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Thread: My connection problem

  1. Devious Tyrant
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    DT World Report

    w00t, 5th!

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    DT World Report

    The Most Subsidized Industry in Devious Tyrant

    Nations ranked high on this list spend large amounts of money subsidizing their businesses, a practice known as 'corporate welfare.'

    1. The Allied Peoples of Y-1
    2. The Empire of The Colonies of Man
    3. The Galactic Armed Empire of WW_BITEME
    4. The Imperium of Tyrannicus Devious
    5. The United Lands of Omzig
    6. The Fascist Dictatorship of The Joseph Coalition
    7. The Dictatorship of The Oppressed Pugs
    8. The Glorious Nation of Aspadan
    9. The Constitutional Monarchy of Austro-Hungary Empire
    10. The Free Land of Panhandla
    11. The Dominion of Flying Monkey Poo
    12. The People's Republic of Nefaris
    13. The Supreme Reich of X-1
    14. The Republic of The Aland Islands
    15. The Dominion of Evil Cenobites
    16. The Cosmic Protectorate of De Dragon
    17. The Dominion of Demonic Cannibals
    18. The Holy Republic of The Children of Talos
    19. The Dominion of Demonic Cenobites
    20. The Principality of Plostekistan
    21. The Disputed Territories of Draki
    22. The Federation of Volkumpth
    23. The Republic of Hurricane America
    24. The Kingdom of New Stevenc2
    25. The Dictatorship of Zainzibar Land

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    DT World Report

    not much change from last week (lol)

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    DT World Report

    lol last

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    DT World Report

    like I said last week, you're economy can't support corporate welfare at the moment.

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    DT World Report

    Actually Zainzibar Land is supposed to be anti private enterprise. Unfortunately, that hasn't worked out to well

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    DT World Report

    The Most Compassionate Citizens in Devious Tyrant

    Exhaustive World Census tests involving kittens revealed the following nations to be the most compassionate.

    1. The Supreme Reich of X-1
    2. The Dictatorship of Zainzibar Land
    3. The Republic of Hurricane America
    4. The Holy Republic of The Children of Talos
    5. The Constitutional Monarchy of Austro-Hungary Empire
    6. The Federation of Volkumpth
    7. The Fascist Dictatorship of The Joseph Coalition
    8. The Republic of The Aland Islands
    9. The United Lands of Omzig
    10. The Principality of Plostekistan
    11. The Kingdom of New Stevenc2
    12. The Dominion of Demonic Cenobites
    13. The Disputed Territories of Draki
    14. The Dominion of Flying Monkey Poo
    15. The Free Land of Panhandla Iron Fist
    16. The Dominion of Demonic Cannibals
    17. The Dominion of Evil Cenobites
    18. The Dictatorship of The Oppressed Pugs
    19. The Cosmic Protectorate of De Dragon
    20. The Glorious Nation of Aspadan
    21. The People's Republic of Nefaris
    22. The Imperium of Tyrannicus Devious
    23. The Allied Peoples of Y-1
    24. The Empire of The Colonies of Man
    25. The Galactic Armed Empire of WW_BITEME

    Interesting to see that mine ranks in 3rd in the role play

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    DT World Report

    Sweet, second

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    DT World Report

    once again we get the 'most avoided' catagory and I find it interesting that our 3 major regions of conflict are up there at the top of the list:
    The Most Avoided in Devious Tyrant
    Nations ranked highly on this list are considered by many to be the most inhospitable, charmless, and ghastly places to spend a vacation, or, indeed, any time at all.

    # Nation WA Category Motto
    1. The Allied Peoples of Y-1 Anarchy "Freedom through chaos"
    2. The Empire of The Colonies of Man Father Knows Best State "To flirt with danger is to anger us"
    3. The People's Republic of Nefaris Iron Fist Consumerists "All nations are collapsing, Nefaris soldiers on!"
    4. The Imperium of Tyrannicus Devious Compulsory Consumerist State "Death is only the beginning"
    5. The Fascist Dictatorship of The Joseph Coalition Iron Fist Consumerists "Today The Coalition, Tomorrow The World"

    6. The Free Land of Panhandla Iron Fist Consumerists "Yes, that is our boot up your ass."
    7. The Dominion of Evil Cenobites Compulsory Consumerist State "Demons to some, Angels to others."
    8. The Confederacy of AzH Compulsory Consumerist State "Great intellects are skeptical"
    9. The Dominion of Demonic Cannibals Compulsory Consumerist State "We want you for dinner. "
    10. The Dominion of Demonic Cenobites Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "Explorers in the further regions of experience. "
    11. The Constitutional Monarchy of Austro-Hungary Empire Civil Rights Lovefest "Indivisibly And Inseparably"
    12. The Cosmic Protectorate of De Dragon Compulsory Consumerist State "War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength, Freedom is Slavery"
    13. The Republic of The Aland Islands New York Times Democracy "Islands of Peace"
    14. The Republic of Hurricane America Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "Freedom at any cost. God Bless HA."
    15. The Dominion of Cheeky Llamas Democratic Socialists "Llamas smell nice"
    16. The United Lands of Omzig Father Knows Best State "Strength through unity"
    17. The Federation of Volkumpth Liberal Democratic Socialists "Perfection Through Work"
    18. The Principality of Plostekistan Left-Leaning College State "Live free, live well, live life."
    19. The Kingdom of New Stevenc2 Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death"
    20. The Dictatorship of The Oppressed Pugs Left-Leaning College State "Might makes Right"
    21. The Disputed Territories of Draki Father Knows Best State "Legends in our own minds"
    22. The Dominion of Flying Monkey Poo Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "Akk!"

    23. The Holy Republic of The Children of Talos Democratic Socialists "May our Father Talos watch over us"
    24. The Dictatorship of Zainzibar Land Left-Leaning College State "Remember the Alamo"
    25. The Galactic Armed Empire of WW_BITEME Iron Fist Consumerists "Bite My Butt!"
    And Zanzibarland with it's weak economy is the place least avoided (btw, congrats on getting your taxes below the 100% mark and notice your economy is starting to improve as well, good work. :Y:

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    DT World Report

    The Second most avoided place in the RP

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