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Thread: Obama strikes again!

  1. Junior Senior Member
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    I got kicked for shooting a car alarm and was cursed at
    Damn them

  2. Just getting started
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    Someone stole my health pack when i was setting up explosive rounds.. Not that big of a deal eh? Right, but then I was going for the achievement that requires you to kill a certain amount of infected with a grenade launcher. The same kid, knowing i was achievement hunting grabbed the only launcher and kept it to himself. Upon comparing games a bit later he had already had the achievement.

  3. On the way to greater things
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    #1. Not to me, but I did this to someone.

    I joined a team of people using mics, and one dude said he didn't have my back because I wasn't using a mic. Normally I would just shrug this kind of stuff off, but this guy was obviously an elitist asshole (who wasn't that good at the game anyway) and he really wasn't trying to cover me at any point in the match.

    Anyways we were playing The Parish, and we got to the part where you had to activate the tractor. He was kneeling down on the top walkway near the edge, where you would normally jump down after having left the room with the desk and the ammo. So I go up behind him, and I nudge him so his character falls is incapped hanging off of the ledge. I shoot him in the face and jump down.

    Anyways after this point my team all died, but I managed to solo it to the saferoom. They tried kicking me but one person said no. Now whenever I join a game with the guy in it he tries to vote kick me out. I've since changed me handle so I don't have to put up with childish garbage like that.

    #2. I was playing Cold Stream with a team, and one player insisted that we all follow and cover him while he lead the way wielding an axe. I ran ahead of him anyways because he was a whiny douche, so he called a vote to kick me. It failed, and I just said, "lolwut". These people were so bad that they decreased the difficulty to easy.

    This wasn't so much 'mean', as sad and pathetic.

  4. Junior Member
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    This wasn't done to me, but in a vs. match one guy on the survivor team was pissed that one of his teammates wasn't pulling their weight (was just a noob, basically), so I smoker pulled the noob and the other survivor just stood right next to me intentionally, watching me slowly kill him.

  5. On the way to greater things
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrowbarCr0wn View Post
    This wasn't done to me, but in a vs. match one guy on the survivor team was pissed that one of his teammates wasn't pulling their weight (was just a noob, basically), so I smoker pulled the noob and the other survivor just stood right next to me intentionally, watching me slowly kill him.
    Versus can be rough for people new to it, especially for those new to the game entirely (I got my ass handed to me as a survivor the first time I tried it). I always facepalm when my team is scavenging at a leisurely pace like they're in campaign mode.

  6. Junior Member
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    Also, some dude called me a fucking noob for deploying incendiary rounds for everyone at the start of a survival round and then ragequit.

    I don't even have any idea what the hell he wanted to save them for. A tank? What does he think the mollys are there for?

  7. Zombie Cat
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    Today in NM finale, I was running and shooting at the first Tank. And two of my teammates start running at me and the Tank, and they shoot me down with their autoshotties (yes on purpose). The Tank ends up going after one of them, and the other one just starts teabagging me.

    We lost the match. lol.

    R I P forum.

  8. Zombie Dog
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    I think the split-screeners with no lives who go into an expert game, call the vote to restart, then leave, really are desperate for attention that they won't get (because they left the game). After that I stuck to private and friends-only expert games.

  9. Senior-Senior Member
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    It didn't happen to me but today I watched while one player asked another if he could kill him outside the safe-room so the guy wouldn't "waste" a health-kit. And the guy said rather sheepishly "ok." I am amazed how chicken-shit these players are.

    "Hey man, do you mind if we kill you so you won't waste a health-kit?" That's the state of the game! How low-life do you have to be to ask, and how low-life do you have to be to say yes!

    If you hadn't noticed it's another pathetic attempt to distract and blame another player for ones own health-hog behavior. If you want my health-kits come out and say it!

  10. Administrator Kanati's Avatar
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    Obama strikes again! Obama strikes again! Obama strikes again! Obama strikes again! Obama strikes again! Obama strikes again!
    I literally never play campaign, but I do remember that downing a player was beneficial in some cases because when you come back you have half health or something... So possibly that was the case there?

    Krakkens and shit. stop tempting them.
    -- Bigdog

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