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Thread: Woot Off!

  1. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braineater XO View Post
    O_o Lets! Me and crim had been on a team together before and I should say...we're pretty legit. xD

    Lag: That's pretty funny you pub stomped Chinx! lolol.
    We played Chinx A LOT of times but, the one legit 4v4 we had we made two team members leave during chapter 3. It was Datsu, Fang, Elliot I think and myself. Against his team. I actually want another 4v4 against Chinx, because it was completely horrible that his team mates left. :| lol.
    Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah.

  2. I've done my time
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    Quote Originally Posted by KillerJay View Post
    Me and 2 of Zencat's friends played a game against pubs yesterday and at several points, I think we would've had a perfect game, but in NM3, I was stupid and saw the charger coming and moved, but got knocked off the lift and insta-capped with the pub, and Hunty and Dougie got attacked. :| In the finale, I think I was charged off and everyone else made it, but I believe all 4 of us made it in NM4. Zen, your friends are damn good in versus too, as well as scavenge
    haha this is awesome. How about that game on The Passing yesterday jay?

  3. Zombie Dog
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    We had a game of the passing? O.O I don't think I remember that one xD I only played one game and I don't think you were in it. I know you and Zen joined me and my friends goof-off No Mercy game though
    "I'm a pub, but I'm the Yogi Bear of Pubs, better than your average pub."
    One of the many derp infected
    Team 'madbro? member

  4. I've done my time
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    hmmm my bad could've sworn it was you. Yeah zen wasn't messing around though, he told me he was going for blood. Anyway we should have a versus game against each other sometime, we rarely get tested in versus and our experience with CG was a bit shit, we play hard but we also like to have fun which definitely isn't the CG way.

  5. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by HuntyMgee View Post
    hmmm my bad could've sworn it was you. Yeah zen wasn't messing around though, he told me he was going for blood. Anyway we should have a versus game against each other sometime, we rarely get tested in versus and our experience with CG was a bit shit, we play hard but we also like to have fun which definitely isn't the CG way.
    Yeah, I figured when I saw that message. 'Oh, no worries ' sneaky man. :P

    Yeah, we should have a versus match someday. I goof off too much to play like a CG person or even really good though, but I do try when I'm in a somewhat serious match lol.
    "I'm a pub, but I'm the Yogi Bear of Pubs, better than your average pub."
    One of the many derp infected
    Team 'madbro? member

  6. Community Staff
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    Gah, Hunty's trolling already...

    Jay knows I was messing around, yep dude, I was the charger that was running around, popping boomers and punching smokers... I also got kicked twice as well that game (as soon as I spawned as a tank the vote came up).

  7. I've done my time
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    Ah you caught me, dammit.
    I think we've successfully de-railed this thread...
    Is this a thread made entirely for Jay and his antics?

  8. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by zencats View Post
    Gah, Hunty's trolling already...

    Jay knows I was messing around, yep dude, I was the charger that was running around, popping boomers and punching smokers... I also got kicked twice as well that game (as soon as I spawned as a tank the vote came up).
    Lol, I was wondering about that Charger xD My friend was getting angry because you kept punching her or charging her. "I think he's out to get me, I swear."

    Thanks for being a good sport with us and not kicking our asses xD

    And yeah, pretty much, Hunty. It's keeping me from talking about my games in the chat and everything.
    "I'm a pub, but I'm the Yogi Bear of Pubs, better than your average pub."
    One of the many derp infected
    Team 'madbro? member

  9. Junior Senior Member
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    I'm gonna be hosting all of the L4D2 campaigns on Versus
    Send me a message at my GT and I'll invite you

  10. Zombie Dog
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    Okay, get done playing with Kyle, I go lobby hopping. Stay in a lobby full of mic'rs. The Parish. <3

    So, we are survivors first, we do AMAZING. Dodge the insta-kill, juke their tank almost to the saferoom before we get tri-capped with the car. But get this. Our revenge is me suiciding for the spitter, getting a charger, my entire team has securing infected, I get THREE PEOPLE. One charged, 2 charged off into the water, the last one is Jockey'd. Gotta love it all.

    We do STUNNINGLY well the entire game, even when we die mid-way through. We kill them almost immediately every time, the 4th map being the only time they get distance.

    I pull out a sick skeet in the finale with the HR, actually sending the hunter ragdolling BACKWARDS into the water.
    "I'm a pub, but I'm the Yogi Bear of Pubs, better than your average pub."
    One of the many derp infected
    Team 'madbro? member

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