousand can this case, this month, there were 160 of us.  160 of us (not counting all those with one time donations, or our advertisers, both of which we're very, very thankful for) who pitched in and made TTP happen.  Your $5.00 a month goes a LONG, LONG way to making this site whole, financially, as well as whole from a community standpoint. 

    It might be cheesy, it might be cute, but sitting here, crunching these numbers for the last 1.5 hours leaves me in awe of the power of a like minded group.....I'm sure there is a message in there much bigger than TTP........ Although is anything bigger than TTP........?

    Perhaps the post is best left there.

    Numbers are as follows:

    1,456 R-Slot+Donation Income
    1,355 Advertising Income
    2,811 Total Income September 08

    7 GameMont
    85 AOWC
    151 ThePlanet
    235 Defcon
    921 Rackspace
    630 Hypernia
    160 Advertising August
    2189 Total Cost Sept 08
    622 Total Surplus Sept 08

    1160 YTD (Sept 08) Loss

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    DONATIONS October 2008

    I made this an article this month, because I'd like some comments.

    Do you like viewing the budget?

    Do you view it monthly?

    Anything you'd like to see?

    Post up, and make me smile by showing you care.


    Hello all, welcome to your October 2008 budget update.......yes, yes, I know you're all sitting here, excited - without the ability to move, think, or feel due to the rampant anticipation brought about by our riveting monetary conversations......

    In spite of all the economic "doomers" out there, TTP had an excellent October.

    We were not affected by, nor will we begin to be affected by Circuit City closures, AIG layoff's, mortgage backed "securitized" defaults or "write downs", Icelandic banks, the rise of the US dollar in comparison to the Euro and Pound, falling oil prices, the DOW, NASDAQ, and/or the S&P500

    We are subject, however, to continued, HARD CORE teamplay - and a community that just won't quit.

    Thanks to you all that donated this month, sincerely, seriously and with all our heart...thanks. You guys, you 151 of you, as well as the rest of you who are clicking adds, buying stuff through our affiliates or just spending some time site watching the snorg all make this work.

    We are asking to you who have been contemplating a reserve slot, or have had your slot just canceled -


    There is no better time to be a reservist, or to buy a slot for a friend, neighbor or clan mate, or anyone else deserving.

    Our excellent month in traffic in October, is thanks to you "the community" telling your friends about TTP and signing up everyone you know. A little "word of mouth" at your school really, really goes the distance...and is what TTP CONTINUES to need to go the distance to become your one stop shop for teamplay based online gaming.

    Our full budget is listed here:

    The short story is here:

    1,256 R-Slot+Donation Income
    979 Advertising Income

    2,235 Total Income October 08

    8 GameMont
    85 AOWC
    151 ThePlanet
    235 Defcon
    921 Rackspace
    630 Hypernia
    160 Advertising October

    2190 Total Cost Oct 08
    45 Total Surplus Oct 08
    1115 YTD (Oct 08) Loss

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    DONATIONS November 2008

    Well, here we are again. 

    Another month, another few thousand dollars!!

    We had almost 30 reserve slots expire this month, over 10% of our total reservists.  WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT, and we need it bad.

    Buy a slot as a Christmas?Hanuka/Kwanzaa/Ramadan gift for another TTPer, spoil the wife (or husband - !!!!) with that TF2 slot she's/he's been talking about for months.....We do not discriminate religiously in this "holiday" season.

    Here are the basic figures:

    1,092  R-Slot+Donation Income
    603     Advertising Income
    1,695  Total Income November 08

    8     GameMont
    85   AOWC
    151 ThePlanet
    235 Defcon
    921 Rackspace
    630 Hypernia
    160 Advertising November

    2,190       Total Cost Nov 08
    -495         Total Loss Nov 08
    -1,610 YTD (Nov 08) Loss

    Here's the full document:

    We cut the ARMA server this month, and have L4D coming online in larger numbers than currently available, and (we think) reserve slots for L4D on the way.

    Stay tuned for our annual recap in December, we're shooting to break even this year, if we can!

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    December 2008

    Revenue/Donations information for the month follows below.  We made some changes in December to streamline things and begin to save a few dollars here and there.

    We no longer have "Defcon Servers" as our match server host.  We moved our match server/COD5 server to killer computers along with our current BF2/2142 box.  We'll save about $100 a month doing this.  We also shut down our AOWC ARMA server.  This was our last hold out with Art of War Central, we're glad to finally be clear of them, and in the process we'll save $85.00 a month.

    Donations link (with reservists who have expired spots:

    The short story is:

    1,129   R-Slot+Donation Income
    583      Advertising Income
    1,712   Total Income December 08

    8          GameMont
    50        SMF - Charter Membership
    152      ThePlanet
    125      Killer Computers
    920      Rackspace
    630      Hypernia
    50        Advertising December

    1935    Total Cost December 08
    (223)    Total Loss December 08
    (1,833) 2008  Loss

    In 2006 we lost $1,707
    In 2007 we had a surplus of $1,731

    2008 was an extremely tough year, not just for ttp, but I'm sure, for many of us personally as well. 

    In 2008, we began the year with a DDOS attack, had "The Planet" stop hosting games and boot us, right after we lost a hard drive on one of their servers.  We moved web hosts and incurred enormous monetary costs and uncountable waking hours worrying and working.....yeah, in January.

    The really great thing is, though, for every trial we endured, for every struggle we faced we survived. 

    We not only survived but we prospered.  We continue to exist (and prosper), because of YOUR generosity and traffic.  Only with your input, with you telling your friends about us, and with you playing on TTP, founding clans, banning hackers, and making the forums a welcoming place do we thrive.

    We're not perfect, we're not special and we're not "through the woods".

    I'm sure there will be other bigger challenges we will face, and other issues we'll tackle, but I think we've shown our soul as a community in 2008 in a way that makes me feel like we've got something more special than ever before and I feel stronger standing in our positions than I've ever felt.

    I think as long as we stay up, even beaten, dragged and pummeled, if we raise our hands and are able to say "we're still here" we will continue to succeed in pushing our simple mantra forward.

    Thanks to you guys (and especially GALS)  for constantly stopping your "real" life, and lending us a helping hand, thanks for dipping into your precious resources to shore us up. 

    We'll continue to need your support in 2009, we'll continue need you to push for us.

    Hello 2009, we're still here~!

  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    January 2009

    So another month, another 1/12 of the year out of the way. This time last year we were in the depths of despair, fighting for our existence - and we were saved by an enormous group effort, and some credit...........

    This year, we've had a much better Jan. Ad revenue kicked off, we expect it to continue this was through at least we're paid 60 to 90 days the money that arrived the first of Jan was made in October (ish).

    The short story is:

    1304 R-Slot+Donation Income
    2342 Advertising Income
    3646 Total Income December 08

    8 GameMont
    151 ThePlanet
    128 Killer Computers
    921 Rackspace
    630 Hypernia
    160 Advertising December

    1998 Total Cost Jan 09
    1648 Total Surplus Jan 09
    1833 2008 Loss
    185 2009 YTD Loss

    Our first use of our surplus was to almost fill that hole we dug last year - which, note, we've almost done.

    The increase in add revenue is due to two things:

    TTP's traffic being absolutely stellar, and showing a growth curve that's really, really healthy. Over the last 30 days we had about 14,000 unique visitors....which is getting pretty serious. If we make the 20,000 mark, we're really in the big time, and we're almost there.

    Look us up on quancast on the bottom right of the page

    ...bigdog... is a advertising maniac, he's learned the system, and is lobbying to get us the best deals possible on a daily basis...

    Thanks big, you're the man.

    Full budget is here:

  7. Registered TeamPlayer
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    DONATIONS Feb 09

    Welcome to Feb 09's budget - !

    We're glad to have you reading this again, and we're even happier to be posting another stellar month of TTP results.

    We especially appreciate MANY of the mid admins re-upping their subscriptions this month!

    The long story on the budget can be found here:

    The short story is that Feb was a bit more "bleak" than Jan was:

    1305 R-Slot+Donation Income
    252 Advertising Income
    1557 Total Income December 08

    8 GameMont
    151 ThePlanet
    128 Killer Computers
    921 Rackspace
    630 Hypernia
    160 Advertising December

    2240 Total Cost Jan 09
    683 Total Loss Feb 09
    868 TYD LOSS Feb 09

    We are waiting on some (we think) large add payments, that we're hoping will all hit in March. We're using a couple of new add networks that we hope will improve results. Needless to say, it's a tough economic situation out there, and that makes us all the more thankful for what we DO have. Which is a fantastic, growing userbase lead by a bunch of smart, badass, admins and regulars (yourself included).

    Go tell somebody, keep spreading the word + thanks for making team play a priority gals & guys.

    Remember what we REALLY need is simply your outspoken, enthusiastic, dedicated support here in the forums and on the game servers. It's a simple message, but it's one that really, really counts.

    See you in game

  8. Registered TeamPlayer
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    March 2009 DONATIONS

    Hey guys and gals - welcome to march 2009's budget.

    We had a fantastic month in march, for more than one reason, the top four (for me) are our stellar traffic, bunni's new mod for monitoring our finances, bigdog's excellent job in getting us paid as respects ad's, and the HRD clans "en masse" reserve slot purchase all paid VERY generously by supercarl. Carl, serious thanks

    We have developed some padding in our numbers thanks to the above. Here's the short story, the long story is in the link below. This is a LONG list of expenses and income, so I hope you enjoy:

    1620 R-Slot+Donation Income
    3764 Advertising Income
    5384 Total Income March 09

    151 ThePlanet
    921 Rackspace
    630 Hypernia
    1702 Total to SJT for March
    868 Total Back to SJT FOR YTD OWE
    2570 To SJT

    8 GameMont
    140 Advertising December
    9.74 HLStatsX
    9.74 HLStatsX
    9.74 HLStatsX
    9.67 HLStatsX
    9.67 HLStatsX
    9.67 HLStatsX
    9.72 HLStatsX
    9.72 HLStatsX
    19.24 HLStatsX
    252 Correction (accounting only)
    182.58 Tokers Prize
    5 Paypal
    15 Paypal
    1 Paypal
    1 Paypal
    1 Paypal
    5 Paypal
    5 Paypal
    70 Subversion
    125 Killers
    907.49 Total Paid by Advertising ACCT
    3477.49 Total Mar 08 Expenses
    1906.51 YTD Surplus

    Full Details:

    The budget may beging to take a different format guys, as we move forward given bunni's new format....this is probably my last month to post it like this. If that ends up being the case - it's my pleasure to have spent the time on this over the past years

    You expired reservists, get on it and renew.

    Tell your friends....

    Get in game!

  9. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    April, 2009:

    Donations and subscriptions (reserved slots, subscribers, and donations)

    Advertising revenue can no longer be disclosed, per agreements with our advertisers. In fact, we were wrong to ever disclose it, since it violated our agreed upon terms of service with them. Apologies.

    Wojjie Networks (Game Monitor) -7.95 (Match Server) -125.00 (Match Server) -125.00 (overlapping subscription payments. No problem)
    GOOGLE Advertising -$154.61
    THE PLANET -$151.06
    WWW.RADMIN.COM License: -$49.00
    Hypernia: -$27.00
    Hypernia: -$27.00

    I have some more bills to add.....mainly the $930 or so rackspace bills us, as well as the ~$690 hypernia tab. Will update soon with exactly what those are/were last month, once I get thespecifics from sjt's account(s). Now that TTP's revenue stream is a bit stable, we've transferred the primary paypal/credit accounts to be TTP's own bank account and paypal's, rather than our own.

    bottom line.....with slots staying steady, and advertising revenue....TTP is doing fine. It's good to be TTP.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

  10. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Income
    DONATIONS: 260.94
    TTP "No-Ads" SUBSCRIBER: 114.08
    TF2 SLOTS: 249.7
    2142 SLOTS: 120.74
    BF2 SLOTS: 120.46
    CSS SLOTS: 103.2
    DODS SLOTS: 4.55
    Quote Originally Posted by EXPENSES
    -936.2 RackSpace
    -690 Hypernia
    -151.06 Planet
    -186.5 Google Ads
    -300 Advertising Design
    -79.95 Game-Monitor "Community"
    -49.99 Contest Prize
    -197.02 Contest Prize
    -189.99 Contest Prize
    -750 Quakecon
    -442.9 Quakecon
    -236 QuakeCon
    TOTAL EXPENSES: -4334.61
    Yeah....we spent some big money this month. Most of which is some big expenses related to getting ready for quakecon, as well as some advertising design we needed to compensate an artist for, and the first round contest prizes. Of course....quakecon is a once a year thing, contest prizes are now sponsored by Xoxide, and our ad banner makers deserve to get paid every once in a while, right?

    Looks like a huge deficit....but remember, we're not posting the advertising revenue brought in, since it violates our TOS and agreements with our ad networks.

    TTP is doing fine. Fine enough to go to quakecon, and sponsor contests, and do what we do. But we always want more reservists in the games. And though the ad money is helping out, we know people hate ads. If that's you, benefit yourself AND TTP, and sign up for a TTP subscriber slot. The more TTP can bring in, the more we can pass out, most especially at QuakeCon.

    Let's get famous.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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