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Thread: Woot Off!

  1. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by KillerJay View Post
    Lol. If it's randomized after, I'll be fine then. I just don't wanna get my ass kicked ONCE then everyone leaves :P

    and lol. I started saying sorry alot again in my second 4 v 4 and Red said every time I said sorry, he'll vote to kick me. XD
    Yeah, but if Datsu's in it, expect me to be depressed, and not borthering to try if on opposite sides.. I dunno why I get that way.

    Haaaa. How many times did he put a vote up to kick you?

    Actually, that was my second 4v4. My first was on Death Toll and we lost that one because I was a complete nub. The one I was talking about was the one we won on Blood Harvest and someone deleted us for winning. :/ Skeet was pretty mad too.. said we were glitching and stuff.. F.u.n... ghost:

    Team's were;

    - Almighty Datsu
    - Evolklower
    - Aneanthesieus
    - Insert my old GT here

    - Skeetn 365
    - DiabloGT2
    - DvdP1laya
    - oic acid
    Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah.

  2. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by Almighty Lag View Post
    Yeah, but if Datsu's in it, expect me to be depressed, and not borthering to try if on opposite sides.. I dunno why I get that way.

    Haaaa. How many times did he put a vote up to kick you?

    Actually, that was my second 4v4. My first was on Death Toll and we lost that one because I was a complete nub. The one I was talking about was the one we won on Blood Harvest and someone deleted us for winning. :/ Skeet was pretty mad too.. said we were glitching and stuff.. F.u.n... ghost:

    Team's were;

    - Almighty Datsu
    - Evolklower
    - Aneanthesieus
    - Insert my old GT here

    - Skeetn 365
    - DiabloGT2
    - DvdP1laya
    - oic acid
    Well, if they'll let you, you can have him move to our team or you can move to his team lol. I'd be fine with it. I guess. /sniffle

    Not alot, it's just maybe once or twice. I got away with it a few times by mumbling it. xD

    My first 4v4 was us getting out of a pubstomp and into a game with one of Crimson's mates.

    I Redemptionx I

    0 Shotz 0

    Also my first awesome FYOK/SWO match. :P So many sorries were said that night.
    "I'm a pub, but I'm the Yogi Bear of Pubs, better than your average pub."
    One of the many derp infected
    Team 'madbro? member

  3. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by KillerJay View Post
    Well, if they'll let you, you can have him move to our team or you can move to his team lol. I'd be fine with it. I guess. /sniffle

    Not alot, it's just maybe once or twice. I got away with it a few times by mumbling it. xD

    My first 4v4 was us getting out of a pubstomp and into a game with one of Crimson's mates.

    I Redemptionx I

    0 Shotz 0

    Also my first awesome FYOK/SWO match. :P So many sorries were said that night.
    Aww thanks, but I should get used to going against Datsu. >~<" I dunno, he might not be on for it anyways..


    Wow, those are such good teams! ^~^ Was this on Dead Air? I think I saw chapter 3 on Brad's youtube.
    Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah.

  4. Zombie Dog
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    Oh yeah. It was Dead Air, and yeah, that same game.
    "I'm a pub, but I'm the Yogi Bear of Pubs, better than your average pub."
    One of the many derp infected
    Team 'madbro? member

  5. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by KillerJay View Post
    Well, I don't think Mandi and I are looking to play only 4 v 4's, we had this one come up out of the blue lol. I wouldn't mind 'em, but I don't really wanna play with that same team. I know Mandi hates srs games, and Kyle hates me being stubborn or bossy lol.
    I would mind serious games if I didn't feel like I was the one messing up everything. I feel I do even worse because I'm pressured and I want to do as good as the people on my team, but can't. x_x

    Quote Originally Posted by Almighty Lag View Post
    I know what it feels like Mandi! <3 I have the same feeling when it's Friend onlys. I get super mad, I dunno why, I just hate them. Out of the people Crimson listed, I'm the worst one, so go after me. I pull hitmans a lot, I can barely skeet because I'm red bar, etcetc. :rofl: If you don't want to play in a 4v4, I understand. x~x Shoulda seen me in my first 4v4, I continuously said sorry.. lol. I'm pretty sure after that 4v4 we'll randomize it up.. I wont like it because I hate going against Datsu.
    I'm going to play it but I know the whole fucking game I'm going to be swearing and raging to death rofl.
    and aw. Well maybe you and Datsu will still be on the same team if we randomnize it afterwards? T_T

    Have any of you talked to Hillbilly to see when this is actually happening? Like tonight, tomorow?

    R I P forum.

  6. Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by KillerJay View Post
    Well, I don't think Mandi and I are looking to play only 4 v 4's, we had this one come up out of the blue lol. I wouldn't mind 'em, but I don't really wanna play with that same team. I know Mandi hates srs games, and Kyle hates me being stubborn or bossy lol.
    LOL Jay! I don't serious games every once in a while, but I like to have fun and I hate people yelling at me.

  7. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huntressa View Post
    I would mind serious games if I didn't feel like I was the one messing up everything. I feel I do even worse because I'm pressured and I want to do as good as the people on my team, but can't. x_x
    Lol. Mandi, you play fine. Don't pressure yourself to do as good as your team xD You'll overdo yourself, trust me. If you have a flaw, let your team cover it, and if they have a flaw, try to cover it as well. You don't have to be as good as them or perfect or anything xD
    "I'm a pub, but I'm the Yogi Bear of Pubs, better than your average pub."
    One of the many derp infected
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  8. Zombie Cat
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    I know. It's just hard not to feel pressured. xD And I know when I make a mistake, everyone is like cussing me out under their breaths and are all "get the fuck out my game!"

    And yeah I have to work on that confidence shit definitely. haha. But yeah, somedayyyyy!!

    R I P forum.

  9. Community Staff
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    lol, cheers for the quick game of scavenge earlier Jay!

    Nice 3HP pounce

    It's nice to play with people who clear quickly! :P Come join in anytime man (and that goes for the rest of you guys too!)

  10. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by zencats View Post
    lol, cheers for the quick game of scavenge earlier Jay!

    Nice 3HP pounce

    It's nice to play with people who clear quickly! :P Come join in anytime man (and that goes for the rest of you guys too!)
    Yeah, man, no problem! I'm always up for a rare quickie of scavenge if you have space for me and my fail-self

    Hell yeah! xD I had 3hp for 2 pounces and they still didn't kill me! I just HAD to state it in a quick message
    "I'm a pub, but I'm the Yogi Bear of Pubs, better than your average pub."
    One of the many derp infected
    Team 'madbro? member

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