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Thread: You're a magnet to BS

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    You're a magnet to BS

    And no, it's good.

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    You're a magnet to BS

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    is this in need of moderation......ahem?
    I have stated my opinions. I'm good.

    If you feel the need to lock, move, delete, split the thread or otherwise moderate this topic then do so at your own discretion.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer MooMasterCowman's Avatar
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    You're a magnet to BS

    Quote Originally Posted by Dome
    Quote Originally Posted by MooMasterCowman
    hmmmm... let's see here... if he's picking teams to avoid you, as you claim, and his stats show he mostly joins werhmacht, that would lead me to belive you're usually allies... and most of the time i've seen you on lately, you were allies. now, what was that about you calling jello an unrounded player?
    Obviously you didn't look very close at the stats. How many times have I joined a team?
    Allies: 155
    Axis: 159
    Allies: 25
    Axis: 53
    Allies: 29
    Axis: 63
    i was just trying to point out that you saying he's just trying to avoid you was bullshit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dome
    I take a look at my team when picking a weapon and look to see what is the most needed class. Most of the time there are not enough assualt class so its usually the one I end up. I will switch to any other class when needed. For example an mg if defense is needed and the team doesn't already have one or two. A sniper to attack against other snipers and mg's. And by your own admission you think that the rifle is more versitle than an assault. That is purely your opinion we could debate endlessly about one weapon over another, what matters is that a team has a combination of classes for the situation. If you look at the server stats
    then it shows that my stats are in line with the general populace. And if you were to spend any time playing with me you would know your claim that I am not a well rounded player does not hold up.
    notice my refrence to the stats are conspicuously missing...
    seriously man, i NEVER see you using ANYTHING but assault class. and rifleman class is more versatile that assault. all assault is good for is a blind rush through buildings, or camping buildings. that's it. rifleman? hunter-killer against mg's, maybe even snipers if you're a good shot. flag defense. rush. seige. sniping. kill-the-guy-around-the-goddamn-corner-that's-half-a-fucking-block-away (gotta love the riflegrenades).

    Quote Originally Posted by Dome
    Quote Originally Posted by MooMasterCowman
    Quote Originally Posted by Dome
    If the map designers intention was that a spawn area was not to be entered, then they would have made it that way, i.e. Donner is the only map that you cannot enter the spawn areas without the assistance of another player.
    ok, i am sick of people saying shit like this. "it's in the game so it must be ok". ever consider that maybe the game designers didn't quite know what the fuck they were doing? and that one little key phrase there "without the assistance of another player". meaning that you can always get into any spawn, on any map, if you and/or someone else is determined to do so. JUST BECAUSE SOMETHING IS IN THE GODDAMN GAME, DOESN'T MEAN IT IS A GOOD IDEA!!
    I get tired of hearing whiny ass crybabies that think map designers don't know how to make maps. This argument has been going on since the beta's. In the beta's you could get into the spawn areas pretty easily on most maps. Then they went to adding world kills that would kill an enemy when they got into a spawn area. Now in source they have eliminated the world kills and made it difficult, but possible to enter the spawns on several maps. The game and map designers have been doing their job for some time now and they know exactly what the fuck they are doing. It is only your OPINION that it is not a good idea. The map designers made the maps the way they did on purpose . They did think it was a good idea. As players we must use the resources we have to deal with it because they did put it in the game.
    you know, you just proved my fucking point with one goddamn line: "they did think it was a good idea". blindly saying "it's ok cuz it's in the game". the developers aren't fucking perfect. difficult? ok, time to wave the bullshit flag. anzio, hop right over the fucking sandbags. avalance, both teams can just waltz into the other teams spawn. donner, the werhmacht can see a huge-ass part of the US spawn. flash, germans have no place to run, their spawn is wide-fucking-open. argentan... has relatively safe spawns. but factor in multi-man squads using one guy as a fucking jumping-block, and *poof*! access to the spawn on every map! mg at will bitches! and you know what else? i'm gonna expand this to EVERY game on the fucking market. THE DEVELOPERS AREN'T FUCKING GODS!! THEY CAN AND WILL FUCK UP!! awps, autos? gimme a fucking break, those are so goddamn overpowered i'm still amazed those made it into the final game. the pistol from the first halo? good god, that was just fucking wrong... a pistol that was more powerful than everything BUT the sniper... even a point-blank shotgun shell did less damage. both halos, needler anyone? no? i thought so. further proof of developer fuck-ups. ANY goddamn fps that doesn't have fall damage (i'm looking at you again halo)? fucking retarded. and there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for ANY fps not to have a jump button (Perfect Dark Zero... hmmm, maybe Nintendo made the right choice in selling off Rare...), that is ALL proof of developer stupidity. or how bout this? Doom3, minus light, plus really-fucking-incredible-tech... and no one has figured out how to attatch a light to a helmet?? gimme a fucking break. what were all of these developers smoking when they did all that shit?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dome
    Quote Originally Posted by MooMasterCowman
    and dome, for you to bring jello's playing style into question when he's talking about something completely different is totally uncalled for.
    How many times have I seen threads that You and Jello highjack and turn into useless nonconstructive garbage. KISS MY REBEL ASS, BOTH FUCKING SIDES!!!
    see, there's a difference in what tends to happen with jello and me, and what you just did to jello. see, we aren't ATTACKING someone's playstyle. like you did. we're just messing around, and it makes everyone happy. people laugh... hopefully with us, and not at us... and they like it. then they go on to a "normal" thread (although, can any internet conversation ever be considered normal?), and carry on, but now with a smile on their face.

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    You're a magnet to BS

    Quote Originally Posted by MooMasterCowman
    i was just trying to point out that you saying he's just trying to avoid you was bullshit.
    Not the way I see it. The other night when you weren't on and he would join another team and unbalance it just to avoid being on the same team. He had all kinds of lame excuses to upset the balance of the team just to avoid me.

    Quote Originally Posted by MooMasterCowman
    notice my refrence to the stats are conspicuously missing...
    seriously man, i NEVER see you using ANYTHING but assault class. and rifleman class is more versatile that assault. all assault is good for is a blind rush through buildings, or camping buildings. that's it. rifleman? hunter-killer against mg's, maybe even snipers if you're a good shot. flag defense. rush. seige. sniping. kill-the-guy-around-the-goddamn-corner-that's-half-a-fucking-block-away (gotta love the riflegrenades).
    What, you think people reading this thread are too stupid to refer back to an earlier post made.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dome
    And by your own admission you think that the rifle is more versitle than an assault. That is purely your opinion we could debate endlessly about one weapon over another, what matters is that a team has a combination of classes for the situation.
    I am not going to argue with you about what weapon is more versatile. What I said above still stands.

    As far as my weapon of choice, it would be a sniper or support. But like I said before I play what class is needed on my team at the time. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean I don't use other weapons. And if you look at my stats closely enough you will see that I have used all of the weapons on axis and allies enough to know what the strengths and weaknesses are of each. What it comes down to is that the more experience you have on all the weapons will make you a well rounded player and a more valuable team-mate.

    Quote Originally Posted by MooMasterCowman
    anzio, hop right over the fucking sandbags. avalance, both teams can just waltz into the other teams spawn. donner, the werhmacht can see a huge-ass part of the US spawn. flash, germans have no place to run, their spawn is wide-fucking-open. argentan... has relatively safe spawns. but factor in multi-man squads using one guy as a fucking jumping-block, and *poof*! access to the spawn on every map!
    You made my point. Nearly all the official maps allow access to the spawn areas in some form. They exhibit similarities in consistent design thus it is intentional.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dome
    It is only your OPINION that it is not a good idea. The map designers made the maps the way they did on purpose .
    We will have to agree to disagree on the matter of spawn camping. You don't seem to know anything about the history of DoD or the input the gaming community played in the direction the games evolvement and influence in the creation of maps. You seem to think that map designers are total idiots. You can't even begin to comprehend that it is possible that the maps they designed were playtested before releasing them. Valve is not known for just releasing something for the sake of it.

    Who gives a shit about any other game, I am talking about DoD:S.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Jello
    No response. gay. I have disliked you more for agreeing with spawning. And the shovel stats part? Ouch.
    If you look back in the thread you will noticed a big fat GAY directed at my first post in this thread. No constuctive content or intelligent discussion. Just a big fat bold GAY. He also stated that I agreed with spawning. At no time in this thread have I advocated spawn camping, yet he stated he disliked me for agreeing with spawning. It is a FACT and well know by everyone playing this game that is possible to get into the spawn areas. I did make a comment about shoveling but it is a FACT that he has been out to increase his shoveling stats, he has stated as much in numerous posts in this forum and in comments he has made on the server. It was reflected in his playstyle on the server. So when he said OUCH it must have been because the truth hurt.

    Hmmmm, who attacked who.

    Do you think that its OK to just slam someone elses post and they are not going to respond to it?

  5. Registered TeamPlayer MooMasterCowman's Avatar
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    You're a magnet to BS

    Quote Originally Posted by Dome
    Quote Originally Posted by Dome
    And by your own admission you think that the rifle is more versitle than an assault. That is purely your opinion we could debate endlessly about one weapon over another, what matters is that a team has a combination of classes for the situation.
    I am not going to argue with you about what weapon is more versatile. What I said above still stands.

    As far as my weapon of choice, it would be a sniper or support. But like I said before I play what class is needed on my team at the time. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean I don't use other weapons.
    really? explain the dismally low number of uses for rocket class then. explain why more than two-thirds of your weapon stats come from the assault class. and don't come fronting this bullshit about you filling the class that is most needed. assault gets enough people as it is. look at the stats. #1 most used guns are thomson & mp40. try again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dome
    Quote Originally Posted by MooMasterCowman
    anzio, hop right over the fucking sandbags. avalance, both teams can just waltz into the other teams spawn. donner, the werhmacht can see a huge-ass part of the US spawn. flash, germans have no place to run, their spawn is wide-fucking-open. argentan... has relatively safe spawns. but factor in multi-man squads using one guy as a fucking jumping-block, and *poof*! access to the spawn on every map!
    You made my point. Nearly all the official maps allow access to the spawn areas in some form. They exhibit similarities in consistent design thus it is intentional.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dome
    It is only your OPINION that it is not a good idea. The map designers made the maps the way they did on purpose .
    We will have to agree to disagree on the matter of spawn camping. You don't seem to know anything about the history of DoD or the input the gaming community played in the direction the games evolvement and influence in the creation of maps. You seem to think that map designers are total idiots. You can't even begin to comprehend that it is possible that the maps they designed were playtested before releasing them. Valve is not known for just releasing something for the sake of it.

    Who gives a shit about any other game, I am talking about DoD:S.
    you clearly missed my point. i listed the faults in other games to show that designers aren't perfect. and i know that they do playtesting. just like every game does, just as every last computer product, be it hardware or software, is tested. and you know what? THERE ARE ALWAYS PROBLEMS THAT WEREN'T CAUGHT IN TESTING! ever hear of something called 'patches'? and we all know how well valve handles patches...

    "You made my point. Nearly all the official maps allow access to the spawn areas in some form. They exhibit similarities in consistent design thus it is intentional."
    i never said it wasn't intentional. i said it was fucking retarded. Nearly all? is there any map where it is completely, 100% impossible to get into the other team's spawn, even with help from multiple players?

    "You seem to think that map designers are total idiots."
    not quite. not all of them. some of them are though. that's why anzio is rarely played :P . and giving access to spawns isn't entirely the map designer's fault. it's also the programmer's faults for not including some sort of spawn protection. it's also the fault of players determined to spawn-rape. you know how people are. if they want something to work, they will make it work. even if they have to resort to hacking. but, in this case, they don't have to. the game developers were nice enough to give greivers a clear shot at the spawns. thank you so goddamn much valve!

    and through all of this, you have just reinforced my belief that there will always be people that blindly follow others. you just keep saying essentially the same shit. "it's in the game so it's ok" and "the desingers know what they're doing. they can't release bad products.". i'm going to say this one more time.


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    All this shouting. I can see that you are passionate in your opinion.

    Perhaps you should start a petition and see if you could gain enough support and lobby Valve to fix what you refer to as their IDIOTIC MAP DESIGNERS FUCK UP.

    As I stated before, we will have to agree to disagree on this subject.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer MooMasterCowman's Avatar
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    You're a magnet to BS

    i believe i already said "not just the map designers"...

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    I can just feel the love flowing on this post...
    Group hug anyone?

    One quick note, just to throw my vote out there...
    I would have to think the DOD people intentionally left spawns open, I mean, no machine guns mowing you down spawns...
    But, if it pisses you off so much, go get in the other spawn and do it to those who do it to you. I have. I will not do it unless someone on the opposing team consistently does it to me. I agree it's unethical, but not once have I not been able to dispose of a spawn camper. And, by getting in their spawns, they will back off your spawn if you are good enough to keep them penned up for a bit...

    Don't get mad, get even. Word.

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    Just for the record.

    I don't have any bad feelings toward MooMaster or Jello. I just think we have different views on subjects in this thread and it got a little heated, it did not turn into a flame war. I have always said that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and certainly I don't expect that everyone will agree with me on all subjects. I will always state my opinion and explain why I feel that way.

    Like Sneak said. The maps today do not have near the problems as those in the past. With a little coordination it is not too difficult to get rid of spawn campers. I agree that it can be annoying. If it were bad enough that it was ruining the game and people were leaving the server then I would hope that if an admin were on the server that they would do something about it.

    This topic is not new to DoD:S. Topics involving spawn camping have been going on since DoD was a beta. I did participate in a valve survey when DoD:S was being developed. There were questions in regards to the spawn camping issue as well as others. I believe what we have today is a result of the data they collected. On a side note, there were questions about bringing back the medic, which I am totally in favor of. It obviously did not made it into the current release. Who knows what future releases will bring, maybe changes to the spawns, maybe a medic. Hopefully vehicles. I beleieve Anzio, Avalanche, Donner and Flash are just some of the classic favorites in the initial release also due to the survey. The HL2 engine has so much more potential than what is being used and I anxiously wait to see how it evolves.

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    You're a magnet to BS

    Quote Originally Posted by Sneak
    Don't get mad, get even. Word.
    exactly. spawn camping, deagling, awping, weapon switching to avoid chamber animations, jumping around and firing, random AK head shots, bazooka blasting, nade spamming........

    none of that can be considered cheating, because everyone can do it, at any time they wish. complaining about it doesn't make any sense, since you are capable of doing the same thing right back. Inventing rules in your head about the way a game is played, rather than playing it to the limits of it's possibilities is only holding you back.

    Of course, servers make rules about some things, and DoD did in the past protect the spawns. But now....they're not. But I don't see how the server could enforce any sort of spawn camping rule, since all that person is doing is preventing you from fighting and taking flags. They're killing you, and going for the win.

    Would it matter if it was 10 feet out of yoru spawn? 20 feet? At the next flag? No. Their job is to get all the flags, or protect the people that are doing it. I set my shit up and blast the living hell out of a spawn, going for the finishing blow, any chance I can get. It's all I think about. It's all I strive for. If I can get set up in the right places.....I can contain an entire team for at least a few rounds of respawning. And that gives my team time to get that flag.

    And that's DoD. At least as it appears to me, and I would consider myself unbiased, since I just started playing it when it was Source'd.

    This same argument comes up for BF type games, where persistent spawns, like carriers, or airbases that are not capturable are invaded, mined, artillery barraged, B17'd, or tank raped sitting on repair points. Everyone cries out "spawn camping" "cheaters"..........which illogical.

    My goal is to kill all of you. Not to give you a chance. To kill you, contain, you, restrict you, incapacitate you. And win. Any argument against me completing that goal is simply propaganda from the enemy, and should be disregarded.

    I'm not supposed to give you a chance. This isn't some game with a handicap, or "do-over" games of kickball and 4-sqaure.

    It's war. Win. Period.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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