I find it really sucky when you have 2 or 3 teachers that each have their own section, but the exams between the classes are the same. Sometimes it's fine but for the past few classes it's been pretty bullshit.

Last semester I had the 'good' teacher in one of my IM classes, she was basically the best and really pounded everything into our heads. She was also the teacher that made the exams and even though she refused to teach for the test her students did waaay better on every test. I had about a 95 or so on all of the tests and some good studying. My friend had one of the other professors and would study more than I did, but still stayed in the 80's... and it was across the board for all the students (not just my friend and I).

This semester I don't have the good teacher for Tax and I'm very afraid of the test, considering that the older and much better professor is making the test. Her classes are much more detailed and she finished the lecture notes 1 to 2 classes before the exam allowing for review (which is always nice). My class covered one of the major topics for the test (probably the 22 point question) in about 10 minutes, and covered only 1 example problem. Since the other professor had a review this morning during her normal class time (unfortunately I was stuck in a different class) she allowed the students from mine to go. According to just about everyone I spoke to, all the students with my professor were waaaay lost in comparison and asking all the questions since they had no idea what was going on.

I fear for my grade .