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Thread: a lil admittance? or a Big one

  1. Exiled
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    Re: a lil admittance? or a Big one

    Quote Originally Posted by DuDDy
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    Quote Originally Posted by Arreo
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    Yeah, I am beginning to see that you are correct. Since I opened this thread last night, I have seen what, 5 maybe 10 posts by BD, and he still hasn't even acknowledged his own words........... TYPICAL. :3
    Get off your moral high horse. And get off my 'side', you're making it look bad.

    How childish, petty and in-your-face do you have to be? The democrats won. WE won. Why the fuck do you think it is somehow appropriate to rub everyone's face in it. Stop cheapening the win. Stop making liberals like me cringe and feel dirty to be on the same side as you.

    "We are not red states and blue states, we are the United States of America."

    Grow the fuck up and act with some dignity and respect.
    These were his words, not mine.

    There is no rubbing faces in anything. It is what it is. There is nothing un-gracious about this, I honestly would like to see what he has to say. After all, BD has never been short of words before, why such a deficit now?

    "We are not red states and blue states, we are the United States of America."

    This is very true, and I believe this, but the BD quotes prove that he doesn't. I haven't rubbed anybodies faces in anything because the man that I supported won , on the contrary, I am just rebutting the bigoted and arrogant responses of the other side.(one of which happens to be none other than his eminence BD. [/b][/u]

    right......and by making this thread your not doing any of that.....
    Fix the underlined quote to the whole sentence and then it appears that, no I am not rubbing anyones faces in anything. I am jsut looking for a response from one of the biggest flamethrowers in TTP.

  2. Exiled
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    Re: a lil admittance? or a Big one

    Quote Originally Posted by Consultant
    Hawg, you're just getting called out a political allies even. Suck it up and admit you were wrong.

    (P.S. Did you all hear the news? McCain lost the election. I wasn't sure if the news had made it out to you yet.)
    Point out to me where I am gloating in this thread. I repeat, I am just looking for a response from his eminence.

    Right, I get it, you can point out where you perceive me to be wrong, but I can't do the same? Not a little hypocritical?

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Arreo's Avatar
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    Re: a lil admittance? or a Big one

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    I am just rebutting the bigoted and arrogant responses of the other side.(one of which happens to be none other than his eminence BD)
    Bullshit. You are responding to the 'bigoted and arrogant' responses with even more bigoted and arrogant statements.

    You are trying to "stick it to the man" by calling out BigDog because you think it makes you a rebel or 'cool' because you can call out the "big man on the forums". You keep referring to him mockingly as "his eminence". You are spoiling for a fight because you have crossed swords with him before (and frankly he trounced you). So you are itching for a rematch or the chance to "prove him wrong". It's completely transparent and pathetic.

    You are the kind of person I hate on both sides of the political spectrum. People who can't make up their own minds on issues. Who swallow hook-line-and-sinker the entire party platform. People who can't be arssed to do a single shred of research into an issue using independent or non-partisan sources. I mean someone could read a wikipedia entry on an issue and know more solid factual evidence then you have offered in many your arguments.

    If you have opinions on a political issue make sure they are your opinions. Not what your party says you should think. Not what your friends think is 'cool'. Not what the media says you as a liberal/conservative should be thinking. Not what your parents say. Not what the candidates say you should be thinking.

    Your own opinions that you have thought about and researched.

    And trust me, there are people here at TTP on both sides of the political spectrum that I would say this exact same thing too. You are just one of the most blatant examples of it (though other names spring immediately to mind) and by posting this thread you have simply proven it beyond the shadow of a doubt.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Graverunner's Avatar
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    Re: a lil admittance? or a Big one

    Quote Originally Posted by Arreo
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    I am just rebutting the bigoted and arrogant responses of the other side.(one of which happens to be none other than his eminence BD)
    Bullshit. You are responding to the 'bigoted and arrogant' responses with even more bigoted and arrogant statements.

    You are trying to "stick it to the man" by calling out BigDog because you think it makes you a rebel or 'cool' because you can call out the "big man on the forums". You keep referring to him mockingly as "his eminence". You are spoiling for a fight because you have crossed swords with him before (and frankly he trounced you). So you are itching for a rematch or the chance to "prove him wrong". It's completely transparent and pathetic.

    You are the kind of person I hate on both sides of the political spectrum. People who can't make up their own minds on issues. Who swallow hook-line-and-sinker the entire party platform. People who can't be arssed to do a single shred of research into an issue using independent or non-partisan sources. I mean someone could read a wikipedia entry on an issue and know more solid factual evidence then you have offered in many your arguments.

    If you have opinions on a political issue make sure they are your opinions. Not what your party says you should think. Not what your friends think is 'cool'. Not what the media says you as a liberal/conservative should be thinking. Not what your parents say. Not what the candidates say you should be thinking.

    Your own opinions that you have thought about and researched.

    And trust me, there are people here at TTP on both sides of the political spectrum that I would say this exact same thing too. You are just one of the most blatant examples of it (though other names spring immediately to mind) and by posting this thread you have simply proven it beyond the shadow of a doubt.
    Let's see:
    BD can reply to posts threads and make new ones. He can say he was wrong if he wants to, he doesn't need you to make a thread.
    He knows Obama won, not McCain.
    We know Obama won, not McCain.

    Who cares if he was wrong? He was stating how he felt about the issue. Not waffling around to wherever he thought more people would agree with him, which is what we expect. So what si thee to this thread exactly?
    Quote Originally Posted by Howlin Mad Murphy View Post
    im already making a "im with graverunner" t-shirt. so dont let me down man

  5. Exiled
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    Re: a lil admittance? or a Big one

    Not quite. My opinions are my own. Don't recall being trounced, and I have to say that I am in complete disagreement with you.

    Like I have said about a half dozen times already, these are his words, he should respond to them. But I digress.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer rock_lobster's Avatar
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    Re: a lil admittance? or a Big one

    Hawg, an old friend once gave me some advice

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    sometimes it is better to shut your mouth and have people think you are an idiot, than to open it and prove them right.
    Perhaps you should take it.........

  7. Exiled
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    Re: a lil admittance? or a Big one

    Quote Originally Posted by rock_lobster
    Hawg, an old friend once gave me some advice

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    sometimes it is better to shut your mouth and have people think you are an idiot, than to open it and prove them right.
    Perhaps you should take it.........

  8. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Re: a lil admittance? or a Big one

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    when it turns out that McCain wins....are the paul begalas and bill mahers and rosie odonnels going to admit they are the minority opinion? that it's not "obvious" bush is a failure and that only stupid people are republicans?

    WHEN McCain wins the popular vote by......50+%....are we going to see some people here admit they are wrong? Doubtful. Great marketing by the dem's though, where even if you are in the minority, you project yourself to be the majority opinion. Brilliant.

    But still a failure.
    Well the polls read and now the electorate has spoken, that it is painfully obvious that Bush was a horrendous failure.

    So are you going to admit that you were wrong? Doubtful. So who's in the minority? You were right about one thing though, the campaign was brilliant, but not at all a failure.

    So we are waiting. I've had this page bookmarked since I first read it. Now how about that admittance?
    how the hell I missed this thread is beyond me. But certainly don't take it to mean I'm ducking out o the fiht.

    fuck you and your bullshit, hawg. Trigger too. All you guys got is a seat in the corner, and fingers to point. Some "hey bigdog, omg look Obama won, that means the democrats are right" statement? Are you nuts?

    My statement above is about people admitting, when they like to sit in their coffee shops and dinner parties....wheey like to imagine themselves to be "open minded" and outgoing and free thinking.....when in reality they pre-select who they are going to listen to, worship, believe, and ridicule....if not have such issues selected for them by every echoing fringe blog and website "independent media" people with your "OMG bush is such an obvious failure, omg obama has saved us" attitude...... my point is admitting how ridiculous that painfully obvious you are exactly what you are attacking. A close minded, misinformed, grunt believer of a doctrine fed to you by your masters. You want to prove that so hard to everyone, that that is what republicans are...but don't think you've got the same bad info and influences in your own beliefs (and I'd hardly call them your own. You're a cut and past media matters and whatever other nutjob websites you read, rather than hard news and live feeds).

    a "miserable failure", and obama takes 52% of the vote or so? A 52-48 vote in an admin forum, or even in a general public forum here is a "too close to call" insiginficant majority. Is it not?

    If you won a vote at school by 3 or 4 % points......does that make you king of the school? That you and your agenda are somehow the defitive mindset, and that by such a HUGE margin of victory, your mandate is solidified?

    What fucking mandate? a 4% advantage?

    Obama has done at least one thing, and that's get people to change the subject. Give him his chance. Perhaps I was wrong about the outcome of this election. McCain was a typical white old man candidate in a society tired of that bullshit, on both sides. Palin was a typical ploy to get out the drooling dumbass vote, and not the high tech, plugged in crowds becoming more and more part of the electorate.

    What's wrong with people like trigger, and hawg, and the few who are so full of themselves they can't even be bothered to defend their ideas and opinions, is they assume that, because they drink coffee that you can't buy at McDonald's or the grocery store, or because they buy music you can't find or never heard of, or because they read books that aren't best sellers or in your average bookstore aisles...that somehow....their choice to exist on the fringe corners and outside edges of everything...THAT MERE ACT makes them exclusive, intelligent, and informed. Because they know what REALLY HAPPENED, because they read it on some bullshit underground blogosphere, rather than some well funded, full access corporate media giant. They saw the REAL TRUTH, because they looked it up on youtube, rather than actually going to the rally, or watching the live feed. They have the INSIDE info on what's new, and hip, and cool, simply because they can come in here, say some crazy shit, and simply because you've never heard of it, they must be smarter, cooler, and more informed than you.

    Tired ass, weak fucking elitist arguments. Most typically something that is used by "big city rich boys" on "small town hill billies". Thinking because they drink expensive coffee, that it's better than cheaper coffee.

    It's more expensive....sure. But "better" intangible. Better at what? Exclusive, sure. Rare, perhaps. But correlating rarity with quality or superiority is ridiculous. It's the kind of shit starving authors, artists, musicians, coffee growers, and just about everyone else on the planet that wants something does to enrich themselves. It's called marketing, and you're a fucking sucker for falling for it.

    A $500 bottle of wine coming from the same grapes that a $5 bottle comes from......and what's the difference? And when I say same grapes, I mean same acreage. Same FARMS in some cases. And what's the difference? The fucking label, and the suckers who hyped it up for you to believe, even before you taste it, that it's the best wine ever. Sucker.

    And now we have the same marketing in politics. The democrats have done a very good job in making themselves to look like the party of intellgence. The party of tolerance and open minds and change.

    Tolerance, eh? Open minds?

    We'll see how the economy does in a few. Let's give it a few years, so the "blame it on bush" wagon slows down a bit. Of course, when the economy was doing well in the beginning of Bush's years....he couldn't take credit for it either....Clinton made that all happen, right? Or was it Bush the 1st? Or Reagan? So now we're 30 years in the past and still trickling?

    My words are clear, and they remain in effect. Obama wins the presidency with a 4% margin. So when you're looking at a crowd of 100 people, and there's 52 on one side, and 48 on the other, all bunched tell me which side is bigger.

    And then, tell me which side is "obviously" right. Because those are YOUR words, and YOUR tone. That's it's just ridiculously apparent that bush's administration wasn't only bad...that it was some kind of miserable failure.

    I'm not old enough to rememeber too many presidents. But Bush has hardly been the worst. And if you want to take all the talking and speeches and hype out of it, and just look at raw numbers, budgets, deficits, trade issues, and war.....Obama is well on his way to being, statistically, worse than even clowns like carter. And even bleeding heart democrat economic strategists are looking at this junk in the fed, and calling it communism.

    Guantanamo bay still open. Prisoners still being imprisoned. No solutions from president genius....but it's ok, you guys have patience for him, because he's on your team, right?

    Iraqi war still ongoing soldiers still dying, troops still there, still going to be there, with even talks of permanent relationships, basing, training, etc. Same kind of shit we're doing now, just a different name. But oh, he's on your team, so it must be a great idea this time. Brilliant, in fact. Especially when he gives interviews to Al JAzeera and gives speeches at middle eastern forums, kissing hands and humbling himself before kings and dictators (Saudi and Egypt). He's so polite and thoughtful. I'd call it facetious, because he's not changing A SINGLE middle eastern policy (you know, the ones you blame bush for causing all the world's problems). Talks about changing them. Says he'll think about it. Kind of like a parent tell's their stupid kid they'll think about buying them a pony this year, and instead gets them a new bike. That's fine, right? That's the same as a pony. And who cares....he's the best dad, I mean president ever, right? The middle east thinks so, so it must be true, right?

    Military tribunals for terrorists. Not public trials. And even it matters, since they're still in guantanamo, right? But that's fine....he's a democrat, so we'll let that slide.

    Oh, and we're going to send 20,000+ more to afghanistan. Even though that was somehow a dumb idea for Iraq, so dumb that even Obama himself said it was dumb to do so (to surge). But oh....bin laden's in afghanistan. There's terrorism in afghanistan. And we're going to shoot at people in pakistan, regardless of what pakistan thinks about it....invade their soverignty and bomb things. Bush did it too...but he was a tyrant and a "terrorist" for doing so. Rumsfield, too. Gates, too......except of course now, when a democrat orders him to do's for a good cause, so it must be ok.

    Oh, and taxes.

    Oh, and health care.

    Oh, and Chrysler and GM and banks and ...................

    And here comes north korea. And hey, if we're lucky, Iran. But hey....if we have war with those countries under Obama's watch, it MUST be because he really thought about it alot, and because it's the right thing to do, right?

    Dumb, fucking, sheep.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    Re: a lil admittance? or a Big one

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    After all, BD has never been short of words before, why such a deficit now?
    Yeah, I think he just fixed that for you

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    Re: a lil admittance? or a Big one

    Krakkens and shit. stop tempting them.
    -- Bigdog

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