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Thread: Nader is in - who will he take more votes from?

  1. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    Well this is the thing - we have several options - we can either run one-off tourneys, one persistent and ongoing ladder, or we can simply run a series of one or two month long ladders to keep things fresh.

  2. Join Date
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    I rather like the second one, because of the integrated stats and tournament look. I also believe that the forumers would prefer teams over individuals, but they are both great ideas.

  3. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    made up my mind.

    the first one.

    do it.

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  4. Chicago Ted
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    First one is more befitting. Are there more options? We could just gather up a bunch of options for the tourney mod and put them in a poll rather than look through the thread getting yes/no answers.
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  5. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    If there are more options, they weren't immediately viewable, which leads me to the impression that they're likely to be abandoned and/or in a less than brilliant state.
    I think either of these two are strong enough candidates to run the system on, it's simply a case of which we prefer.

    Personally, I like the idea of the first one - it gives things a slightly more interesting twist to the same old GameBattles-style rankings that you see everywhere.
    However, this view might be swayed slightly by the fact that I'm vastly in favour of ranking players individually, and I feel that the first mod is the better way of doing that.

  6. Community Staff
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    I think before any mod is chosen, I think how teams are going to be decided will play a very big factor. Will you follow the GB style with a permament team or if we choose the first one - will the teams constantly change?

    If the latter, that could settle the worry of an absolute dominate team on the ladder, but we also should try to avoid sticking the same guy with some less than average team mates based on such randomness.

    Onto the 1st vs 2nd style:

    I like the second one because I feel like its simpler, more effective and a lot less equations to worry about. It gives users the ever so important customization of their profiles. The major downside is the potential drama of picking teams and it seems like it's a one time thing. We'd basically be hosting bi-weekly tournaments or something rather than a ladder/ranking system. Maybe we can have a weekly tournaments/matches and the last week of the month, can be the championship tourney with W:L ratios being the deciding factor on who makes it?

    One of the reasons I like the first one too though is because it does offer a constant ranking/ladder system. But how would we decide the individual score? The sum of the points scored for that game divided by 4 or some arbitrary equation?

    Those are just some of the quarrels I have with the different styles. I'm going to have to go to the first one though. We can always keep a stickied thread in a subforum listning the top 10 players, if they really want a ranking on the website.

  7. Community Staff
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    Yeah after thinking about it - I think the first one would best suit the forums. Granted it sucks there's no integration but I think it would best suit the forums.

  8. Banned
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    It is possible to modify the script to integrate with user profiles but I don't know how much work that would be without looking at the source code.

    I'm leaning more towards the second option because it seems like less work in the short and long term.

  9. Hunter
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    Wow, am I the only regular member who has been handpicked? I feel special.
    Anywho, as for the mod, I say the first one, as everyone else has said. As Dead Prodigy stated in his post "It does seem more suited to a longer running event, which I assume we're planning to do with this."

  10. Banned
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    I'm going to go look around to see if there is anything out there that can be modified for our needs. IIRC there are a few open source ladder scripts out there that could probably be modified to integrate with the vBulletin database. I'll reply to this thread again when I find a few good candidates.

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