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Thread: ALERT: Presidential debate starting now

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    ALERT:  Presidential debate starting now ALERT:  Presidential debate starting now ALERT:  Presidential debate starting now

    Re: ALERT: Presidential debate starting now

    Quote Originally Posted by TBeard
    Your next attempt is 2012 - I suggest you start working now, because unless something changes, THAT will be your next attempt at changing the discourse of this country. Good luck! You're going to need it!
    So..... discourse..... its the Democrat party line or no discourse at all is what you are saying? This country is going to be locked in to a single party line for the next 4 years?

    Damnit, we need a 3 party system, I'm tired of this bipolar system we have. And Bipolar is intentional with suggestive intentions.

    It is burn the bridges. You ain't one of mine, you're as bad as a communist/muslim/terrorist/child molester.

    Whatever happened to the old saying "I don't agree with your view, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it" or something very close to that.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Blakeman's Avatar
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    Re: ALERT: Presidential debate starting now

    Quote Originally Posted by TBeard
    Oh, and btw, if it's not overtly obvious, PISS THE FUCK OFF AND LET SOME SMART PEOPLE RUN THE SHOW FOR AWHILE!

    We are borg... resistance is futile.

    Just because your views are yours does not make them correct, nor does it make mine.

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    Re: ALERT: Presidential debate starting now

    Quote Originally Posted by Blakeman
    Just because your views are yours does not make them correct, nor does it make mine.
    Oh for fuck sake. Where are the dedicated Republicans when we need them?

    Consultant? Hello? Between feedings can you give your fellow Repubs a lesson on moral relativism? Blakeman appears to be a lost sheep in your midst.

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    Re: ALERT: Presidential debate starting now

    "In Clearwater, arriving reporters were greeted with shouts and taunts by the crowd of about 3,000. Palin then went on to blame Katie Couric's questions for her 'less-than-successful interview with kinda mainstream media.' At that, Palin supporters turned on reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse. Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, 'Sit down, boy.' "

    As Sarah Palin runs her "rally" today, and a member of the rally calls one of the black media camera operators "boy", and another shouts out "kill him!" when Palin mentions Barack Obama, and "terrorist!", I have no tolerance at all for what little remains of the McCain campaign. Thugs...complete and utter thugs and pathetic coddlers of the extreme, racist, right-wing of the party.

    I used to respect a good portion of the Republican party. To hell with them for making it hard to do THAT anymore. Until today I even considered myself a fiscal conservative. Now I'm embarassed to even remotely attach the word to my name.

    They all need to take a long, hard look in the mirror after this and remember that democracy still reigns in this country, and despite all of the rhetoric, Americans still have a fundamental decency about them that won't allow this type of barbarism to play a part in our politics.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Blakeman's Avatar
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    Re: ALERT: Presidential debate starting now

    Quote Originally Posted by ebaconjr
    Quote Originally Posted by Blakeman
    Just because your views are yours does not make them correct, nor does it make mine.
    Oh for fuck sake. Where are the dedicated Republicans when we need them?

    Consultant? Hello? Between feedings can you give your fellow Repubs a lesson on moral relativism? Blakeman appears to be a lost sheep in your midst.
    What? You want me to say something like I think that Obama will take my guns away, raise my taxes and turn the US into a socialist state?

    That better?

  6. Registered TeamPlayer rock_lobster's Avatar
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    Re: ALERT: Presidential debate starting now

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    Quote Originally Posted by rock_lobster
    Did anyone else find it ironic that both candidates talked about ridding the budget of earmarks and going through the budget line by line, to make sure our spending was legit, when BOTH of them signed the bailout that included $150 billion of earmarks? May come down to "who is lying the least".
    So they shouldn't have signed it? That doesn't make much sense at all. Without congressional action, no matter how bad this bill is, would be ten-fold worse. Even after they passed this bill the Dow broke over 500 points today. Where do you think we would be, if congress had done nothing?

    Besides that, Obama looked a hell of alot better up there than McCain.
    Damn right they shouldnt have. That's capitalism. I don't buy all that shit they were jabbing out at everyone like the world was coming to end if we didnt bail those guys out. Besides that, if they really were in it to help the American people, WHY THE FUCK DID THEY PUT ALL THAT GOD DAMNED PORK IN THE BILL!!! Excuse my language, but this is typical double standard bullshit, by BOTH parties. We could have come up with a better solution to our problem, one that doesn't fuck me and my future family over. The Clinton administration started this shit, and the Bush administration didnt do anything to stop it; they are both just as stupid as the other. Now all of a sudden, a problem (that they knew about for years) occurrs, and they want to pass a $700 billion bill for a $500 billion bailout, in 2 weeks time. Hasty decision by a half ass administration on its way out the door. I'm a conservative republican, but I've been very disappointed with Bush this last term.

    Spending is out of control, and all I've heard from these two bozos (Obama and McCain) is how they are going to get rid of all the bullshit in the budget and stop all the earmarks. Then they go out and vote for the bailout. Horseshit. To top it all off, the CEO's of the companies/banks that were going under are riding into the sunset with millions of dollars in their severance package. Makes me fucking want to puke.

    Quote Originally Posted by TBeard
    It's over. I hope the republicans take this message and crawl back under your respective hate-filled rocks and revise your message in a more tolerant way to the majority of Americans. Us Democrats are about to receive your 2000 and 2004 "mandate" from the American people, and here's hopting we do more with it than your pathetic last 8 years.

    And I'd like to thank your sorry ass democratic/clinton administration for the entire housing debaccle in the first place. "Everyone should own a home!!!" Nice job on getting minority support, but now you've fucked us over. Like I mentioned above, I put equal blame on the republican party for allowing this horseshit to continue, knowing full well a problem would occurr. Typical Liberal playbook, cause massive amounts of damage, then point fingers at the republican party to get elected and destroy more of what America stands for. If Obama gets elected, come 2 years into his term, you wont find anyone who will own up to actually voting for the deceptive bastard. The man will flop, and the American people will suffer the consequences, of yet another Hurricane trail left by our oh so lovely democratic party.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Watsyurdeal?'s Avatar
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    Re: ALERT: Presidential debate starting now

    yeaaaaa, mccain's got my vote

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    Re: ALERT: Presidential debate starting now

    Quote Originally Posted by rock_lobster
    Quote Originally Posted by hobbes
    Quote Originally Posted by rock_lobster
    McCain needs to start swinging, and fast. At this point, unless Obama does something drastically stupid, McCain is in bad shape.
    thank god ...after watching the first half, i'm getting so tired of McCain not directly answering questions. IMO Obama is clearly winning this debate.
    Annoying yes, but it's necessary. He has to hit Obama where it hurts and make Barrack's name associated with question marks. If the question doesn't cater to this objective, then McCain has to redirect questions in a way that will benefit him. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but it's what he has to move.
    Not insult towards you Rock but this lies at the crux of the problem I have with the right. They can't stand on the issues so they are forced to make low blows and diversionary tactics in order to compete. Why not just stand on the issues and how you would handle them? If your view is really that much better than you'll win, no?

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Ruukil's Avatar
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    Re: ALERT: Presidential debate starting now

    Both candidates butchered the English language in ways I thought not possible. They dodged the questions and only answered questions that they had a rehearsed answer. Also, they started doing 'follow-up questions' after it was stated there would not be.

    Barack Obama, John McCain... /Facepalm.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer K0nTANK3Rous's Avatar
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    Re: ALERT: Presidential debate starting now

    it was lame. It wasn't even town hall. You had Tom picking through the questions and out of 80 + the said 6,000,000 internet submissions, that's ALL they got? WTF!? I'm so tired of them reciting and going after each other over the same BULLSHIT. How the hell will either of them make anything better when they both signed off on the bullshit bailout package. The extra $120B is "supposedly" continued tax breaks, is that their story as to skirt around the issue of adding bullshit to another bill that should've been straight out of DC for THE PEOPLE..not these dumb fuck CEO shitheads that pay these politicians to keep them under radar.

    and Tbag...or whatever your name think a full seated 100% room full of liberal assholes that spend more than anyone and pockets 1/3 of the bullshit money in the bills they do pass are going to make stuff better..why don't you "fuck off" (as you eloquently stated) and go read a little bit. There isn't one freaking side of this equation that's better than the other. Repubs and Dem should be cleaned out. Start over, get some real bi-partisans in there that really do have COUNTRY and MAIN STREET FIRST. not going around stating change and country first for a fucking catchy phrase or slogan.

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