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Thread: TTP Rivertrip

  1. Junior Member
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    ooh, fun! i'll have to go back and read all the responses later so i know little tidbits about y'all.

    1 - my first name is jamarri.

    2 - i have this strange feeling of homesickness all the time. i feel like i belong in hawai'i but i'm stuck in texas. i'll live there someday, hopefully.

    3 - i have a 3 month old beige chinchilla named kîlauea, kîla for short. i loves him, even though he chews on everything, including my hair and chanclas. ♥

    4 - i have scars on my achilles' tendons from surgery. when i learned to walk i was always on my tiptoes. come around age 7 they realized i couldn't put my feet flat. heel cords needed to be lengthened. so i got surgery!

    5 - i love needles. i looove getting shots. when it comes to having blood drawn, i don't like the initial insertion but the feeling of it inside is lovely. feel free to find innuendo in that statement.

    6 - i'm short. i'm only 4' 10" and not growing anymore. i don't have dwarfism though so i can't score scholarships or anything.

    7 - i'm a pescatarian. after being vegetarian for a year, any other meat besides seafood makes me sick. so i only eat seafood. i love calamari and shrimp.

    8 - i ADORE pokemon. i've been playing the games since rby came out. i own at least one game from every generation. i still have my gba to play blue -> crystal. original 150 will always be the best.

    9 - i love turtles. i want a turtle tattoo somewhere.

    10 - deep within me is a west texan accent that only comes out when i rant. don't ask me why. but she's there. i call her bitsy.

    whoop whoop. ♥

  2. Junior Member
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    love 'em. i can only imagine getting a tattoo.. i look forward to the sting and soreness afterward. masochist? maybe.


    11 - i tan (or bronze since i'm already brown.. idk.) like a mofo. i can be out for an hour and get tanlines. my feet tan fastest, i always have funky tanlines from my chanclas.

    12 - i swear i ran into gary sinise at a resort pool in austin. if not i just ran into a really nice gary sinise-y lookin' guy.

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    Ill PM you my first story Kagato and you tell me what you think. If you like it, ill post it for others.

  4. Chicago Ted
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    I forgot what shot I got, but the aftermath was so painful, it felt as if my arm was falling off. It was SO inhumanly sore I almost lost my mind. I couldn't even move it the next day.

    And then I had to get my knee drained of fluid. That was the most painful shot I ever got. A needle under your kneecap is really fucking painful, especially if you have bum knees like I do.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  5. Chicago Ted
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    I remember I was molested by Kagato once.

    Anyways, fun fact: Deep down inside me... I'm an asshole. Yeah, surprising, right? Quite so. Well I kind of am, if you put me in the right mood.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  6. Junior Member
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    i've given blood once, yesterday as a matter of fact, and have had my blood drawn for testing three times (i get around.)

    never felt lightheaded or anything. when i gave blood they like drowned me with gatorade before and afterward so that may be why. i have a wimpy stomach so i can't drink all that fluid at once but they made me do it anyway. i could hear it sloshing around in my tummy for like 2 hours.

    hmm, really? tetanus shots have been known to sometimes be painful afterward.

    my immune system is a bamf so i never had any flu-like symptoms or soreness.

    i like how my arm feels after a big needle has been inside it. i like to press down on the vaccination site just to feel a bit of pain.

    ... typing this all out and reading it makes me feel like a freak. oh my.

  7. Junior Member
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    i ♥ gatorade.. except for the clear kind. and guess which kind i got!

    shots are like.. awesome for me. 'cause my mom thinks i don't like them. so i get a blizzard from dairy queen or a creamslush from sonic afterward. b-b-b-bonus.

    i used to have like a scissor fetish. i used to cut EVERYTHING. my hair, my clothes, my sheets, cups, paper, boxes, cords (RIP SNES.. i'm so sorry..) EVERYTHING. nowadays even touching a pair of scissors gives me goosebumps.

    i'm terrified of razor blades. i feel like if i even pick one up i'll hemorrhage from my fingertips.

    i've had my thumb sliced open by a computer tower (i'm so weak, my goodness.) and my palm cut open by the eye of a needle.

    and.. i may like needles poking me. but i HATE splinters. i would always get them. always. usually in my feet 'cause i hate wearing shoes when i don't have to.

    and (babbling on now) once i kicked a cactus by accident.. you know how sometimes you're walking, then you stop but your foot kicks a little further than you intended? yeah that happened when i was wearing chanclas so i got like 8 spines in my toes.

  8. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamtastique! View Post
    hmm, really? tetanus shots have been known to sometimes be painful afterward.
    Quote Originally Posted by Biscuits View Post
    Hm, I've never had any real physical side affects from gettings shots...maybe a small bruise but that's about it (minus tetanus shot - arm was really sore and painful).
    I recently got a tetanus shot after getting my thumb cut while cleaning rust off a shotgun. It wasn't very painful like everyone told me it would be, but my arm did feel lethargic for the rest of the week.

    I have a few good folding knives at home, but I don't have any good fixed blades. I also want to own a good ninja-to and katana at some point in the future.

    I also just noticed that my left arm is covered in scars (at least 10-15 seperate ones). Various cuts from surfing, skateboarding, fights, burns, etc. cover my left arm while my right one remains pretty clean. Maybe I need to do more knife fighting against monkeys or something.

  9. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    That's quite a few scars! You told me you snowboard I think...anything else you do? Do you still pursue surfing, skateboarding, and ( :rofl: ) fights?
    I still do surfing every now and then (did some last month in Hawaii), but I haven't skateboarded in years. I sprained my ankle really badly while I was an undergrad and pretty much never stepped on a board again (due to other reasons as well as the injury).

    The fight scars are all from being a stupid kid. I'm sure we all have them, just some more than others.

    I also have one that runs about 3 inches long down my thigh from poorly jumping a fence as a kid. Thankfully the cut wasn't too deep, so even though I ruined a pair of pants, I wasn't in any real danger of bleeding out. Back then I was too stupid to even think about getting a tetanus shot either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    I'm actually the opposite. I'm a kind person deep down but an asshole on the outside.
    Kagato the tsundere?:rofl:
    Sometimes I wonder how I come across. I'm usually pretty serious with people I don't know well, but I always have these irresistible urges to crack seriously shitty jokes all the damn time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Biscuits View Post
    - I LOVE Cheez-It crackers. They're so delicious, especially the white cheddar flavour. Unfortunately, they do not sell them where I live...

    And finally:

    Dude, you should try eggs with salsa. It may sound weird, but I think it's even better than ketchup
    Oh man, those white cheddar Cheez-Its are great. I just bought a box for the first time last week on a whim and they make great brain food while I'm sitting at my work desk.

    Eggs with salsa isn't weird, it's called huevos rancheros.

  10. Regular Joe Member
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    -My name is Nico Angelo
    -I live in the Philippines..
    -I love listening to Rap and Rock music..
    -Im taking care of 5 baby hamster in my home
    -Im also practicing martial arts
    -& Love surfing the net and playing any Lan Games.

    thats all hehe

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