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Thread: TTP Rivertrip

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Answer my question then. :P What is your major/what are you studying/what do you enjoy learning about?
    Major: Working towards a B.S. of Meterology.

    Enjoy learning about? I enjoy learning more about things I hate, so I can arugue with people easier. With as much as I hate stuff, every little fact is important to my argument.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Ohhhh see that's interesting. Have you taken the astronomy intro class yet? I tried it once and um...dropped it soon after.

    Favorite planet? Favorite star/star system? Why did you get into meteorology?
    Im going to be a storm chaser. Being around the May 3rd, 1999 tornado outbreak as a kid got me fascinated on how clouds and wind can produce so much devistation and destruction in such an intricate pattern.

    1999 Oklahoma tornado outbreak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I have heard that the F5 that went through Moore (One town away from mine) had recorded the highest wind speeds recorded on earth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    0o so you're more interested in weather. I remember that particular outbreak. I always relate the destruction from footage to videos of Hurricane Andrew footage. Quite a bit of devastation.

    That's very cool. And you thought that wasn't worthwhile to mention?

    Do you remember/like Twister? I remember seeing that as a kid. It was pretty neat and scary at the same time.

    Don't you have any hobbies?
    Never watched it. Since I live in Oklahoma (Place where it was filmed and was set) most people have no interest in watching it.

    Hobbies.... Mostly video gaming. Or arguing. And also, I am not sure what to mention, cause I am terrible at introductions. Thats why I do it like this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    You have clear musical interests. Why not list your favorite bands or songs.

    Some basic information would be good. Siblings? Prefer the city or the small town? Have any pets or a favorite type of animal?

    Any personal information? Disorders? Trials you have succeeded through? Any academic/sports-based recognition? Favorite sport (I know you seem to enjoy football)? Do you play your favorite sport?

    C'mon I don't need to hand you this stuff. Just list what is on your mind.
    Favorite bands usually involve anything rock, metal, or 90's pop. Or something my friends show me. Disturbed, Brekaing Benjamin, Rise Against, Fastball, Cake, SOAD.

    1 brother. Prefer the small town, but I live in a city. Its fun whenever I get to go to the country. 2 dogs and 2 cats. None of them mine. I dont want pets personally. Too much of a hassle fo me to take care of.

    Disorders? Probably more than one. Im too lazy to go to a doctor or anything of the sort. Trials? Not many I can think of. High School is a trial in itsself and I finished that by the skin of my teeth. No sports or academic accomplishments. Too dumb and too fat for that. Favorite sport is football and I used to play but I got fat and lazy and now nobody seems to play anymore.

    You dont have to hand me stuff, but it would take me about 3 days to write what some of you guys have written. I honestly dont have that kind of time.

    Also interesting, I only type with two fingers. Both index fingers. Sometimes i use my middle finger on either hand, but thats a rarity.

    Whats on my mind at any given time is gonna piss someone off, get me thrown in jail or a mental institution, or just something I dont feel like sharing honestly.

  5. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Good taste.

    So, 90s pop huh? Please say me that I'm not the only one on this forum who feels nostalgic about the Spice Girls. :rofl:

    Your brother play games with you? Opposite personality like my own sister? Something else?

    HS is indeed a trial. But you passed. That's great. You got into college. I don't think you qualify as dumb. You remind me of myself when I was going through a lot of crap in my late teens. I actually did get really depressed and put on a lot of weight.

    You can work it off but you need the motivation and exercise that you actually find enjoyable. I'm sure you already know all this, though.


    This is extremely interesting (to me). Were you ever forced to take typing classes in HS?

    Try me. This thread is an attempt to just get to know each other better without being too judgemental. If someone gets pissed off, we can always have a fun flame war. Doubt anyone is going to report you to the authorities or a mental institution. And if you don't feel like sharing, that's ok too!

    Speaking of which, I forgot to comment on Kayli's post...mainly because it makes me squeamish. :P I really want to know how both of your minds work since I like most of what you post.

    Are you very spiritual or subscribe to American Indian theology? Or do you just like their respect for the Earth?

    Very cool actually. I've always had an interest in things of that nature (specifically, deadly viruses and infections). What got you interested in parasitology?

    Good for you. I subscribe to this line of thinking.

    I've always liked your avatars/signatures and am glad you linked me to the artist who provided you with some of them! The corgi drawings are always full of energy.

    What have they been feeding you? When did you become nice?
    RIP Mike Starr

  6. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Good taste.

    So, 90s pop huh? Please say me that I'm not the only one on this forum who feels nostalgic about the Spice Girls. :rofl:

    Your brother play games with you? Opposite personality like my own sister? Something else?

    HS is indeed a trial. But you passed. That's great. You got into college. I don't think you qualify as dumb. You remind me of myself when I was going through a lot of crap in my late teens. I actually did get really depressed and put on a lot of weight.

    You can work it off but you need the motivation and exercise that you actually find enjoyable. I'm sure you already know all this, though.


    This is extremely interesting (to me). Were you ever forced to take typing classes in HS?

    Try me. This thread is an attempt to just get to know each other better without being too judgemental. If someone gets pissed off, we can always have a fun flame war. Doubt anyone is going to report you to the authorities or a mental institution. And if you don't feel like sharing, that's ok too!

    Speaking of which, I forgot to comment on Kayli's post...mainly because it makes me squeamish. :P I really want to know how both of your minds work since I like most of what you post.

    Are you very spiritual or subscribe to American Indian theology? Or do you just like their respect for the Earth?

    Very cool actually. I've always had an interest in things of that nature (specifically, deadly viruses and infections). What got you interested in parasitology?

    Good for you. I subscribe to this line of thinking.

    I've always liked your avatars/signatures and am glad you linked me to the artist who provided you with some of them! The corgi drawings are always full of energy.
    What the hell have they been putting in your food, Kagato? When did you become all nice?
    RIP Mike Starr

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kayli View Post
    1. I hate my given first name. I prefer to be called either "Teetonka" which is my Sioux name or "Cassie" which is my chosen name.
    Are you very spiritual or subscribe to American Indian theology? Or do you just like their respect for the Earth?
    I actually am part Sioux Indian, so the name Teetonka was given to me by a relative. Not sure if I mentioned it already, but Teetonka means she who speaks too much....which can be true.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kayli View Post
    2. I'm a Respiratory Therapist major who's considering parasitology.
    Very cool actually. I've always had an interest in things of that nature (specifically, deadly viruses and infections). What got you interested in parasitology?
    I was actually forced to take a microbiology class for my major, and while there the teacher and I started talking because I knew far too much than I should have about various types of worms. From there she said I'd make a great parasitologist, and said I could work for labs, the CDC, etc and get to play with worms all day every day. I got too excited when I heard this.
    DID YOU KNOW: There's actually a type of parasitic worm species that has sex constantly? The female actually attaches herself to a sort of pocket on the male and the two just go at it for years until they die.
    Sometimes...I wish I was that worm

    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kayli View Post
    4. I can sing, dance, and act; yet I refuse to pursue a career in either of those.
    Good for you. I subscribe to this line of thinking.
    I see it all as a hobby, something to occupy my time...why make a career out of it? It'd become a chore then.
    Fun fact: Swing dancing is my preferred style, while in singing I am a mezzo-soprano

    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kayli View Post
    10. I'm a furry. Not the CSI kind. I don't have a fursuit, nor do I have sex with animals...I just prefer to represent myself as an animal. Actually my "fursona" is a coydog seen here
    I've always liked your avatars/signatures and am glad you linked me to the artist who provided you with some of them! The corgi drawings are always full of energy.
    Yay energy!! Yeah that artist works wonders on so many different things. I have mounds and mounds of art of my characters and I adore every single piece.

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    Well when I was a kid I didnt like them much, but now I do sort of like them. But still no to Hanson.

    Brother doesnt normally play with me because he thinks he sucks. I invite him to play all the time but he usually doesnt want to. We are not completely different personality, but we are worlds apart.

    I have actually been putting on weight since like 5th grade lol. Ever since we moved out of my childhood apartment complex, where I spent every day outside playing, to my grandmas house, where there wasnt a kid for literal miles, I started gaining more and more. I should lose some, but between my bad kneees and back, football is still out of the question either way.

    I was never forced to, but I took one by accident, not knowng was Buisness Technology was. The teacher never seemed to care since I got my work done. I always thought I would adapt to home row, but it never happened. I also still play PC games with the arrow keys. Like CS:S.

    Sharing depends on the time and how I feel. Despite being so apathetic, I am an emotional person. My deepest thought happens when I stare into the horizon of a fully cloudy winter day. The kind that makes people think about their dead loved ones.

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    Random facts!

    I have eaten pig brains and it was yuck. No taste, and odd texture.
    I've also eaten fried alligator tail. Was really good.

    I cannot count the times I've been called a piece of shit.

    I think dead things are cool.

    I colleect knives and swords. I have a cheaply made Master Sword from Zelda.

    My favorite animal is a wolf.

    I'm contimplating whether or not I should go back to bed. I sleep most of the day.

    I like saying awkward things, as some of you have found out.

    I still play Pokemon. However, I am not psyched about Black and White for one reason... The names sound final. We've done colors already.

    I make jokes about things that may seem wrong to most people. But when I make fun of someone, I don't really mean it. So I end up coming across as a rude sociopath.

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    First off: Me and my brother still have a great relationship. We just dont do many activities together, but we will still play House Of The Dead together at the arcade.

    I know there is more, but basketball is boring outdoors, tennis courts are not available around here, soccer is widely hated, and everything else doesnt get played here.

    I remapped my keys so like RGHT CNTRL is crouch and 0 key is jump. Its complicates and people hate my controls, but it ensures nobody gets on to play my games.

    The sky does fascinate me. The color, texture, look of it, and how in one moment, it can completely ruin a life. Im tlaking about stuff coming out of the sky, that is.

    I also write short stories whenever the mood strikes me. Im not very good, but my friends seem to enjoy reading them. Ill show people if they really want to read it but the warning is my early work is terrible, and I dont much like my current work.

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