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Thread: Obama and Firearm Ban Agenda... this sadens me

  1. Exiled
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    Re: Obama and Firearm Ban Agenda... this sadens me

    Nobody is going to come take away your guns. It was never proposed, and it never will happen. If you own firearms they are safe. If you want to purchase firearms in the future, you will be able to do so, within reasoning of course.

    As far as the fable of a "corner store that shoots to defend itself, being less apt to be robbed" is utter horseshit. The liquor store aroung the corner from my house gets robbed at least twice a year. In fact the poor clerk had actually killed a robber about a year and a half ago, they still keep getting held up.........Someone ought to clue the bad guys in on your theory, maybe they'll stop sticking up the nieghborhood bodega.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Tick's Avatar
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    Re: Obama and Firearm Ban Agenda... this sadens me

    Scum bags will keep being scum bags, regardless of what laws are passed. Illegal weapons flood into this country on a daily basis, and spread through black market dealings like wildfire. Sure, enacting gun bans might make it slightly more difficult for criminals to get their hands on weapons, but they'll still do it, and in the mean time, sportsmen, firearm hobbyists, and people that just want some form of protection for themselves and/or their families will have a much harder time acquiring those exact same weapons than the criminals will.

    Gun bans don't take weapons out of the hands of criminals. They only make it harder for citizens to balance the odds against those criminals.

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    Re: Obama and Firearm Ban Agenda... this sadens me

    One thing to remeber is that Obama is a lawyer. That means that when he writes every word has meaning. Lawyers are simply programmed that way.

    Below is an excerpt of the Urban Policy section of, which is Obama's web site for communicating his activites as President-elect. His writings provide insight as to his priorites, i.e. what he will do, would like to do, supports, disapproves, will veto, etc.

    My interpretation of his writings is that while he believes in limited gun control measures he also appreciates that it's a divisive topic. He needs cooperation now to solve the financial issues and can;t afford to waste political capital on divisive issues such as gun control and abortion laws.

    Crime and Law Enforcement
    Support Local Law Enforcement: Barack Obama and Joe Biden are committed to fully funding the COPS program to put 50,000 police officers on the street and help address police brutality and accountability issues in local communities. Obama and Biden also support efforts to encourage young people to enter the law enforcement profession, so that our local police departments are not understaffed because of a dearth of qualified applicants.

    Reduce Crime Recidivism by Providing Ex-Offender Supports: America is facing an incarceration and post-incarceration crisis in urban communities. Obama and Biden will create a prison-to-work incentive program, modeled on the successful Welfare-to-Work Partnership, and work to reform correctional systems to break down barriers for ex-offenders to find employment.

    End the Dangerous Cycle of Youth Violence: Obama and Biden support innovative local programs, like the CeaseFire program in Chicago, which implement a community-based strategy to prevent youth violence and have been proven effective.

    Address Gun Violence in Cities: Obama and Biden would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent.

    Homeland Security
    Allocate Funds Based on Risk: Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe that the president and Congress should direct our precious homeland security dollars according to risk, not as a form of general revenue sharing. To address this pressing issue, Obama introduced an amendment, supported by the Families of 9/11 and former 9/11 Commissioners Lee Hamilton and Tim Roemer, to increase risk-based funding in the 9/11 bill.

    Prepare Effective Emergency Response Plans: As our nation witnessed in the Hurricane Katrina crisis and its aftermath, too many localities do not have integrated emergency response plans to handle disasters. As president, Obama will further improve coordination between all levels of government, create better evacuation plan guidelines, ensure prompt federal assistance to emergency zones, and increase medical surge capacity.


  4. Unconfirmed User Muqtar SGT_Clintok's Avatar
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    Re: Obama and Firearm Ban Agenda... this sadens me

    You will know how Obama treated guns at the end of his administration, not before it begins. The is a sales pitch and nothing more. An extension of the campaign now that the election is over, or the beginning of 2012.

    I have my guns, and there is no way in hell Obama would try to yank them. That is a death sentence for the Dems, and they know it. I would anticipate that they will try to limit magazine capacity, but suspect that if you had it before he hits office, it gets grandfathered in. If you want something, go buy it now.

    I have a Glock 20, I believe it holds 16 rounds with one in the chamber. This magazine configuration may be banned in the future, but I doubt that they will mandate I turn mine in. You've got a few months, if you want something go buy it.

    I dont see a big issue here.

  5. Unconfirmed User Muqtar SGT_Clintok's Avatar
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    Re: Obama and Firearm Ban Agenda... this sadens me

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    As far as the fable of a "corner store that shoots to defend itself, being less apt to be robbed" is utter horseshit. The liquor store aroung the corner from my house gets robbed at least twice a year. In fact the poor clerk had actually killed a robber about a year and a half ago, they still keep getting held up.........Someone ought to clue the bad guys in on your theory, maybe they'll stop sticking up the nieghborhood bodega.
    Well that settles it doesn't it?

    If you disarm the clerk and he is any better off ? I think that the idea isn't to solve the problem of robbery as a whole, but instead to equip the clerk to handle it by defending himself, whether once or twenty times. If you are quoting some part of this thread or links off of it that claim that arming clerks will solve the problem long term, then do pardon me as I missed it.

    Change gears into TTP, TTP admins have banned *A LOT* of people, and it still hasn't solved the problem of Teamkillers and Lone Wolves, so the ban hammer doesn't solve the big problem, lets just do away with it?

    The other side of the coin is Washington DC. Handguns were banned in Washington DC. This ban prevented legal residents from defending themselves. This ban did NOTHING to stop criminals from carrying handguns and last summer was a violent summer around these parts. So the theory that banning legal firearms purchases will do anything to reduce crime doesn't hold up where I live.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer Ruukil's Avatar
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    Re: Obama and Firearm Ban Agenda... this sadens me

    Ya know, I just realized that Texans are paranoid about loosing their guns.

    THEY ARE NOT TAKING YOUR GUNS AWAY. It's ok...just chill.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Blakeman's Avatar
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    Re: Obama and Firearm Ban Agenda... this sadens me

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    Nobody is going to come take away your guns. It was never proposed, and it never will happen. If you own firearms they are safe. If you want to purchase firearms in the future, you will be able to do so, within reasoning of course.
    Taking of firearms has never been proposed. Already owned firearms should be safe enough. As far as purchasing firearms in the future though, it may be regulated to hell, which wouldn't accomplish much, if anything.

    To those who feel that we should ban 'armor piercing' bullets, please list a source that shows that cops are routinely killed by failed kevlar as a result of 'armor piercing' bullets. Not just bullets that penetrated 'bullet proof' armor, but ones that were designed to bypass armor and were used against police officers.

  8. Exiled
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    Re: Obama and Firearm Ban Agenda... this sadens me

    Quote Originally Posted by Muqtar SGT_Clintok
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    As far as the fable of a "corner store that shoots to defend itself, being less apt to be robbed" is utter horseshit. The liquor store aroung the corner from my house gets robbed at least twice a year. In fact the poor clerk had actually killed a robber about a year and a half ago, they still keep getting held up.........Someone ought to clue the bad guys in on your theory, maybe they'll stop sticking up the nieghborhood bodega.
    Well that settles it doesn't it?

    If you disarm the clerk and he is any better off ? I think that the idea isn't to solve the problem of robbery as a whole, but instead to equip the clerk to handle it by defending himself, whether once or twenty times. If you are quoting some part of this thread or links off of it that claim that arming clerks will solve the problem long term, then do pardon me as I missed it. See flame quote.

    Change gears into TTP, TTP admins have banned *A LOT* of people, and it still hasn't solved the problem of Teamkillers and Lone Wolves, so the ban hammer doesn't solve the big problem, lets just do away with it?Never said this. But I do think there should be more regulations, to try to stem the flow of powerful weapons from falling onto bad people's hands.

    The other side of the coin is Washington DC. Handguns were banned in Washington DC. This ban prevented legal residents from defending themselves. This ban did NOTHING to stop criminals from carrying handguns and last summer was a violent summer around these parts. So the theory that banning legal firearms purchases will do anything to reduce crime doesn't hold up where I live.Who said anything about a ban?
    If you read the post, I never said the clerk ought to be disarmed. No, it was a retort the the theory that if "such and such store is known to shoot, it won't get robbed." I provided an example to the contrary, that gun ownership and use in this store did not deter any crime.

    Quote Originally Posted by flame
    You know what happens when store owners shoot and kill thieves, the word gets out not to go there. Same thing in neighborhoods, couple intruders end up swiss cheese, that neighborhood won't have the same troubles again. When we can fight back we prevent crime. Let the body count pile up, that stops crime.

  9. Unconfirmed User Muqtar SGT_Clintok's Avatar
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    Re: Obama and Firearm Ban Agenda... this sadens me

    Yep I did miss it. My bust.

    I do tend to agree with flame, but your anecdote about the local store seems to throw that idea off at least on your block. Maybe its the size of the neighborhood or the level of crime in the area. My take on it is arm the clerk and if he has to kill a robber every week, so be it.

    The response about regulating more powerful weapons, do you mean in terms of firepower, capacity, or what? I think its the piddly little 9mm semi autos that stacked most of the bodies up around here last summer. They are outright banned, not regulated and as a result only the criminals have them.

    I am too tired to lift one finger on the subject, plus I am heading to test out the NEW BF2 RANKED SERVER but my gut tells me that it is the piddly little 9 MM and below that cause most of the carnage around the country.

  10. Administrator Kanati's Avatar
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    Obama and Firearm Ban Agenda... this sadens me Obama and Firearm Ban Agenda... this sadens me Obama and Firearm Ban Agenda... this sadens me Obama and Firearm Ban Agenda... this sadens me Obama and Firearm Ban Agenda... this sadens me Obama and Firearm Ban Agenda... this sadens me

    Re: Obama and Firearm Ban Agenda... this sadens me

    This is in response to the 5.7 thing...

    I have both the FiveSeven and the P90 (single shot 16" barrel as I live in the wonderful state of Blagojevich... I mean Illinois).

    A) the FiveSeven is an inaccurate piece of CRAP. Wish I'd never seen it. You aren't going to hit much past 40-50 yards with any kind of accuracy at all. 300 meters? Not going to hit ANYTHING with that pistol at that range unless you are the luckiest man on earth. A CZ52 is going to penetrate just as much armor and cost a tiny FRACTION of the cost of the FN. The 5.7 isn't a magic bullet. If I could get my money back, I'd be doing so.

    B) The P90 is a bit more accurate (obviously the longer barrel is going to give it that), but even that at 300 meters isn't going to hit much. The round just doesn't have that much pop. It's a small round travelling around 2300fps for the best round you can legally buy (I'll get to that). And at somewhere around 3 inches of elevation the round will go around 250 yards. You hit someone with enough elevation to actually HIT at 300 yards and they might think you threw a rock at them if they have armor on.

    Penetration power is the real question I guess... But why single out the 5.7? It's not like the CZ52 pistol can't do the same thing with a bigger round... or a hot 357 magnum round... Hell if the body armor STOPS the 357 round you are still going to be in a world of hurt just from the kinetic energy it passes on at 2400-2500fps. And what about rifle rounds? A .223, 30-06, 30-30... Any of those will easily pierce low level body armor. Meaning anything that a 5.7 "magic bullet" round will pierce and THEN some.

    The round that I see in question, the SS190AP (the AP obviously meaning Armor Piercing) is NOT LEGAL in the US for sale to private citizens currently. Never has been. So why all the hubbub? If it's suddenly RE-outlawed, double and triple outlawed in the US, does that make it even HARDER to get those rounds? Don't think so. They are for sale to law enforcement and military only. I'm sure the underhanded and criminally minded will find ways of getting them if they really wanted, but it's ridiculous to think that they would when they can get AK47s for next to nothing along with the perfectly legal rounds to fire out of them, and relative ease with which they can be converted to full auto.

    I just came from the shooting range and shot everything from the P90, FiveSeven, M&P40, Glock 9mm, a couple of different 1911s, FN FS2000 (definitely my next purchase), AK47, AK74, and a Steyr down to a lowly assed .22 LR bolt action (which, btw more people have been killed by that round by criminals than any other). And I did some testing on the P90 and FiveSeven again... Just to refresh my memory on that nasty little magic bullet... And I stand by what I said above... It's not a very good round for what it's supposed to be used for. If the P90 was full auto and you wanted to spray and pray at relatively short range... I'd say go for it. But if I was of a mind to do Bad Things and had the kind of money you'd need to get your hands on a weapon that shoots the 5.7... I'd MUCH rather have the FS2000 and a case of relatively cheap .223 ammo.

    Krakkens and shit. stop tempting them.
    -- Bigdog

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