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Thread: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

  1. Exiled
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    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    That wasn't Dana Perino declaring NBC of being bias, was that?

    Fovezer, you are trying to impart logic and sound thinking into the equivalent of a mongoloid. It might be better to just not feed the troll. It is well noted that you DO provide materials to support your positions, whereas, he just TROLLS and provides Michelle Maulkin and Glenn Beck links.

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    White House advisers say Fox News is not news White House advisers say Fox News is not news
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    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    At the heart of it - it isnt even really about the network. They have millions of viewers, no shortage of advertisers and this move on the part of the WH has likely increased their ratings, not diminished them...

    The real problem I have, and where the WH is short-sighted in my opinion is the way they are dismissing the audience as duped fools or members of an enemy regime.

    I saw a statistic from Pew Research this morning (On Fox News, while getting dressed for work) that showed the breakdown of news viewers by political party affiliation and network and the long and the short of it is that Fox News is a much more balanced viewer base - if I recall correctly -

    Fox -
    39% R - 30% D - 22% I

    CNN and MSNBC were something like
    18% R - 52% D - 20%

    I just spent a few minutes looking for it online but can't find it, regrettably. I know you will likely dismiss this next article - but what are your comments on this? Dick Morris wrote it, and he has some conservative opinions, so you are likely to reject it - but it definitely has some statistics that warrant a response.

    If the WH thinks Fox isnt news - what do they think of the Fox Audience? What do YOU think of the Fox Audience? Are you willing to marginalize it as the WH appears to be?

    Another question...

    Is this, in any way, similar to the Nixon Media Enemies thing? In your opinion.

  3. Exiled
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    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    Quote Originally Posted by Consultant
    At the heart of it - it isnt even really about the network. They have millions of viewers, no shortage of advertisers and this move on the part of the WH has likely increased their ratings, not diminished them...

    The real problem I have, and where the WH is short-sighted in my opinion is the way they are dismissing the audience as duped fools or members of an enemy regime.

    I saw a statistic from Pew Research this morning (On Fox News, while getting dressed for work) that showed the breakdown of news viewers by political party affiliation and network and the long and the short of it is that Fox News is a much more balanced viewer base - if I recall correctly -

    Fox -
    39% R - 30% D - 22% I

    CNN and MSNBC were something like
    18% R - 52% D - 20%

    I just spent a few minutes looking for it online but can't find it, regrettably. I know you will likely dismiss this next article - but what are your comments on this? Dick Morris wrote it, and he has some conservative opinions, so you are likely to reject it - but it definitely has some statistics that warrant a response.

    If the WH thinks Fox isnt news - what do they think of the Fox Audience? What do YOU think of the Fox Audience? Are you willing to marginalize it as the WH appears to be?

    Another question...

    Is this, in any way, similar to the Nixon Media Enemies thing? In your opinion.
    I would say horribly ill-informed. And, well, duped fools, especially those that get their opinions from Fox as well.

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    White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    That wasn't Dana Perino declaring NBC of being bias, was that?

    Fovezer, you are trying to impart logic and sound thinking into the equivalent of a mongoloid. It might be better to just not feed the troll. It is well noted that you DO provide materials to support your positions, whereas, he just TROLLS and provides Michelle Maulkin and Glenn Beck links.
    The one and the same. And I agree about CallousDisregard. I think I'm through wasting my time with that cretin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Consultant
    At the heart of it - it isnt even really about the network. They have millions of viewers, no shortage of advertisers and this move on the part of the WH has likely increased their ratings, not diminished them...

    The real problem I have, and where the WH is short-sighted in my opinion is the way they are dismissing the audience as duped fools or members of an enemy regime.
    I agree that this could ultimately help Fox's numbers. I can't see it really hurting them, but that doesn't negate their criticism. And I don't think the White House was dismissing the audience, rather dismissing the info Fox chooses to give to their viewers and through their Republican filter. But Fox viewers are often the most ill-informed about current issues.

    Quote Originally Posted by Consultant
    I saw a statistic from Pew Research this morning (On Fox News, while getting dressed for work) that showed the breakdown of news viewers by political party affiliation and network and the long and the short of it is that Fox News is a much more balanced viewer base - if I recall correctly -

    Fox -
    39% R - 30% D - 22% I

    CNN and MSNBC were something like
    18% R - 52% D - 20%

    I just spent a few minutes looking for it online but can't find it, regrettably. I know you will likely dismiss this next article - but what are your comments on this? Dick Morris wrote it, and he has some conservative opinions, so you are likely to reject it - but it definitely has some statistics that warrant a response.

    If the WH thinks Fox isnt news - what do they think of the Fox Audience? What do YOU think of the Fox Audience? Are you willing to marginalize it as the WH appears to be?
    Even if I am dismissive of the source, I will always reply to them. I'll just let you know what I think of them beforehand. Yes, I think Dick Morris is a sniveling little weasel and I don't consider NewsMax a credible source, but to answer your question, the viewership composition doesn't matter. Even assuming your numbers are correct, it wouldn't matter if 100% of the viewers were Democrats, that has no bearing whatsoever on the editorial content of the network and whether it is working as an arm of the Republican party or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Consultant
    Another question...

    Is this, in any way, similar to the Nixon Media Enemies thing? In your opinion.
    No, not at all, because Nixon was using that list to go after people personally and try and ruin them. Publicly calling out a "news" organization for being dishonest is different that secretly trying to ruin, say, Glenn Beck and other Fox personalities.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Red_Lizard2's Avatar
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    White House advisers say Fox News is not news
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    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    Quote Originally Posted by Fovezer
    it wouldn't matter if 100% of the viewers were Democrats, that has no bearing whatsoever on the editorial content of the network and whether it is working as an arm of the Republican party or not.
    actually got to disagree with you there, if for example, 100% of Fox viewers were democrats then they would run more pieces and stories tailored towards democrats. Because it would be what they would get ratings from and thus more ad money. Besides most of the cable news is just about making it "entertaining" then any actual reporting (and thus why you see Fox or MSNBC getting better rating then C-Span for example)

  6. Registered TeamPlayer Toad's Avatar
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    White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    FOX deliberately distorts the truth to a ridiculous degree. It's not "They program for conservatives." It's "They frequently and intentionally lie to smear the left, or anything that is not far right." Not with every story (balloon boy isn't exactly a big political issue), but with many stories. I agree with calling them out because they have been a lie machine masquerading as news for a long, long time, as any news-savvy intellectually honest observer will tell you.

    For another take on it, I remember when Kerry ran in 2004 I was pissed because he didn't play hardball enough. He was also a crappy candidate, although Bush was by far crappier. Now we have Obama, who (at least in the interviews I see) speaks to the American people like they are adults and expects them to understand what he is talking about, and who is not afraid to take the fight to his enemies (although obviously you'd never see any examples of this watching FOX news, for obvious reasons). He's lighting it up and making the hardcore conservatives cry and I love it. He's smoking mid, throwing some flashes and then charging in, M4 blazing, taking down the terrorists that are holding America's (how do I put this politely) "less discerning" citizens hostage!

    :4 :9 :6

  7. Registered TeamPlayer rock_lobster's Avatar
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    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    Quote Originally Posted by Toad
    FOX deliberately distorts the truth to a ridiculous degree. It's not "They program for conservatives." It's "They frequently and intentionally lie to smear the left, or anything that is not far right." Not with every story (balloon boy isn't exactly a big political issue), but with many stories. I agree with calling them out because they have been a lie machine masquerading as news for a long, long time, as any news-savvy intellectually honest observer will tell you.

    For another take on it, I remember when Kerry ran in 2004 I was pissed because he didn't play hardball enough. He was also a crappy candidate, although Bush was by far crappier. Now we have Obama, who (at least in the interviews I see) speaks to the American people like they are adults and expects them to understand what he is talking about, and who is not afraid to take the fight to his enemies (although obviously you'd never see any examples of this watching FOX news, for obvious reasons). He's lighting it up and making the hardcore conservatives cry and I love it. He's smoking mid, throwing some flashes and then charging in, M4 blazing, taking down the terrorists that are holding America's (how do I put this politely) "less discerning" citizens hostage!

    :4 :9 :6
    Please explain to me why if anyone on the right would say something to support a conservative politician, we are simply being ignorant and watching too much fox news bias; yet you can sit here and say this and we're supposed to take you at your word?

    Stop the finger pointing. You think Bush was worse than kerry? Why? Because CNN thought so? MSNBC thought so? Do you ever watch fox news at all? For more than 5 seconds afterwhich you most likely roll your eyes even though you have no idea what was just said?

    Any network that has anti-Obama stories out there (or the truth as I call it), is biased in the eyes of 99% of the liberals on this board. Anything anti-Bush in those last 8 years, was spot on and great some of you even listen to yourself talk?

    Does Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity like Barrack Obama's policies? No. Did a majority of CNN, CBS, MSNBC, anchors/reporters/etc... like the Bush administration and their policies? No.

    So if Beck and Hannity are biased then sure as fuck the other networks were biased (And still are) during the Bush administration.

    But alas, you'll just call me a right wing whacko then take your ball and go home all the while turning back telling me I'm not invited to your birthday party.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer Toad's Avatar
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    White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    I'm not sure exactly how to respond to that. I'll take a stab at it though.

    1) FOX-detractors are not saying that FOX leans to the right (i.e. supporting a conservative politician), it's saying that it intentionally distorts data to an absurd degree considering that they call what they do journalism. Your arguments seem to center around an idea that Obama saw a cable news station that leaned to the right and attacked it, but that is NOT what happened.

    2) I don't know who else you have argued against in the past on these boards, but I am a new and entirely different person. Maybe I'm in the 1% of the liberals on this board (I'm left-leaning but definitely not left on every issue) that do not think that any network that has anti-Obama stories are biased? I like honest, intellectually sound reporting that aims to get the complete story to its viewers and aid them in seeing the contexts that all parties involved in the issue are seeing it in. As I said earlier in this thread, I don't feel that any cable news stations do this to my satisfaction, so I research most of my news on the internet and look for discussions on various debate forums to determine where each side is coming from.

    3) Sean Hannity/Glenn Beck is to CNN/MSNBC as "liking Bush" is to "liking Obama" is NOT a valid comparison. See point #1.

    4) I didn't call anyone a right wing whacko, and I hope that no one was offended by my heavily exaggerated description of Obama as a heroic CT. I tried to keep it lighthearted by following it with tank/groucho/BK smiley faces. That said, I will not back off of my stance that FOX News is crap, and that people who get their news from it should know better and can't be trusted to know what's going on because their source of news is completely suspect, and someone not easily fooled wouldn't watch it in the first place. FOX News is the Afghanistan of news: a failed state, run by terrorists or corrupt puppets. This debate is OVER!!!!

    PS: Please continue the smiley usage in any responses to keep this fun. :2

  9. Unconfirmed User Muqtar SGT_Clintok's Avatar
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    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    I believe the lead knuckle head attacking the new outlet, stated that Fox News operates "almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party." I dont know whether it was the conservative opinion heads they have on there, or just sour grapes after that year long love affair he had with the rest of the media during the election. Hard to say.

    To say that fox news is a failed news outlet, and then say the debate is over? I think thats straight out of the Al Gore global warming playbook. It didn't work. There is definitely a lot of cooperation between the white house,, and other liberal elements to silence the dissent, but we'll see whether that works.

    But welcome to the forums toad. The discussions here have become highly polarized over the past 18 months or so. Knee jerk reactions do occur, but I commend you for bringing it back to civility.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer rock_lobster's Avatar
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    Re: White House advisers say Fox News is not news

    My apologies if it seemed my animosity was directed at you personally toad. It's just that you can come at most of the liberals on this board soft. You'll leave with a limp.

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