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Thread: Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well

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    Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well

    Re: Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well

    Quote Originally Posted by ***COMMANDER***
    I never said that the defense budget was crooked. I stated that they should not hender the defense budget.

    Also, if the businesses are doing well and expanding, then that creates more jobs, more healthcare through your employer and puts money in the economy, so if you don't think it trickles down, then either you don't understand economics, or you are just riding on a bandwagon, that you have been sold into.
    But investigating companies that have done far more egregious things than ACORN should be looked into, no? And that's the problem with people who rail against ACORN. They are not against misuse of government money. They aren't concerned about misconduct. Why don't we see anyone railing about contractors like Blackwater? They want to attack an organization they see aligned with Obama, that's all. We see the same hypocrisy with the teabaggers who are harping about "government spending" once Obama came into office. During Bush's Presidency? They didn't exist. And therein lies the problem. This is all mostly faux outrage and the real rage is directed at Obama himself.

    Trickle-down economics are voodoo economics. They are basically telling you they are pissing on you. Cutting taxes on the wealthy and hoping a little slice trickles down to you is why it is crap and doesn't work. Yes, when business are doing well they can expand and hire more people, but they can't do well unless people have money to spend on their products.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer SapiensErus's Avatar
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    Re: Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well

    Quote Originally Posted by Fovezer
    Trickle-down economics are voodoo economics. They are basically telling you they are pissing on you. Cutting taxes on the wealthy and hoping a little slice trickles down to you is why it is crap and doesn't work. Yes, when business are doing well they can expand and hire more people, but they can't do well unless people have money to spend on their products.
    Yep... google "laffer curve" and check out the citation links on the Wiki article you get... 2005 CBO report sheds light on what many economists already know about trickle down economics. If you want to increase revenue, increase GDP.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Consultant's Avatar
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    Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well
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    Re: Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well

    Quote Originally Posted by SoySoldier
    Quote Originally Posted by Fovezer
    Trickle-down economics are voodoo economics. They are basically telling you they are pissing on you. Cutting taxes on the wealthy and hoping a little slice trickles down to you is why it is crap and doesn't work. Yes, when business are doing well they can expand and hire more people, but they can't do well unless people have money to spend on their products.
    Yep... google "laffer curve" and check out the citation links on the Wiki article you get... 2005 CBO report sheds light on what many economists already know about trickle down economics. If you want to increase revenue, increase GDP.
    What steps would you take to increase GDP without increasing the money supply?

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Blakeman's Avatar
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    Re: Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well

    Quote Originally Posted by Fovezer
    Quote Originally Posted by ***COMMANDER***
    I never said that the defense budget was crooked. I stated that they should not hender the defense budget.

    Also, if the businesses are doing well and expanding, then that creates more jobs, more healthcare through your employer and puts money in the economy, so if you don't think it trickles down, then either you don't understand economics, or you are just riding on a bandwagon, that you have been sold into.
    But investigating companies that have done far more egregious things than ACORN should be looked into, no? And that's the problem with people who rail against ACORN. They are not against misuse of government money. They aren't concerned about misconduct. Why don't we see anyone railing about contractors like Blackwater? They want to attack an organization they see aligned with Obama, that's all. We see the same hypocrisy with the teabaggers who are harping about "government spending" once Obama came into office. During Bush's Presidency? They didn't exist. And therein lies the problem. This is all mostly faux outrage and the real rage is directed at Obama himself.

    Trickle-down economics are voodoo economics. They are basically telling you they are pissing on you. Cutting taxes on the wealthy and hoping a little slice trickles down to you is why it is crap and doesn't work. Yes, when business are doing well they can expand and hire more people, but they can't do well unless people have money to spend on their products.

    Same sort of stuff was said about Halliburton when it was found Cheney was in with them. Halliburton for all their gruff does some good stuff too, even though they are a company instead of a 'non profit' like Acorn. Acorn might do good things for some folks, but when you get into politics you have to roll with the punches.

    This is the game, it ruins the US but the same players keep playing it back and forth at the expense of us all.

  5. Exiled
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    Re: Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well

    Quote Originally Posted by Muqtar SGT_Clintok

    WASHINGTON — The White House on Sunday pushed out the chairman of General Motors and instructed Chrysler to form a partnership with the Italian automaker Fiat within 30 days as conditions for receiving another much-needed round of government aid.

    The decision to ask G.M.’s chairman and chief executive, Rick Wagoner, to resign caught Detroit and Washington by surprise, and it underscored the Obama administration’s determination to keep a tight rein on the companies it is bailing out — a level of government involvement in business perhaps not seen since the Great Depression.
    So......... either leave, or the company goes under doesn't get any bail out money. No pressure or anything.

    If that isn't the white house making a personnel decision, I dont know what is.

    Sure the trees can be explained away, but the forrest remains. Or you can put things in perspective....

  6. Exiled
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    Re: Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well

    Quote Originally Posted by Consultant
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    Quote Originally Posted by Consultant

    Well, assuming that they did not get caught for 100% of the voter fraud, it is fair to say they produced some too!
    When you say "they" are you speaking of the few employees that committed fraud registering voters or ACORN the organization that caught these employees doing wrong immediately turning them in to the authorities?

    If a bank teller swipes a few dollars out of the cash drawer, is the whole bank guilty of theft?
    Was the entire bush administration corrupt because a couple people got caught doing naughty things?

    The double standard is laughable.

    Imagine if the a couple local NRA presidents or accountants got caught telling gang bangers how to smuggle illegal weapons into the country...just picture for a second...what would the media be like?

    Be honest.
    The president of ACORN was trying to get tax breaks for whores?

    There are NRA members helping gangbangers run guns everyday, but nobody is blaming all of the NRA for conspiring to distribute guns illegally. No, it is the individuals that are responsible.

    Those couple of people in the Bush administration doing "naughty things", were a lot higher up the food chain, than a couple tax preparers for ACORN in a corner office in some strip mall in Baltimore.......... So there is no comparison between Scooter/Karl/Monica Goodling (who were within reach of the president's ear, and made decisions in the President's name) and a couple tax preparers in an strip mall ACORN office.......... Nice try though.

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    Re: Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    Quote Originally Posted by Consultant
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    Quote Originally Posted by Consultant

    Well, assuming that they did not get caught for 100% of the voter fraud, it is fair to say they produced some too!
    When you say "they" are you speaking of the few employees that committed fraud registering voters or ACORN the organization that caught these employees doing wrong immediately turning them in to the authorities?

    If a bank teller swipes a few dollars out of the cash drawer, is the whole bank guilty of theft?
    Was the entire bush administration corrupt because a couple people got caught doing naughty things?

    The double standard is laughable.

    Imagine if the a couple local NRA presidents or accountants got caught telling gang bangers how to smuggle illegal weapons into the country...just picture for a second...what would the media be like?

    Be honest.
    The president of ACORN was trying to get tax breaks for whores?

    There are NRA members helping gangbangers run guns everyday, but nobody is blaming all of the NRA for conspiring to distribute guns illegally. No, it is the individuals that are responsible.

    Those couple of people in the Bush administration doing "naughty things", were a lot higher up the food chain, than a couple tax preparers for ACORN in a corner office in some strip mall in Baltimore.......... So there is no comparison between Scooter/Karl/Monica Goodling (who were within reach of the president's ear, and made decisions in the President's name) and a couple tax preparers in an strip mall ACORN office.......... Nice try though.
    And you have some proof the that gangbangers go to an NRA office or facility and are given tips on how to break the law ?
    Where are your sources ?
    Can you show us where seven different states are investigating the NRA for various offenses ?

    as far as blackwater goes .....

    One thing you notice more and more the longer you hang around this sleazy world is the way mainstream types can’t admit to the obvious. They always have to act shocked. So it’s like, “Bond Mogul Convicted of Fraud”-oh, the shock! Like they didn’t know, like everybody over the age of nine doesn’t know, that insider trading is the whole point of the market. So much lying. Makes me sick.

    And if you say you weren’t surprised, you’re the bad guy. You’re “cynical.” I love that word, “cynical.” Why not call the guy who discovered germs “cynical”? That’s a nasty theory if I ever heard one: armies of little monsters too small to see, just waiting to turn your mucus membranes into their orgy pools. It’s true, sure, but gosh it’s so darn “cynical”! Let’s pretend it isn’t true.
    No, see-nobody calls germs cynical because they don’t want to die of typhoid or diptheria or all the other stuff that people stopped getting once they faced up to the cynical facts like grownups for once in their wuss-ass lives. But just ask them to face up to anything that real where big animals like people are concerned and eeeek! They’ll scream like a cartoon elephant in a tutu at a mouse.

    So take Blackwater. It’s shock’n'horror time because a couple of ex-mercs blew the whistle on Erik Prince’s Onward Christian Steroid Casualties operation in Iraq.

    Yup, from shock’n'awe to shock’n'horror in only goin’-on-seven short years: that’s how fast normal healthy people can face facts. Give’em enough time, like at least until the statute of limitations runs out, which just happens to be seven years, and they’ll face facts like anything. A decent interval, that’s what they love.

    The Blackwater defectors have filed a sworn deposition in federal court that Blackwater zapped Iraqis at random, aimed to kill Muslims anywhere and any time they could, paid little Baghdadi girls a dollar a head, so to speak, for sexual services and just generally behaved like cartoon baddies. David Axe at’s half-assed Inspector-gadget military blog “Danger Room” yukked it up with a headline calling Erik Prince a “super-villain” and called the defectors’ story “a fantastic litany of crimes, almost too fantastic to be believed.”

    This is crap, of course. There’s nothing unbelievable or even unusual about what these Blackwater mercs did in Iraq. It’s what mercs always do, wherever they go. The only way you can be surprised about what happened is if you’ve been lying to yourself for your whole life.

    Number one, and this will be bad news to all the computer dweebs at Wired: insurgency and counterinsurgency war is made with people. Not gadgets. So it comes down to the quality of the people you put in the field.

    While we’re letting that sink in, and believe me it’s a real bummer for these Popular Mechanix war fans so it’ll take a while to sink in-while we wait, we’ll go on to bad news item #2: We hate the Iraqis. We didn’t go there to save them or help them or paint their thumbs purple, we went there to punish them, hurt them, fuck them up. This is one of the biggest and dumbest lies around, this “saving Private Iraqi” crap. Before the war people were a little more honest: we’re going to blast the fuckers, make them pay. “Pay for what?” wasn’t very clear but then who was asking? Nobody cared. Just make them pay.

    Then they turned out to be unarmed, WMD-wise, and we were stuck like a Bakersfield cop standing over a dead cholo. What do you do, plant a .38 on him? Not in Iraq, not after you stupidly invited every damn news crew in the world on a ride-along in your big barrio-patrol adventure. So suddenly it was, “Uh…we shot this guy to, um, save a buncha other people, yeah, that’s it, because we love his cousins and his neighbors!”

    So officially we love Iraqis, but the people saying that didn’t volunteer for Blackwater. You know why? Because everybody, and I mean everybody, in America knows that the “I heart Iraq” thing is a total lie and always has been.

    The guys who volunteered for Blackwater didn’t go there to build peace-corps girls’ schools, they went to get rich in a free-fire, no-rules video game. And those men are still volunteering, by the way, you can go to their site and sign up at one of their regional HQ right now:

    Here’s what I mean by people never ever looking at the obvious facts: go to an internet café if you can still find one and look over the shoulder of every male in the place (which is usually everybody except one weird girl in the corner). You’ll find every one of those guys is playing a first-person shooter game or something like World of Warcraft–you know, Eric Cartman and his friends vs. Dragons or Wizards or some crap.

    That’s what’s going on in the heads of every male of military age. Now most of the guys in that internet place are nice Asian boys with moms who’d skin them alive if they volunteered for Blackwater–can’t blame them either. If I was Asian I wouldn’t feel all that safe on a Blackwater training compound, I’d make my will and wait for an “accidental” frangible round in the back of the head from some redneck training buddy. So they won’t actually go to Iraq to get head from little slave girls and shoot civilians for fun.

    But they’ll think about it. It’s the world most male human beings, if you wanna call us human, inhabit by preference. In our free time, online, that is. We don’t actually live like that because our parents told us, you have to do your homework and get a job eventually. We don’t want to; we want the world on that screen, killing and raping. It’s just not practical as a career.

    Except around 2003 it was practical, for a whole lot of guys from places you wouldn’t want to live: Tennessee, Alabama, North Georgia, Oklahoma. Guys who’d never had a choice worth making, or only had a choice of WalMart or the Service, no money with no benefits vs. no money with at least VA for life. Suddenly these guys were making $700 per day–yes, that’s right, per day–to do what every boy at that internet café is doing: strutting around in armor shooting people.

    And the people they were hired to shoot were already officially designated targets: Iraqis, ragheads, whatever. I’m not even gonna focus on the hate-speech crap, because (and damn, I get so tired of having to repeat this, but I know you bastards will avoid reality if I give you half a chance)—because, I repeat, hate speech is normal. The human norm. The only way you can think hate speech is weird or criminal is if you don’t know anything about history and never ever even listen to the people around you. I guarantee, even if you live in San Francisco–Hell, especially if you live there–you’ll find most of the talk you hear is hate speech, because that’s how people talk and always have and always will. In SF maybe the hate speech is aimed at rednecks, fat white losers like, uh, me, but it’s the same hate speech. That’s how one bunch of primates keeps itself together: by hating on another buncha primates in the next tree.

    It’s that simple. The reason the SF haters don’t go volunteer for Blackwater is (a) they can make more money without risking their necks; and (b) they wouldn’t get to kill fat rednecks like me, so it wouldn’t be any fun for them. I promise you, if Blackwater got a contract to “protect” someplace like Enid, Oklahoma from “Christian Extremists” you’d get half of SF volunteering and they wouldn’t even ask what the pay rate was. It’s who we are, it’s what we do. I wouldn’t blame’em. Imagine the fun it’d be for some Noe Valley yuppie, driving down those Okie alleys with your barrel playing eenie-meenie-miney-moe, catch an okie by the frontal lobe, or just making up games, “Lessee, I’m gonna shoot the next one I see with buck teeth…or a cowboy hat…no, maybe the next four-door pickup, I hate those things, shoot the next redneck driving a crew cab….”

    And then you go home, take your steroids for the day to stay nice’n'pumped’n'pissed off, and wander over to the canteen where they’ve got some nice orphan Okie girls, around ten or maybe twelve years old, and while you’re getting head off them for a dollar you’ve got the extra zip of knowing you’re the all-conquerin’ bastard that offed their parents at the traffic light last week an’ orphaned them, so you got them into their present line of employment.

    That’s how Genghis Khan felt, folks. He was just honest enough to say so. It’s been a while since anybody was that honest, and it never did take hold on this side of the ocean. We’re liars, mealymouthed gospel-puking liars from the get-go, but once it gets dark–and it got nice’n'dark in Iraq for a while there–once it gets dark, we act just like every other stinking male ape who ever got handed a gun.

    So just stop lying and acting surprised. That’s all I ask. Just stop lying for once. Reminds me of that old NWA line, oughta be the national motto: “Bitch, stop lyin’.” You ain’t surprised at what these Blackwater apes did, you’d do it yourself if you didn’t have better job ops stateside, and if you ever even looked around you or just remembered what you felt like when you were nineteen you’d know there’s nothing “almost unbelievable” about any of it.

    Of course they did all that shit. What did you think? More and more I think most moral, normal people spend most of their energy NOT thinking about anything–history, stats, money, or even remembering what they were like when they were still alive. They spend about a gigawatt per hour NOT thinking about stuff, and anything left over goes to some crap peaceable-kingdom fantasy.

    You see that even in the nature documentaries. I’ve noticed there’s always some supposedly clean kind of ape, you know? When I was a kid they thought chimps were the nice ape. Then somebody filmed chimps hunting down monkeys and eating them alive, tearing off KFC arms and legs still hot. So much for the nice chimps. Then it was the pygmy chimp, the bonobo…except some other party-pooper just filmed these nice little feminist chimps doing the same thing, just with smaller monkeys. Whoops! Where’s the nice ape?

    And who ever said there was one?

  8. Registered TeamPlayer deathgodusmc's Avatar
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    Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well

    Re: Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well

    Quote Originally Posted by CallousDisregard
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    Quote Originally Posted by Consultant
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    Quote Originally Posted by Consultant

    Well, assuming that they did not get caught for 100% of the voter fraud, it is fair to say they produced some too!
    When you say "they" are you speaking of the few employees that committed fraud registering voters or ACORN the organization that caught these employees doing wrong immediately turning them in to the authorities?

    If a bank teller swipes a few dollars out of the cash drawer, is the whole bank guilty of theft?
    Was the entire bush administration corrupt because a couple people got caught doing naughty things?

    The double standard is laughable.

    Imagine if the a couple local NRA presidents or accountants got caught telling gang bangers how to smuggle illegal weapons into the country...just picture for a second...what would the media be like?

    Be honest.
    The president of ACORN was trying to get tax breaks for whores?

    There are NRA members helping gangbangers run guns everyday, but nobody is blaming all of the NRA for conspiring to distribute guns illegally. No, it is the individuals that are responsible.

    Those couple of people in the Bush administration doing "naughty things", were a lot higher up the food chain, than a couple tax preparers for ACORN in a corner office in some strip mall in Baltimore.......... So there is no comparison between Scooter/Karl/Monica Goodling (who were within reach of the president's ear, and made decisions in the President's name) and a couple tax preparers in an strip mall ACORN office.......... Nice try though.
    And you have some proof the that gangbangers go to an NRA office or facility and are given tips on how to break the law ?
    Where are your sources ?
    Can you show us where seven different states are investigating the NRA for various offenses ?

    as far as blackwater goes .....

    I deleted the whole article simply because thats where it belongs in the trash. Whom ever wrote this obviously never served in the military. I would like to know how they came across their vast knowledge of how mercs do things. They sure as hell didn't pay attention to the war or they would know they did find wmd's.<-- just for trigger and hawg

    What a POS article full of misleading and made up nonsense.

    LOL even wiki basically says he's a fucking moron.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer ***COMMANDER***'s Avatar
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    Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well
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    Re: Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well

    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc
    I deleted the whole article simply because thats where it belongs in the trash. Whom ever wrote this obviously never served in the military. I would like to know how they came across their vast knowledge of how mercs do things. They sure as hell didn't pay attention to the war or they would know they did find wmd's.<-- just for trigger and hawg
    Sing it again Sam......

  10. Registered TeamPlayer Gumby's Avatar
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    Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well
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    Gamertag: tFHoP Gumby PSN ID: tFHoP_Gumby Steam ID: gumbykey1337 Gumby's Originid: Gumby_C2C

    Re: Bill to end Acorn funding....will stop funding to others as well

    I am a government defense contractor and this thread amuses me.
    I did like the contractor misconduct link.
    I am not shocked by the numbers of cases or the dollar values.
    It was funny to see my company's biggest competitors torched on that site.
    My company BTW, smells like roses on that database.

    Also, If you dig into that database, a lot of those dollar amounts are not examples of dollar amounts they ripped off from the taxpayers.
    They count, in the dollar amount and in the total claims things like an employee suing the company for sexual harassment or if one company sues another for any shenanigans.

    As a government defense contractor, I say let them investigate us. I know my company has nothing to hide.
    Sleep, eat, conquer, meditate, repeat.

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