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Thread: Videos people should watch

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Videos people should watch

    These are great videos I think everyone should watch. The first is titled "To Kill An American..." and gives good examples of what America is all about. The second is "George S. Patton's New Speech."

    Discuss, discuss.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Videos people should watch

    The first video has already been posted on TTP and discussed. You participated in that thread.

    As for the second video:

    Quote Originally Posted by Wurzzzz
    Discuss, discuss.
    Feel free to go first. Your posting a video link and then ducking out looks more like a frenzied outburst of emotion than the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime. Nice sig, though.

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    Re: Videos people should watch

    Why is it we have a sticky for these video links, but people continue to persists to start their own threads for videos.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Videos people should watch

    Hmm, I didn't see these two particular videos anywhere so I thought I'd post them.

    To respond to bacon: I really like the Patton video and I believe its something that all Americans need to hear to wake them up from the delusion they're living in.

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    Re: Videos people should watch

    Quote Originally Posted by Axeager
    Why is it we have a sticky for these video links, but people continue to persists to start their own threads for videos.
    If the videos actually get discussed then I leave the thread. Otherwise I clean them up once a week or so and merge them with the sticky. But, you are correct. If people posted them in the proper thread to begin with then moderators could volunteer their time elsewhere.

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    Re: Videos people should watch

    Quote Originally Posted by Wurzzzz
    To respond to bacon: I really like the Patton video and I believe its something that all Americans need to hear to wake them up from the delusion they're living in.
    That's a respectable goal, but at the same time you have to be careful with your message and what you're selling. First off, where are these delusional Americans that you speak of? Am I one of them? Are you? How about some other people on this forum? Care to name names or give them a way to see that they are delusional? If you really cared about them then this might be a great opportunity to reach out and tell them how messed up they really are.

    As for the Patton video, I know you are smart enough to know that that's not Patton. But did you do enough research to discover who actually made the video? I did. It was made by a comedian. What's even more ironic is that it was made by comedian that has the gall to speak out of one side of his mouth and tell stupid lazy kids to watch the History Channel and out the other side of his mouth be proud of the fact that he talked too much to pay attention in school. How ironic.

    Here is a link to your hero's web site:

    Alright, so he's a comedian. He can still know his shit, right? After all, comedians make a living by being careful observers of life and then magnifying parts of it until it's hilariously out of proportion. Kind of like Charlie Munger's eyes.

    So let's see how well this comedian observes real life.

    In the video the comedian talks about Senator Harry Reid, stating, "People like him don't know any more about the process of defending modern freedom than they do about fornicating."
    I wonder where he got his facts. The truth is that when it came time to vote whether to go into Iraq, Harry Reid voted yea.

    Here is the vote:

    If the comedian wants to know the real Harry Reid he shoud try contacting him. Here is a link to his web site:

    The comedian goes on to say that we should not pull out of Iraq. Why? He says because all Americans love a good fight. Whether that's true depends on his definition of "good". If he means that Americans love to see their soldiers' blood spilled for the sake of some spectacular headline news then I would beg to differ. Or maybe he was talking about seeing the enemies' blood spill. I could buy that - but part of that fight includes accidentally killing enemies wives and babies and destroying communities. Is that the "good" fight that we love? I don't think so. My guess is that the comedian used the wrong word. Americans love justice - and justice sometimes requires a "just" fight. Do you remember all the talk about whether Iraq II was a "just" war? If not, it might be better to keep an eye on the History Channel instead of a comedian on YouTube.

    Here is a link to a discussion of the concept of Just War. I don't know if it's for or against the Iraq war. I didn't read it.

    After the comedian says we love blood and guts he pumps up our pride by saying that America has the highest technology weapons and without them there would be a lot more [Americans] dead. Really. There are troops in Iraq saying screw this high-tech shit. Send us some plate steel to armor our Humvees. Below is an article that says the Defense Department finally deployed more M1 Abrams tanks to Iraq but ironically it was not for their high tech. It was for their armor.

    With regard to Iran nukes the comedian says be afraid, be very afraid. That's what our government told us about Iraq, but they are using more diplomacy with Iran. Why? Because they know Iran is actually working on nukes. When the risk of a nuclear strike is in the cards you have to make sense. Why is this comedian breaking rank with the US Government by not making sense? That's not very patriotic now, is it? He says, "If it were up to me we would already be Iran and their leader would be one dead son of a bitch." Good thing it's not up to him. At least he paid enough attention in school to know that somebody else is in charge - like the President.

    In an effort to pull on your heart strings he reminds us of WWII and the role our soldiers played in saving the Jews from annihilation. He says that in Germany a plaque reads "Never Again". Then he goes on to goad us with, "How dare you forget and allow it again? You all know the old saying, history repeats itself. Well, here we are."

    Yes, here we are. The music of the media still carries more weight than study and critical thinking. The truth is that that plaque is mounted at the Dachau Concentration Camp in Dachau, Germany. I cared enough to visit it and viewed it through tear-blurred eyes. Here is a photo I took:

    [img width=700 height=525][/img]

    What the comedian neglected to say is that the plaque stands only a few meters from a museum of the Nazi holocaust. Inside the museum are documents that show how Hitler manipulated the German people into fighting WWII and how he covered up what was happening in the concentration camps. Even Hitler could not escape the wrath of God as evidenced by Hitler's concealment for embarassment of his own actions. Among the documents are bills that Hitler signed and attached his seemingly harmless caveat - that the bill could be suspended for the sake of national security. They read eerily like George Bush's signing statements. Sigh. Never again? Well here we are. Lies, concealment, erased White House e-mails in violation of law, and signing statements. Let's not talk about the foreign interrogation camps that our government acknowledges exist but will not make transparent. That might be embarrassing.

    Last of all, the comedian says, "I don't want to get any more messages saying that we need to pull out of Iraq." If he doesn't want to listen to other people's opinions then that's his perogative. It's a free country, he can do what he wants within obvious limits. Personally I think we should stay in Iraq now that we're there.

    In summary, I think the information in the video is hogwash and a disservice to American intelligence. Was that the comedian's intent? I'm certain it was not. I think his intent was to get paid for making a viral advertisement for the History Channel and you got punked.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Videos people should watch

    Quote Originally Posted by Wurzzzz

    These are great videos I think everyone should watch. The first is titled "To Kill An American..." and gives good examples of what America is all about. The second is "George S. Patton's New Speech."

    Discuss, discuss.
    modded because bacon is right he is a overall good guy and probably did get duped by the history channel and CNN.

    But I am not delusional but the rest of the world, especially certain european countries are.

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    Re: Videos people should watch


    Whooaaa! Wurzz is a good guy. Look though his posts and you will see that he is a pilot and aeronautical engineer. A genuine good dude.

    I simply think he got duped by a viral ad for the History Channel.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Videos people should watch


    I did know that it was a comedian. I did look at his website when I first watched this video a few weeks ago. I won't claim to have read everything on his website because I honestly wasn't that interested in what he had to say. I didn't particularly like the fact that you called him "my hero." I never said anything akin to that. Regardless of the reason for the creation of the video it contains opinions I thought were relevant. I'm curious to know whether you believe this is viral video or you know that it was specifically created for the history channel or whomever.

    Out of curiosity, Bacon have you see the original movie? I know that a lot of the quotes you cited are references to the original movie speech and that is why they were included in the parody. The references to the best technology, American's playing to win, etc. are all parts of the original speech that he left in because they are still relevant today.

    I think that the more interesting points were not his views on Senator Reid (I can't speak authoritatively about the Senator, but I won't say Kaminiski was flat out wrong about him), but on the health of American society. He mentions both that we should "spend less time in the [expletive] chat rooms" and that "this generation is so [expletive] spoiled and lazy, they wouldn't know a real threat to their freedom until it interrupted the power to their Xbox." Looking around, I think its a valid point (and the concept of a hyperbole hopefully does not escape anyone watching this I hope) and I agree even though he is referring to MY generation.

    I also agree with some other statements: Americans worry too much about political correctness, the people of Iraq fighting for their country and standing up to terrorists, the Iranian leader talking about killing Jews and harming Americans, the concept that "preemptive strike" is a necessary tactic given that we live in a world full of nuclear weapons. I think these are messages people should take to heart.

    As far as the war in Iraq, I have personally talked to about half a dozen Marine Corps soldiers and another half a dozen Air Force and Army officers and they all have the insight to understand why they are fighting and simply want to know that the American people still support what they are doing. None of them complained about lack of armor or supplies and some of the enlisted men actually enjoyed being in Iraq because of the extra pay (those men were not married so I would guess its easier for them). I have followed the war fairly closely throughout the years and I have come to understand why we are fighting and no one's informed opinion or list of facts is going to change my mind otherwise (f.y.i. just so no one tries). We are perpetrating perhaps the most "just war" ever in the history of human-kind. Every action is scrutinized and civilian casualties have been lower than in any other war in history I'm sure.

    On Iran: I'm curious whether your comments are factual given any specific insight that you might have (member of the C.I.A perhaps?) or just speculation. I'm not one for speculation and the logic of "we're talking with Iran because they actually have nukes" doesn't fly. The difference is that Iran has been much more willing to cooperate with our diplomatic efforts than Saddam Hussein ever was. Iran attempted negotiation, but Iraq flat out refused.

    I look around and see Americans acting without ethics or morality. Before anyone launches a debate about what those words mean and their strict societal definitions, I use them in the most general sense. When I see lawyers fighting for frivolous lawsuits that are ethically wrong, when I hear people talk about what's best for themselves, when I see misguided people speaking out for causes they don't fully understand themselves, and I see people lying, cheating, and stealing on national television just to win over the sympathy of Americans who don't have the intelligence to know otherwise, I become very angry and then quickly very sad at the state that America is in.

    I think that this video provides a view point other than the one that is popular and does it in such a way that most people can understand the logic of the opposite point of view. Too many times I've seen the media or politicians twist the truth in order to convince people that they are right when in reality they have just fed them a bunch of half-truths that seem to have some sort of logical progression.

    In short, this video, regardless of its original purpose, provides food for thought on a variety of topics that I believe the American public is generally misinformed about.

    (My regards to bacon for actually providing legitimate arguments and a thoughtful post, what a rarity on the internet.)

  10. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Videos people should watch

    I applaud both of you for providing seperate veiwpoints in a civilized and mature manner.

    I, for one, am with Wurzzzz on this one. Too many of todays youth are so un- or misinformed that it is sad. Coming from California, Bay Area to be exact, I was raised on a heavy liberal bias; teachers in junior high school would literally tell me that conservatives are going to destroy our country. I even had two teachers that would do nothing but preach about how great communist were every few weeks, and they'd spew out words that sounded straight out of a USSR propoganda radio show. This impression of liberal = good, conservative = bad was pounded into my peers heads at such a young age, that they almost couldn't think for themselves.

    They protested the war in Iraq, yet they couldn't quite tell you why. They bad-mouthed our soldiers, not realizing that they are at this very moment fighting for their right to talk shit about them. They absorbed what the liberal slant taught us, and therefore were not able to think for themselves.

    A good percentage of our youth that are politicaly active are mirrors of what their teachers have taught: shadows of their parents parenting.

    A good percentage of our youth just don't care. I asked my friend if he saw a special that was done on the September 11th attacks, only a week or two after the event occured, and he said he wasn't interested in that. Yeah. Only one of the biggest, earth-shattering, moments in America's history that successfully changed the fate of just about every one of this planets inhabitants, and he has expressed to me several times that he does not really care about it. He'd rather play Oblivion, watch South Park, and eat some fast food.

    Our countries youth, although they are our future, they are the begining of our end, I belive. And what I got out of that Patton video was this: We need to change. We need to get behind our troops 110%. We need to spark our youths interest in current events. We need to teach to our youth the facts, and based on the facts, let them decide what is right and wrong.

    My point? I am seriously lacking in the debate department and need to brush off the rust.

    I don't even know what I am saying...but I will say this: I love America. I was born in the greatest country on the face of this earth, and I would gladly lay down my life for it, or any one of its citizens. Even if that citizen would do nothing but bad mouth my decision to do so.

    I need to stop lol, I'll write something worth reading and come back later

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