Im not sure if im allowed to do this so if im not a site mod can lock it or delete it, i dont mean to start any trouble or nothing...But anyways So if you guys remember Gamewager im sure some of you know what it is if not basically it was something you ran on ur game servers that gave anyone who had a GW account points for kills and wins and so on, With these points u could trade them into raffels for prizes like ipods ps3s and such. The site died quickly as they ran out of funds, There is a new site that aparently i just heard has been blasted all over 4chan Call Lockerz, Its the same set up basically except they dont have any games yet and they are private invites. Why am i making this post? Because i have invites, So if anyones interested let me kno and send me ur email, Mind you for every person who signs up they get 20 invites. So just let me kno. Again i apologize if this is against the rules you can lock it or delete it if it is.

P.s. This new site is being ran and upheld by a multi million dollar company.