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  1. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Donation system is active. Use the link in the main menu.

    You can donate as much or as little as you wish. Currently, our costs are rather significant, and if you enjoy what you're doing here, dropping even a few bucks a month, literally, means a lot. It takes a lot of time, effort, and of course money to keep things running smoothly, and if you're enjoying the benefits of a well run server/website, be a pal, and help us out.

    Use the "Donations" link in the left tool bar for single or monthly donations (enter your values, then press the "donate now" button). Single donations are what they time donations. Weekly, monthly, and yearly donations occur in the frequency of their namesake. For example, monthly donations recur automatically every month. Specifically, the amount you sign up for will be automatically sent to TTP each month through paypal on the same calendar day that you began your first donation, from the source of funds (credit card, checking, whatever), until you choose to cancel it.

    You can cancel recurring donations (called "subscriptions" by paypal) at any time on paypal's website in your history profile. NOT THROUGH US. You control your subscription. We don't.

    Remember to fill the button information in first (amount, frequency, currency) before you press the "donate" button. The "donate" button will take you to's secure transaction page for our account, If you have paypal, then you know how it works. If you don't, its very simple to sign up using your email address and a credit card or bank account. Paypal is the ONLY WAY TTP is and will accept donations, regardless of what they are for.

    It's easy. It's secure. And it's greatly appreciated.

    But.....why donate for nothing, when you can get something in return? Buy some TTP gear as a means of donating!

    [size=18px]Things to know about donations:[/size]

    [size=18px]#1. All donations go towards paying for the server, its upgrades, and its community (the website).[/size]
    The paypal account receiving donations is the same account used to pay for the server, so there's no need to worry about us taking your money and running. Where would we go? We're too big for scamming now. If we have a surplus of cash in the account, it simply goes towards next month's costs.

    [size=18px]#2. Donate what you feel like. [/size]
    The server isn't going to stop simply because we're out of cash. We've been running it ourselves for years. But every bit helps. If you want to donate $1-5 a so. If you want to donate more.....go ahead.

    [size=18px]#3. Donations do not guarantee promotion in power, but certainly influence it. [/size]
    Absence of donations will not guarantee demotion in power, but can be taken into account. We are not making you pay us, but are certainly encouraging you to think about helping us. You can't buy your way into power, but know that power is based on overall contribution to the server and website though play time, suggestions, communication, and of course, finances.

    [size=18px]#4. Donating significant amounts does NOT give you control over server administration. [/size]
    We can't have 10 different people editing files and making a mess of things. However, your contributions do indicate you are serious about helping, and give you a VERY STRONG voice in how things are going to work around here. There's a lot of powers to be had, other than direct administration of the actual server and it's account(s).

    [size=18px]#5. Please do not donate amounts you can't afford. [/size]
    If you are unemployed, still in school, etc....just show us your contribution in your attitude and play time. We're not expecting 14 year old's to pony up $20 a month.

    [size=18px]#6. Let's keep this cool. [/size]
    Money typically makes a mess of things, and at ANYTIME it becomes an issue between members about who's donating what, the donation system will be suspended and the "problem" will be solved.

    And you know how we solve problems.

    [size=18px]#7. There is no room for criticism about donation amounts, frequency, or reasons.[/size]
    The only thing that concerns you is your donation, and only your donation. Do not be influenced by others in your reasons for contributing. Do what you want.

    [size=18px]#8. READ CAREFULLY: Once your money is off to paypal (the server account) we will have difficulties returning it, especially if you don't have a paypal account. [/size]
    Texas ...TeamPlayers... is NOT a bank, and we are not interested in donors that, 2 weeks later, will have second thoughts and ask to be refunded. We are fair and honest people, as you can see from our dealings in the website and server, but being fair goes both ways. If you decide to make a donation, and 2 weeks later you get angry and decide to "cash out" can't expect us to give your donation back. Referring to "Rule #6: Let's keep this cool", if you don't feel that you're in it for the duration with us, through good times and bad, then don't make a donation. The last thing we want to do is make enemies, or be called cheaters, and tossing money into the mix will only add more tension, should you have an issue.

    [size=18px]#9. Paypal charges TTP fees for your donation.[/size]
    For every penny we get, Paypal keeps 3% + $0.30. So if you donate $5, we actually get $4.55 (you do the math). This isn't a major loss for the server, and it's a part of making things simple for our users. Later, we may find a way around this fee, but for now, we are satisified in getting 97% of our donations.

    Everyone thanks you for your contribution. We can make this as big and long lasting as we wish......but not unless people show they're interested.

    Donations, even small ones, show that.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

  2. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    updated to reflect new donations systems.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    December 2005

    Ă‚ Dec. 30, 2005 GeeSeven Ă‚ Completed Details Ă‚ Ă‚ $10.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.59 USDĂ‚ 9.41
    Ă‚ Dec. 29, 2005 Ă‚ [FTK]Clan Ă‚ Completed Details $12.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.65 USDĂ‚ 11.35
    Ă‚ Dec. 15, 2005 Mrs. Bigdog Ă‚ Completed Details Ă‚ Ă‚ $10.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.59 USDĂ‚ 9.41
    Ă‚ Dec. 11, 2005 Dome Ă‚ Completed Details Ă‚ Ă‚ $10.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.59 USDĂ‚ 9.41
    Ă‚ Dec. 7, 2005 Mafia Ă‚ Completed Details Ă‚ Ă‚ $15.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.74 USDĂ‚ 14.26
    Ă‚ Dec. 7, 2005 Skervy Ă‚ Completed Details Ă‚ Ă‚ $15.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.74 USDĂ‚ 14.26
    Ă‚ Dec. 7, 2005 TonyPerkiss Ă‚ Completed Details $20.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.88 USDĂ‚ 19.12
    Ă‚ Dec. 6, 2005 Odawgg Ă‚ Cleared Details $10.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.59 USDĂ‚ 9.41
    Ă‚ Dec. 6, 2005 Bighub Ă‚ Completed Details Ă‚ Ă‚ $5.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.45 USDĂ‚ 4.55
    Ă‚ Dec. 5, 2005 Bigdog Ă‚ Completed Details $25.00 USDĂ‚ -$1.03 USDĂ‚ 23.97
    $125.15 Donations Received
    170.00 Server Costs (Due 20th)
    ($44.85) SJT's difference

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    January 2006

    Jan. 29, 2006 Ă‚ [FTK]Clan Ă‚ Completed $37.91
    Ă‚ Jan. 26, 2006 Mr. Salinas Ă‚ Completed $5.04
    Ă‚ Jan. 24, 2006 DOME Ă‚ Completed $19.12
    Ă‚ Jan. 12, 2006 Mafia Ă‚ Completed $9.41
    Ă‚ Jan. 11, 2006 Mr. St. Cla Ă‚ Completed $4.55
    Ă‚ Jan. 9, 2006 Mr. Fullingt Ă‚ Completed $19.12
    Ă‚ Jan. 7, 2006 TonyPerkis Ă‚ Completed $19.12
    Ă‚ Jan. 6, 2006 Odawgg Ă‚ Cpmpleted $9.41
    Ă‚ Jan. 5, 2006 Bigdog Ă‚ Completed $23.97
    Ă‚ Jan. 3, 2006 Bighub Ă‚ Completed $23.97
    Server costs $170
    Server paid for it's self this month by just over $1.00.

    Thank you VERY MUCH to all that donated, the extra dolloar will be saved to help in January, breaking even is the first step on our way to getting better, larger servers.

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    Donations February 2006

    Ă‚ Feb. 12, 2006 OneMafia $10.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.59 Ă‚ $9.41
    Ă‚ Feb. 7, 2006 TonyPerkiss $20.00 USD-$0.88 Ă‚ $19.12
    Ă‚ Feb. 6, 2006 Odawgg $10.00 USD-$0.59 Ă‚ $9.41
     Feb. 5, 2006 …bigdog… $25.00 USD-$1.03  $23.97
    Ă‚ Feb. 1, 2006 Ă‚ Stavinoha $20.00 USD-$0.88 Ă‚ $19.12

    Total Donations Received $81.03

    Total Server Costs $170.00

    Total Paid by sjt17 $89.00

    We very VERY much appreciate all donations received, and if you like the server, and you enjoy our playstyle - we'd certainly apprecaite any donation - $5.00 or $3.00 go a long way if everyone pitches in.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Donations March 2006

    Honkee Completed $10.00 USD -$0.59 USD 9.41
    Skervy Completed $15.00 USD -$0.74 USD 14.26
    Aceman Completed $2.50 USD -$0.37 USD 2.13
    Nighttrain Completed $2.50 USD -$0.37 USD 2.13
    Dome Completed $15.00 USD -$0.74 USD 14.26
    Yungryder Completed $15.00 USD -$0.74 USD 14.26
    Ninja_Tuna Completed $30.00 USD -$1.17 USD 28.83
    Mafia Completed $10.00 USD -$0.59 USD 9.41
    Jpforfree Completed $30.00 USD -$1.17 USD 28.83
    Tony Perkiss Completed $20.00 USD -$0.88 USD 19.12
    Odawgg Cleared $10.00 USD -$0.59 USD 9.41
    …bigdog… Completed $25.00 USD -$1.03 USD 23.97
    Phalanx Completed $10.00 USD -$0.59 USD 9.41

    Total Donations Received 161.76

    Total Server Costs $170.00

    Total Paid by SJT $8.24

    Thank you to all our generous TTP regulars and admins. Reserved slots were a hit this month, we have 5 members and will have another 2 shortly.

    Great month, Keep it up!

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    Donations April 2006

    Ă‚ JACK TALIAFERRO Ă‚ Completed $50.00 USDĂ‚ -$1.75 USDĂ‚ 48.25
    Honkee Ă‚ Completed $10.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.59 USDĂ‚ 9.41
    Skervy Ă‚ Completed $15.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.74 USDĂ‚ 14.26
    ACEMAN Ă‚ Completed $2.50 USDĂ‚ -$0.37 USDĂ‚ 2.13
    Spicoli Ă‚ Completed $2.50 USDĂ‚ -$0.37 USDĂ‚ 2.13
    Dome Ă‚ Completed $15.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.74 USDĂ‚ 14.26
    duckg Ă‚ Completed $15.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.74 USDĂ‚ 14.26
    DisposableHero Ă‚ Completed $30.00 USDĂ‚ -$1.17 USDĂ‚ 28.83
    Mafia Ă‚ Completed $10.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.59 USDĂ‚ 9.41
    Brolotto Ă‚ Completed $10.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.59 USDĂ‚ 9.41
    Tony Ă‚ Completed $20.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.88 USDĂ‚ 19.12
    Odawgg Ă‚ Completed $10.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.59 USDĂ‚ 9.41
    …bigdog…  Completed $15.00 USD -$0.74 USD 14.26
    GreyMata Ă‚ Cancelled $30.00 USDĂ‚ $0.00 USDĂ‚ 30
    Hartman Ă‚ Completed $10.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.59 USDĂ‚ 9.41
    Sambo Ă‚ Cleared $12.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.65 USDĂ‚ 11.35

    TOTAL SERVER COST - 170.00

    Thank you to all the regs, reservists and admins. We actually have a little left over this month.....we appreciate it. All surplus will go into next months costs

    See you on the server!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Donations May 2006

    Honkee Ă‚ Completed $10.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.59 USDĂ‚ 9.41
    Skervy Ă‚ Completed $15.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.74 USDĂ‚ 14.26
    Aceman Ă‚ Completed $2.50 USDĂ‚ -$0.37 USDĂ‚ 2.13
    Spicoli Ă‚ Completed $2.50 USDĂ‚ -$0.37 USDĂ‚ 2.13
    Dome Ă‚ Completed $15.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.74 USDĂ‚ 14.26
    MyWasted Ă‚ Completed $10.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.59 USDĂ‚ 9.41
    Ex-machine Ă‚ Completed $10.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.59 USDĂ‚ 9.41
    SgtHartman Ă‚ Completed $15.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.74 USDĂ‚ 14.26
    DjPimpJedi Ă‚ Completed $7.50 USDĂ‚ -$0.52 USDĂ‚ 6.98
    Bueller Ă‚ Cleared $10.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.59 USDĂ‚ 9.41
    Sambo Ă‚ Completed $10.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.59 USDĂ‚ 9.41
    Brolotto Ă‚ Completed $10.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.59 USDĂ‚ 9.41
    Tony Ă‚ Completed $20.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.88 USDĂ‚ 19.12
    Odawgg Ă‚ Cleared $10.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.59 USDĂ‚ 9.41
    KungfuPornMidget Ă‚ Completed $50.00 USDĂ‚ -$1.75 USDĂ‚ 48.25
    Ă‚ Kevin Geist Ă‚ Completed $30.00 USDĂ‚ -$1.17 USDĂ‚ 28.83
    bigdog Ă‚ Completed $15.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.74 USDĂ‚ 14.26
    Hartman Ă‚ Completed $10.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.59 USDĂ‚ 9.41
    Renith Ă‚ Completed $5.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.45 USDĂ‚ 4.55
    mafia Ă‚ Completed $15.00 USDĂ‚ -$0.74 USDĂ‚ 14.26

    Carry Ovr Prvs Month 92.06
    Revenue Month 258.57
    Total Revenue 350.63
    Expense Month 577.18
    Surplus/(Loss) -226.55

    THANK YOU to all who have donated this month. You guys (and gals) make it possible for us to run TTP.

    We need your continued support!!!! Donate if you love TTP!

    We have reserve slot available!

  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Donations June 2006

    Jun. 29, 2006 Legalos 28.83
    Jun. 29, 2006 Honkee 9.41
    Jun. 28, 2006 Skervy 14.26
    Jun. 27, 2006 4.55
    Jun. 25, 2006 Stone 14.26
    Jun. 23, 2006 Aceman 2.13
    Jun. 23, 2006 Spicoli 2.13
    Jun. 22, 2006 KungfuPornMidget 48.25
    Jun. 21, 2006 ex-machine 9.41
    Jun. 20, 2006 mywastedlife 9.41
    Jun. 15, 2006 Bueller 9.41
    Jun. 13, 2006 EliteMaster 28.83
    Jun. 12, 2006 RiellyDeathDealer 23.97
    Jun. 11, 2006 LabRat 48.25
    Jun. 11, 2006 SystemOverload 1.64
    Jun. 8, 2006 Brolotto TCF 9.41
    Jun. 3, 2006 Koopa 2.13
    Jun. 3, 2006 bigdog 14.26
    Jun. 2, 2006 Hartman 9.41
    Jun. 1, 2006 Mafia 14.26

    Carry Ovr Prvs Month 0.00
    Revenue Month 304.21
    Total Revenue 304.21
    Expense Month 552.18
    Surplus/(Loss) -247.97

    THANK YOU to all those who have donated this month.....We really appreciate each donation, it's suprising how far 5 bucks a month goes if we have 25 or 30 people donating....

    If you can afford it, and you havent signed up, please donate!!

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    Donations July 2006

    Ă‚ Jul. 30, 2006 popppqy 9.41
    Ă‚ Jul. 29, 2006 Askir 6.98
    Ă‚ Jul. 29, 2006 Honkee 9.41
    Ă‚ Jul. 28, 2006 Ă‚ John Stewart 9.41
    Ă‚ Jul. 28, 2006 Skervy 14.26
    Ă‚ Jul. 27, 2006 KungfupornMidget 48.25
    Ă‚ Jul. 27, 2006 Nyguill 4.55
    Ă‚ Jul. 24, 2006 Angel 3.58
    Ă‚ Jul. 23, 2006 Aceman 2.13
    Ă‚ Jul. 23, 2006 Nighttrain 2.13
    Ă‚ Jul. 21, 2006 Sambo 14.26
    Ă‚ Jul. 20, 2006 MywastedLife 9.41
    Ă‚ Jul. 15, 2006 Bueller 9.41
    Ă‚ Jul. 13, 2006 Digital 14.26
    Ă‚ Jul. 12, 2006 Tony Perkiss 23.97
    Jul. 11, 2006 Dome 0
    Ă‚ Jul. 8, 2006 Exmachine 14.26
    Ă‚ Jul. 6, 2006 Ă‚ Jeremy Gray 14.26
    Ă‚ Jul. 4, 2006 WhiteSmoke 6.98
    Ă‚ Jul. 3, 2006 CoCo 4.55
    Ă‚ Jul. 3, 2006 bigdog 14.26
    Ă‚ Jul. 2, 2006 Hartman 9.41
    Ă‚ Jul. 1, 2006 Mafia 14.26

    Carry Ovr Prvs Month 0.00
    Revenue Month 259.40
    Total Revenue 259.40
    Expense Month 552.18
    Surplus/(Loss) -292.78

    Again, Thanks to all of those who have donated this month.....While trying to avoid sounding like a broken record......It's AMAZING how far all the $5.00 and $10.00 donations go.

    We appreciate EACH and EVERY ONE.

    If you'd like a reserve slot, or if you just want to say thanks for the lagg free server's and the "freshest" website ever (Yeah you can quote me on that) - Then send us a few $$.

    See you all on the server.

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