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Thread: Commander gripes...

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Re: RE: Commander gripes...

    Trust me, I doubt I would ever get a mutiny. Whenever I am commander which is rare, I make sure everyone is on the level and I am told that people enjoy my being a commander and I am always sure to keep any troops out of danger at any time. I make sure that nobody needs a vehicle before I do that. I communicate with my team and am activly giving them orders in which arent out of line causing them to go across the map and placing artillery wherever its needed and if something isnt available at the moment I tell the squad leader immediatly as soon as its available.

    You just changed your argument from the commanders team losing tickets to you not getting a vehicle because of a bad drop.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Re: RE: Commander gripes...

    well manfred, dispite the fact that your using team assets that could be better used, isnt it kinda noobish and in a way game exploiting to drop stuff on choppers/aircrafts taking off?

    I realy hate arty on uncappable flags and any kinda attack that isnt a attack to take out arty, uav or me its just mainbaserape and plain statwhoring, dont you think so too?

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Re: RE: Commander gripes...

    Well the thing is, commanders dont get kills for arty or any other commander type thing he does. A commander gets his score based on how well the squads do. When I am a commander I do well so that my squads do well. An arty strike on an uncappable base really isnt that bad to tell you the truth. Not to me anyways. It is the other commanders job to stop the enemy however he can.

    SPawn camping is wrong though and I disagree with that, however if using a vehicle to destroy a chopper which may potentialy cause the demise of severall of my troops instead of getting it to one person so that they can drive it somewhere and leave it or get destroyed by the troops in that helo or the helo itself isnt teamwork I am obviously the worst teamplayer on this server.

    When I am a commander I do it because I feel obligated to my entire team to supply them, help them, and work with them however I can in order to suceed.

    Now I really am tired of being the one that looks like an asshole so dont even question me anymore about this.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Re: RE: Commander gripes...

    you are right about commander not getting points, i was for a moment back to the earli patches when it was different.

    I can see yor point, but I disagre cause I think its ruins the game to arty or whatever on uncappable flags, While i was playing Clanwars that was a understanding between clans that its a nono to attack mainbases(uncappable flags) and those clans who did that anyway got a bad rep very fast, I was playing the desert combat mod for bf1942 and you got kicked or banned from servers if you attacked mainbases, most of the desert combat community turned to bf2 when it was relesed, but so did a lot of cs kids and other not so organized(in a bigger tactical way) fps gamers, and suddenly tking for planes,queue jumping, base camping and mainbaserape accepted almost without any complaints...that distrubs me greatly, but since BF2 isnt BF 1942 nor Desert Combat I guese I just have to adapt to this kinda thinking, but rather watch skill instead of cheap-shots ...but I cant have it all, now can =)

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Re: RE: Commander gripes...

    I hate when a commander uses vehicle drops for his own personal transportation away from enemies. I also hate when U.A.V. is used at a location where there are no enemies. Another thing is when a commander isn't commanding, but running around with the rest of the infantry. The last thing that pisses me off is this: I have an amazing game, my team wins, and I'm an expecting a Gold Medal. Then I realize the commander gets 2x for victories, and he steals my gold medal.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Re: RE: Commander gripes...

    I hate when a commander uses vehicle drops for his own personal transportation away from enemies. I also hate when U.A.V. is used at a location where there are no enemies. Another thing is when a commander isn't commanding, but running around with the rest of the infantry. The last thing that pisses me off is this: I have an amazing game, my team wins, and I'm an expecting a Gold Medal. The I realize the commander gets 2x for victories, and he steals my gold medal.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Re: RE: Commander gripes...

    I think the whole team gets 2x for the win... not just the commander...

  8. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Re: RE: Commander gripes...

    Nope, just the commander.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Re: RE: Commander gripes...

    The commander is the only one to get 2X of the average squad score for the win. This was done intentionally in hopes to motivate the commander to concentrate on TACTICS rather than feeble attempts of wasting valuable vehicles by dropping them on enemy infantry and vehicles.

    Give me a competant commander, my squad, and I will bring home victory consistently!

  10. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Re: RE: Commander gripes...

    manfred all u said was retarted nyquil u were right and i have found a preety good commander for the field not the best but he gives u all u need

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