Ok, so I'm heading into my senior year. And am looking for east coast art schools, and scholarships to fit. I have 2 pieces published in Stencil Nation, have worked in technical theatrical production painting sets for 6 years, I will be attending the Governor's school for the arts (Virginia), I have taken several classes from the Corcoran college of art and design, and have received 2 credits for this. I'm looking to become an art teacher when I get out, so an art education degree program would be great, I know a lot of schools have 5 year BFA/MFA Education degrees.

My portfolio can be found at www.red-wine.deviantart.com

I'm a self taught artist for the most part, and try to try new things. What should I be writing my college essays about? I could easily write a book on Street Art. Is that a good idea?

I'm also willing to do commissioned work for people, cojiro has asked me to a piece, and I'm working on it now. Anyone else interested take a look at the work I typically do, and hit me up.