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Thread: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Blakeman's Avatar
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    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    Quote Originally Posted by CallousDisregard
    How is that Kool Aid tasting about now ?

    Lots of Kool Aid drinking on both sides of this.... just depends on flavor. Red/Cherry for Democrat and Berry Blue for Republicans....

    Seriously guys? This is about the least important bullshit you could ever argue about and only falls into the trap from both sides about distraction from the real legit crap being done by both parties.

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    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    I disagree
    Muzzling the lone source of large spread criticism is a very important subject.
    The idea here is to claim that Fox isn't news, therefore the freedom of the press doesn't apply to them.
    I bet you within a week you will hear people claiming that Fox falls under McCain-Feingold.

    The upside is that while people like me have long felt there is little difference between the parties and really it is the same old game of pay-to-play, the recent events have actually caused me to donate money and spend time actually doing things.

    Obama is not just another politician.

    He has many of the same same characteristics ie: smooth talking liar with no real world experience, but while his buddies loot the treasury he is actually getting close to making signifigant changes in how the country operates.

    The drones can spin all the bullshit they want about the healthcare bill but anyone with a lick of sense can see it will give the federal government much greater power with almost no oversight.

    If not for Fox, how many people would have even tried to read House bill, let alone one that is over a thousand pages ?

    Without the "hate radio " and all the other epithets hurled at people asking legitimate questions of their government, how many people would be aware of the details ?

    Yes, there has been a lot of bullshit from the right about what is in the bill or what somebody said but by the same token, the Senate and the House are outright cooking the books to hide the costs of things they say will cost nothing.
    Then when they get caught lying, they just make up new bullshit about how they will cut waste and fraud and save the money and again it won't cost anything.

    Don't the people waving the Obama flag realize that 90+% of the federal government did NOT change in January ?

    The same people that some of you were sure planned, caused or condoned September 11th are still working there.

    But now, since a complete noob became CO we can trust all those people ?

    But we don't need to worry about their efforts to control all the information you receive ?

    Take off those rose-colored glasses and read about the various attempts to limit free speech that have gained ground since BHO was elected.

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    White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    Quote Originally Posted by Consultant
    pointing out your lack of objectivity is not just now, in that post - posted the internet equivelant of covering your ears and saying "la la la I can't hear you."

    I am perfectly coherent. You are the most biased poster on this forum, and that is saying a LOT. You have so many preconceived notions about everything you are incapable of viewing the other side of the street.
    Whatever, dude. This still doesn't make coherent sense. I have my point of view, and I naturally argue from that point of view. Why wouldn't I? You have your point of view, and you argue from that view. I've read your post, and you most certainly are not objective, either. I don't make wild or unsubstantiated claims. I back up everything with evidence to support my claim. I would love for you to point out the preconceived notions I hold. Be specific, please. I am not the one who calls Obama a "messiah" or accuse people who disagree with me as "drinking the Kool-aid," so get off your holier-than-thou horse and open your eyes. You want to see the epitome of bias without regard for the truth and without evidence? Read CallousDisregard's posts, as one example.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer BruceBloodMaster's Avatar
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    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    I'm still waiting for all the Promised "Transparency and Openess" ! LOL Another fucking Lie ! All things being dicussed are behind Closed Doors ....... as usual.

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    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    Disprove one of my posts then.
    And don't use the DailyKos to do it.
    I don't claim to speak for the masses or have some great degree that gives my words more weight.
    I just speak my mind, narrow and small as it might be.
    But all you do is parrot the party line and ignore the realities that don't fit that.

    Obama has done almost nothing positive for this country and there are very few things he plans that even have the promise of being positive.
    Stimulus plan ?
    BS! the money is set to be spent right before the election and unemployment keeps rising while his buddies in Goldman rake in the dough.
    Healthcare bill that won't kick in until he is long gone with budget numbers that would make Enron and Arthur Anderson blush ?

    But you still wave the flag like he isn't lying through his teeth.

    But it isn't up to people like you anymore.
    You had your shot and it looks like it's dribbling down your leg.

    Everyone hated Bush and you could have actually achieved some real change in the country in the wake of his Presidency.

    But you elected a sham.

    The hard left in Congress is pushing their various looting schemes while he dithers on the war he said we should be fighting.
    Anyone who disagrees is a part of a mob or bearing a swastika.

    His minions attack his own general while the Russians snub HRC.

    But are going to tell me that the MSM give an objective view of what a complete disaster this man has been as President both domestically and internationally ?

    So please tell me how Ayers wasn't his close buddy evidence mounts that Ayers ghost wrote one of his books
    or how his 20 year membership in a racist church didn't show itself in the Crowley affair ?
    His communication director thinks of a mass murderer as a philosopher and his safe school czar counts a pedophile as an inspiration and I'm biased against him ? which I conclude you mean I don't judge the evidence fairly.

    So tell me, how do you judge the evidence and try to answer without mentioning Bush or Fox....if you can.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer rock_lobster's Avatar
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    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    Quote Originally Posted by Panic
    fox news is beyond bullshit
    Is that what they told you to think? Because you're argument almost makes me want to believe you. :3

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    White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    Quote Originally Posted by CallousDisregard
    Disprove one of my posts then.
    And don't use the DailyKos to do it.
    I don't claim to speak for the masses or have some great degree that gives my words more weight.
    I just speak my mind, narrow and small as it might be.
    But all you do is parrot the party line and ignore the realities that don't fit that.
    Pot, meet kettle. And I have disproven your posts. Repeatedly.

    Quote Originally Posted by CallousDisregard
    Obama has done almost nothing positive for this country and there are very few things he plans that even have the promise of being positive.
    Stimulus plan ?
    BS! the money is set to be spent right before the election and unemployment keeps rising while his buddies in Goldman rake in the dough.
    Healthcare bill that won't kick in until he is long gone with budget numbers that would make Enron and Arthur Anderson blush ?

    But you still wave the flag like he isn't lying through his teeth.

    But it isn't up to people like you anymore.
    You had your shot and it looks like it's dribbling down your leg.
    You know, I actually agree with you about Goldman Sachs and that Obama isn't coming down on them hard enough. Not even close to enough. However, you seen to ignorantly think that the stimulus would fix everything the moment it was passed. You ignored that the White House even predicted unemployment rates would go up before they began to go down again. Some parts of health reform will take effect soon than others, but I also don't like that some reforms wouldn't take effect until 2013. That's too long to wait, but Obama will still be President then, don't worry. He'll be starting his second term.

    Quote Originally Posted by CallousDisregard
    Everyone hated Bush and you could have actually achieved some real change in the country in the wake of his Presidency.

    But you elected a sham.
    There has been. Not as much as I would like, but there has been some real change. You just either choose to ignore it or don't like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by CallousDisregard
    The hard left in Congress is pushing their various looting schemes while he dithers on the war he said we should be fighting.
    Anyone who disagrees is a part of a mob or bearing a swastika.

    His minions attack his own general while the Russians snub HRC.

    But are going to tell me that the MSM give an objective view of what a complete disaster this man has been as President both domestically and internationally ?
    The problem is you wouldn't know "hard left" if it slapped you in the face. You are so far off-the-edge right-wing that even centrists in Congress appear "hard left" to you. I can't think of any Congressman that is to the left of me, and I am pretty moderate left-wing.

    And maybe the media isn't portraying what you want them to portray because it isn't true and that is just your delusion? Just because the media is not broadcasting your beliefs as fact doesn't mean they aren't being objective.

    Quote Originally Posted by CallousDisregard
    So please tell me how Ayers wasn't his close buddy evidence mounts that Ayers ghost wrote one of his books
    or how his 20 year membership in a racist church didn't show itself in the Crowley affair ?
    His communication director thinks of a mass murderer as a philosopher and his safe school czar counts a pedophile as an inspiration and I'm biased against him ? which I conclude you mean I don't judge the evidence fairly.

    So tell me, how do you judge the evidence and try to answer without mentioning Bush or Fox....if you can.
    And here you go, swallowing propaganda without even bothering to factcheck it. You have become little more than a parrot.

    Ayers: Tell you how Ayers wasn't his close buddy? What the fuck is wrong with you? You are supposed to explain how sitting on an education board immediately makes you best buddies. Ghost-writer for Obama's book? Completely unfounded with ZERO evidence to support it. So, what we have here is nothing but inane nonsense from you.

    Crowley: Your assuming race had something to do with Obama backing Gates? Really? It doesn't mean anything that they were friends for a long time before this? You really are pathetic and have no evidence to support this.

    Anita Dunn: I've corrected you now twice on this issue. You choose to remain willfully ignorant, not my fault.

    Kevin Jennings: Wow. You really don't give a shit about the truth, do you? He praised Harry Hay for the work he did in the LGBT community in founding the first gay rights group, the Mattachine Society. Hay was not a pedophile.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer Red_Lizard2's Avatar
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    White House advisers say Fox News is not news
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    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    An army without culture is a dull-witted army, and a dull-witted army cannot defeat the enemy.
    Classes struggle, some classes triumph, others are eliminated. Such is history; such is the history of civilization for thousands of years.
    Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.
    The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history.
    War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.
    Oh and on Mao, she said political philospher instead of theorist. Thats SUCH a glaring horrible mistake!

  9. Registered TeamPlayer rock_lobster's Avatar
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    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    Quote Originally Posted by Consultant
    pointing out your lack of objectivity is not just now, in that post - posted the internet equivelant of covering your ears and saying "la la la I can't hear you."
    No that much different from his other liberal buddies on this forum.

    Keep drinking the koolaid Fove.....but be sure to enjoy it, it cost over a trillion dollars.

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    White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    Quote Originally Posted by rock_lobster
    No that much different from his other liberal buddies on this forum.

    Keep drinking the koolaid Fove.....but be sure to enjoy it, it cost over a trillion dollars.
    It's a tasty flavor called "Reality." You should try it!

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