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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by Benandorf
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    But you don't run your mouth like a fool, when everyone knows it's not just a bluff, it's a joke of a bluff.
    That's the problem. "Everyone" doesn't see it as a bluff/lie/whatever. I'd be willing to bet a LARGE percentage of people see it as a true statement.
    then they need to start accepting the fact that they are now "Bush doctrine" lovers. Unilateral, go it alone, "you are either with us or you are with the terrorists", "wanted dead or alive", willing to invade other countries on the "actionable intelligence" that terrorists might be there.

    And if it's such a national tragedy that bush does these things, but it's OK for Obama to do it when he's the president........then democrats are sheep. Blind. Stupid. Mindless. Sheep getting their news from bumperstickers and cool you tube videos, and not actually knowing what the fuck is going on in the world.

    Little arguments like that are the "ace in the hole" types of things you keep after you let some liberal blabber on and on about how the war on terror isn't in iraq, it's in the hills of afghanistan and pakistan. Let them just keep on going and going, and then point out that they are a unilateral, nation building, regime changing, pre-emtpive, "intelligence" believing clone of the "Bush Doctrine". And then watch them sit there.

    fucking wake up, democrats. Pick a platform that makes sense, and isn't just opposite of everything bush does. invading pakistan, attacking pakistan, regime changing pakistan (which is something Biden said last night) is riduculous. If you're for that, then by definition you are required to be for doing the same to Iran, for sending american soldiers, with bullets, into Sudan and Darfur, and killing bad people. And that makes you a republican and a Bush Doctrine lover. How's that feel?
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by triggerhappy2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    Quote Originally Posted by triggerhappy2005
    Those interviews were not edited. When Gibson asked for her take on the Bush Doctrine she asked "in what respect Charlie?" She didn't know what it was. And yes she should have b/c she's running for the second highest office in the land.

    Rock it doesn't help your arguement when you make things up or lie about your candidate.
    As for not knowing what the bush doctrine is.....even I don't know what that is. You don't know what it is, either, since there isn't one.
    You're not running for office bigdog, she is. She should know these things. We shouldn't want our officeholders to be mis-informed.
    you aren't paying attention. asking "what is the bush doctrine" is a trick question because there is no such thing. Not because you, or I, or Palin doesn't know what it is. When I say "even I don't know" I'm saying it's not possible to know. You, of course.....somehow.....didn't read that, since you are dedicated into believing there IS a bush doctrine that palin is so stupidly unaware of. take away the existence of a bush doctrine....and her answer becomes correct.

    You're blind, trigger. Caught up in the hype, and not the facts. What is the bush doctrine? Taxes? Unilateralism? Pre-emption? trade policies? Diplomatic policies? Do YOU have any examples, period?

    too easy.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    Quote Originally Posted by triggerhappy2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    Quote Originally Posted by triggerhappy2005
    Those interviews were not edited. When Gibson asked for her take on the Bush Doctrine she asked "in what respect Charlie?" She didn't know what it was. And yes she should have b/c she's running for the second highest office in the land.

    Rock it doesn't help your arguement when you make things up or lie about your candidate.
    As for not knowing what the bush doctrine is.....even I don't know what that is. You don't know what it is, either, since there isn't one.
    You're not running for office bigdog, she is. She should know these things. We shouldn't want our officeholders to be mis-informed.
    you aren't paying attention. asking "what is the bush doctrine" is a trick question because there is no such thing. Not because you, or I, or Palin doesn't know what it is. When I say "even I don't know" I'm saying it's not possible to know. You, of course.....somehow.....didn't read that, since you are dedicated into believing there IS a bush doctrine that palin is so stupidly unaware of. take away the existence of a bush doctrine....and her answer becomes correct.

    You're blind, trigger. Caught up in the hype, and not the facts. What is the bush doctrine? Taxes? Unilateralism? Pre-emption? trade policies? Diplomatic policies? Do YOU have any examples, period?

    too easy.
    bigdog, straight up, your so full of shit.

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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by triggerhappy2005

    You're blind, trigger. Caught up in the hype, and not the facts. What is the bush doctrine? Taxes? Unilateralism? Pre-emption? trade policies? Diplomatic policies? Do YOU have any examples, period?

    too easy.
    bigdog, straight up, your so full of shit.
    like I said. Watch them just sit there. Stick out their tongues and make faces. But bring nothing to the table.

    You want to be for saving the world and the environment, but you oppose nuclear power. That = idiot. Democrats.

    You want to oppose the war in Iraq, because it was based on faulty intelligence and unilateral action, and without the support of the UN (which is a false claim), or our major allies.....but you want to invade pakistan and kill osama bin laden if he's there and we have "actionable intelligence". That = idiot. Democrats.

    You want to reduce dependency on foreign oil, but you don't want to drill off shore. You want to produce more alternative energy, but you don't want to put windfarms on the sea state shorelines (see massacusetts for the best, most ridiculous example). You want to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, and you push for ethanol in instead of a fossil fuel, you have a bio-fuel, and the ridiculously large amount of ineffeciency and carbon footprint it takes to produce it. That = idiot. Democrats.

    You want to sit down with clowns like Ahminidindidjhejhajead (or change the subject and instead imagine for a second you'll sit down with the "true theocratic leaders" of Iran, something Biden and Obama both said in the debates).....right, because the conversation at the table is going to go any different than it's gone in the last 30 years of "diplomacy"? They want to kill jews. We say killing jews is wrong. That's it. Anything else to talk about? that = idiot. Democrats.

    You want to be the party of compassion and caring, of unity and world respect. You want to bring back the prestige and respect america had/has in the world. You want people to think of america as a friend and ally. but you want to do exactly what causes us to be looked at like pieces of shit in Iraq. you want to "pull out", just as we pulled out on the South Vietnamese. Just as we half assed it and pulled out in Somalia. Just as we refuse to go in and do a damn thing about Rwanda, Darfur, Sudan, Congo, Sierra Leonne, or Liberia. You want to invade pakistan, and put american soldiers on the ground in lebanon, AGAIN, but you don't want to do the same for similar situations around the world. It's because we sold out the afghani's in the 80's that they hate us, then and now. It's because we abandonded the Iraqi opposition to Saddam in the 1st Gulf War that the people don't trust us, and are reluctant to follow us. It's because we abandonded the fight in Vietnam because we didn't like the way it looked on TV and because "war is bad" and "peace is love" that rogues and despots and dictators like ahmininajjeajajd feel, and say out loud that we are paper tigers, incapable of fighting a war, and using that to empower themselves, oppress their people, and maintain authority.

    so how about, just this one time, we do some shit right. We kill fucking terrorists, whereever they are, no matter what. We refuse to leave Iraq, we build schools and hospitals and airports and military bases, we give them infrastructure and stability, and hell, let's put them in fucking NATO while we're at it. That's what FRIENDS and COMPASSION does. We nut it up and drop in 100,000 soldiers into Afghanistan, mandate the tribes give up power, women aren't treated like slaves, roads and schools are built, people have power, and food, and water, and make their country a better place. Then, we drop into Sudan, Darfur, and every other worthless african dictatorship, and we do the same.

    Then....when we're done with that, we can see if Kim Jung Il (who is likely dead), or Ahminidahajaja are still running their mouths. Because at that point, the word on the street will be that we are to be taken seriously, that we are not paper tigers, that we truly want the world to be a better place, and that we have the means and will to do it.

    Because people don't believe that is why fuck faces like ahmanianajhadjejad even exist. Weakness and apathy. So don't blame bush for having the nutsack to say "I don't give a fuck what my approval rating is. What we are doing is right by history, and I could give a fuck less what you think about it in your myspace blog". That's called being a president.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    Re: Vp Debate!

    god damn do I love this shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    Re: Vp Debate!

    BD, you should run for office.

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    Re: Vp Debate!

    I don't oppose nuclear power.

    I don't want to invade Pakistan but I support incursions based on actionable intelligence.

    Sure let's drill. Like it matters.

    We need allies and friends. That sometimes requires compromises. It's called diplomacy.

    Here's what I'm going to do. Vote.

    Nuff said.

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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by jmw_man
    BD, you should run for office.
    I probably will. And I will be just as unapologetic and downright mean to the opposition as I am here. It aint about making friends when people are dying, getting fucked over, or forgotten. It's about busting balls, calling people out as liars, and obliterating anything that stands in the way of doing what's right.

    Are the republicans perfect? Fuck no. Crazy right wing religious zealots pushing their bullshit into the platform is just as wrong as left wing liberal pansies pushing their alternative lifestlye agenda into the dem platform.

    but on the REAL issues of the world.....not gay marriage, or abortion for rich, stupid americans, or the word "god" on our money, or whether christmas is a federal holiday........fuck all that. That's for pansy legislators to bicker and moan about so they can look good for their small constiuents.....but real issues like war, and economics, and energy, and taxes, and foreign policy......the democrats play politics, while the republicans, in power, play "real". Real choices, in the real world.

    of course, the democrats were out of power in congress until recently, and have had 8 years out of the oval in FAIRNESS, "playing politics" is about all you can do.

    But you can pick issues that you are actually RIGHT on, and not simply issues that stupid fuckign college kids can easily understand, i.e. "war is bad". Jesus fucking christ.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    Because people don't believe that is why fuck faces like ahmanianajhadjejad even exist. Weakness and apathy.
    You have a point there, but is the alternative all that great? The only way to have no enemies is to either kill them all, or be such a huge threat no one will fuck with you. We can't be both compassionate and too scary to mess with; so long as our enemies know that we can show even a bit of mercy, they will still attack us. The alternative is to be like the USSR. We could be the super power that no one dares mess with, but that undermines our whole stance.

    My point is, these people are going to exist. So long as America stays what makes it America, we'll have enemies like Kim and terrorist leaders who need a mouthful of phlegm to say their name. It's not weakness or apathy that created them; it's simply who and what we are.

    That said, I can truthfully see us going country to country and cleaning up the entire middle east, and probably Africa, over the next 100 or 150 years. And at that point, we still won't have stopped terrorism, but the world will be a bit of a better place. Though, as it seems to go, a better place built on the blood of millions of American lives.

    As for Trigger... Go, vote. It's honestly not going to make a bit of difference who's in office; we're not going to pull out of Iraq until it's settled down. No one's stupid enough to pull them all out and basically destroy what we've spent the past 7 years building. You do that, and all those soldiers who've died over there died for nothing, because Iraq will go back to the way it was, and the only difference is that they'll hate us more. On the other hand, if it DOES make a difference, and Obama pulls them all out... Then we would have elected someone less fit to run this country than we could have possibly imagined (we, of course, meaning the 25% of the population that bothers to vote).

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    Re: Vp Debate!

    I don't oppose nuclear power.
    too bad your party is the reason we don't have it today. Peace, love, and environmentalism blocking nuke plants and disposal. So instead, we'll all just breath coal dust and fossil fumes. Great plan, greenpeace. Nice job helping the world out. Or was it...maybe....just your parts of the world that you gave a fuck about?

    I don't want to invade Pakistan but I support incursions based on actionable intelligence.
    You just said, right here, that you want to invade pakistan. We had "actionable intelligence" in Iraq. 5 years later....what are you saying about that? What if your "intelligence" is wrong? What if Pakistan DISAGREES WITH IT? what you gonna do then? Would we accept pakistani secret special ninja forces landing in america, blowing up a building full or "suspected terrorists" and leaving? That's called an INVASION OF OUR TERRITORY. You can call it "incursions", but that's just legislative pussy footing, and even McCain calls that ridiculous, even though he's part of the legislators that pussy foot around words instead of actions.

    Sure let's drill. Like it matters.

    We need allies and friends. That sometimes requires compromises. It's called diplomacy.
    Sounds great on a T-shirt, but yet again, totally indicative on how you are about hype, and caught up to the neck in it, but don't care, or don't know about the issue. We have friends and allies. We have trade treaties and organizations. We run the UN majority opinion. We are the most popular and coolest nation to be friends with on the planet, even today. You're talking "friends and allies" diplomacy with Cuba, N Korea, and Iran? Is this a joke?

    Here's what I'm going to do. Vote.
    Pity. Such is why most politicians get in power. Hype it up, splatter the TV and airwaves with dumb catch phrases, sell some T-shirts...and you'll get the lazy, un-informed vote, which sadly is 75% of the electorate.

    Nuff said.

    the typical "it looks good on my protest poster" response. two or three words. Like "End the War". And somehow that satisfies you as an argument.

    What war? End it how? When? Where? And then what?
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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