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    =D> that was beautiful

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    what about sailing your destroyer right up next to the enemy aircraft carrier? that's always fun

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    Quote Originally Posted by BiGG-D
    you DoD guys are crazy
    i've read the shit that goes on in the banned forum. all of it css. all of it crazy. still want to talk shit about DoD players?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Jello
    Thank you for assisting the brain power, I am just a measly 14 year old, no way it can match you guys.
    at your age i could give a better arguement. and not any arguement that i could get into, one worth getting into. when you say these things i get mad because you give up too easily and you dont try to better yourself in this field. a field that is better off not exploited, but makes a part of who you are because when you give up this easily you are silencing your voice and submitting to what the other says. (what you disagree with)

    you are an ok guy jello

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    someone never played BF1942 or newer. Many of the maps have uncapturable spawns. Meaning that the enemy has a constand flow of reinforcements to counterattach with.

    Am I supposed to LET you spawn, grab your tanks and planes, or get in a jeep, lay down in some cover, or get your mg set up, and THEN start attacking you? Why the hell would I do that? All the work and death my team endured to box you into that last final spawn.....and now you're telling me that I have to let you go?

    what rule does that come from? Because you think you played games a long time ago? Games hardly considered mature, or even fair by today's standards? Just because you played your DoomI on a modem doens't make you tough. Some of us shareware'd wolfenstein, and me and sjt were on DWANGO, if you even know what that is. Don't start fronting gaming credentials when you don't have any idea who you're tlaking to, waht they played, or how they play it.

    The problem with guys like lead's argument, and some other notable members of the TTP website, is that he expects to be allowed to fight back. That for some're just supposed to let him shoot at you first, and then everyone can start shooting. Like he gets to choose how he loses.

    if you can't, don't, won't protect your spawn, and my sneaky ass gets in there, I'm mining, exp packing, and stealing every vehicle I can, and causing some serious pain on your ass. I've been banned 100's of times for doing it, becuase I am a particularly good saboteur. Just nasty.

    But I'm not invincible. And if just one or two people on the other team would actually think about me being there, or me even trying to be there, just the small amount of precaution they put into their "aware of me" strategy will get me killed. Lone campers, or even a decent group of campers in a permanent spawn where the enemey is aware of them = inevitable death. I can't rearm, I can't respawn near that area, and I certainly can't go anywhere I want. But you can.

    But.....pooooooooooh on bigdog. he's in my spawn. he's killing me. no fair.

    I haven't met a single spawn camper that I can't kill. But I've met plenty of people who don't even bother killing me in their spawn.

    And, like many of dome's don't have a right to survive, or even come out even in a game. You have a responsibility to ensure that those things happen. If you neglect your spawn areas, or think it's more important to showoff your sniping skills, or piloting skills, or other skills.......while the SMARTER enemy realizes that your spawn is unprotected and vulnerable.......then you deserve to lose, and lose horribly. If it takes 5 minutes of spawn pummeling, with aichval divebombers, wespes, and destroyers on the beach.....well tough shit. I have never complained, even once, when I'm stuck like that. I die, over and over and over. And then I lose.

    what's wrong with losing when you play like an idiot?
    the problem with you, bigdog, and pretty much anyone that performs spawn camping is that you lack sportsmanship and apparently some moral values. all you guys think about is winning, your mind is solely set on it, as long as it comes naturally with the game. thinking like this, you throw away any honour you have (even in a videogame) any principles that play a role in playing a game, and any sportsmanship you had ( if you had any )
    a videogame is like a sport. nobody is out to actually kill each other IRL, and there are usually teams and rules. this is not war. as much as i hate pointing out the obvious for you guys, your gaming attitudes seem to make me think twice about doing so because you guys seem to NOT GET IT.

    i will pay someone to point to the TV screen and tell me if you see any football team tackling the other team while they are still huddling (i've made this example before). what is the difference? it is against the rules to do so, because it is not sportsmanship. and if it was allowed, there would be no more SPORT to play. you dont get any fantastic passes or runs, you dont get any smart plays, or field goals. THERE IS NOTHING. only a bunch of FOOLs tackling each other in a field senseless while the ball is on the ground. a COWARD with an MG killing people as they respawn. there is no opposition, there are no real or memorable kills, the map is not used, there is no flag capping. OH WAIT, there is flag capping! i almost forgot! by the coward's team! yes!! them running down an empty map capping flags and winning NOTHING. the message comes up "US ARMY HAS WON THE GAME". so you capped a flag and made a message go up? and what? the game ended as soon as the coward decided to step into the spawn. what did you win? you won nothing. there was nobody to stop you, there was no game. it was just you and a flag and nobody else. you didnt have to kill anyone, YOU DID NOT EARN IT. you ask yourself WHY ARE YOU PLAYING THE GAME?

    since the goddamn first civilization theres been sportsmanship. do you think the aztecs murdered the opposing players before the game begun, so that they could put a ball through a stone hoop? all spawn campers are SPITTING on this precious principle that humans have followed in their competitions since nobody knows when. all of it thrown into the garbage, why? just so you could win. well, WIN!! but win by earning your kills, earning your flag caps, no..
    win by playing the goddamn game itself!
    when you step into a spawn to kill the other team, you arent even playing the game anymore.
    because when you do this BS, there is no game anymore.
    it doesnt matter if the developers DO or do not enforce the fucking thing, you just have to look into yourself and ask yourself if its right.
    i know nobody in their right minds looking at some guy with a deployed MG shooting people that keep appearing is how the game is supposed to be played.
    you know what, nevermind. some people find it hilarious, some find it that it gives them power, and they soon join in as well. i find that these people are cowards, or are just tired of getting killed in the REAL game.

    this is coming from a guy who sometimes hides in corners and shoots people who are passing by. I DO THIS, and im calling you ALL cowards.
    you dont even know how low you've all sunk.

    i despise getting killed as i spawn, i despise EVEN MORE killing people as they respawn. i suddenly realize i did not earn this kill, i stopped playing the game long ago and any dignity i had has left. it did not matter if i had to sneak by a million soldiers to get here, to think that doing that is giving me the right to even say that i earned it is sickening because it is the most flawed logic that has ever existed in a videogame.

    it doesnt matter if you can be killed, and it doesnt matter if you actually do get killed. this is a war that you alone are in. you are testing your own values. who in the world told any of you spawn campers that just because you can, means its ok do it. that just because the dimension that the game presents to you allows you do it, that it is alright to do. that only a second-party force such as admins can stop you.
    even if you do not get a single kill, it doesnt matter. you have lost all the dignity you had. you attempted it. so now you are even sadder than before.
    the person who does it does not see themself as being more pathetic, but being more macho. wow you sneaked in and you are killing people as they spawn. you know what? the only challenge you actually faced was the one against yourself and you lost.

    disable your enemy outside the spawn, disable your enemy anywhere in the map except in the zone that they spawn otherwise there is no game at all to play. dont ruin the game for your team, and more noticably, dont ruin it for the one you are killing. when you do not even give the opposing team a chance to play the game, do you not realize that there is suddenly no opposition to play against? there is NO MORE GAME TO PLAY. i've said it a million times and i'll say it again. it already has costed me my admin job but i've gained something more valuable in return, some dignity. people like moomaster have even defended it, but when they taste the power, they quickly succumb to it and with it goes part of their personality and now we have topics with screenshots showing exceptionally great stats. you never earned those kills, i see that scoreboard and all i see is 0 - 0. with the only casualty being yourself. way to go!

    bigdog look in the mirror, it is not the team thats losing like an idiot. it is the one single player winning like one. you might have not complained once, but you and i both know that you hate it. in fact i probably know why you started spawn camping yourself. it happened to you so many times that you just got tired and started doing it to them. be the better man, bigdog. you do not go and step down to their level. do you like doing to others what you yourself hated and loathed? as you can see, the actions we take and choices we make depend on our character. our principles and values make our character. if you could be suddenly teleported to a place where you had an MG and the spawn campers that did it to you were spawning infront of you, there would be nothing wrong with that. it is giving them a taste of their medicine. this might contradict what i said before about stepping down to their level, but think about it. when you went and did it to them because you had enough, you are also killing people who never had anything to do with it, people who never even thought once of doing it, much less to you. it is a freaking cycle. then these people start hating as well and spawn campers are born. it is a cycle. and it only takes the good will of players to end it.

    spawn campers, please respect yourself and you will suddenly realize that it is a bit easier to respect others.

    you would ask "hey but is killing people outside the spawn respecting them?" it sure as hell is even if it seems to be about the same thing. how are you going to take their last flag? if the opposition pushed you back down to your last two flags, that is your team's fault, but they certainly have no right to exceed their lust and enter it and start killing people as they spawn, even if it only takes a few inches to mark a difference. you look at the player's actions and you will tell if it is spawn camping or not. a player that is outside spawn killing people as they go, is ALSO spawn camping if he is not even making any effort as to getting the flags, or if his team is back there getting mowed. people have difficulties realizing what is spawn camping and what is not, and thats why some admins have issues with illegalizing spawn camping. you cannot call it buying your team some 'time', because THAT is a scapegoat to your coward actions. people do not do it because you get killed in the battlefield, dont waste your time like that, you gain nothing and lose everything. the spawn campers, as they look at their stats and the message of their team winning the round, do not think of this. it just flies past their head. when i see all the snipers in the nooks and crannies, and all the MGs on the sandbags. THOSE are the guys buying us time. not some coward who is back in their spawn removing the force that drives us back. when these two forces meet, it is when you can call it a game, a competition, a first person shooter. it is when you can call it DAY OF DEFEAT: SOURCE.

    when you killed the guy running down that alley, you are still playing the game. when you killed the same guy in his spawn, you stopped playing the game. a difference that is very subtle, but at the same time it is loud and clear. can you identify it

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    You're a magnet to BS

    I stopped reading after I read this...
    Quote Originally Posted by snuggans
    the problem with you, bigdog, and pretty much anyone that performs spawn camping is that you lack sportsmanship and apparently some moral values. all you guys think about is winning, your mind is solely set on it, as long as it comes naturally with the game.{/
    Ok, I didn't STOP reading.....but I knew that nothing else you say could make any difference.

    Games are invented to win. Civilizations, and most especially the aztecs, romans, greeks, assyrians, egyptians, babylonians, .......all of em survived by winning. Taking land, killing everyone in their homes (spawns) and wiping the map.

    They did NOT survive by saying, ok, that's enough.....let's let the enemy pick up their dead, and let's let them make some more, new, sneaky weapons, and let's let them get a running start.

    This whole post is just.....confusing. It's a rant. But basically, it comes down to this.

    you think that killing someone before they have a chance to draw their sword, look you in the eye, and say "en guard", is wrong.

    I say......pooh on it. You want to kill me, I want to kill you. It doesn't matter how, or why, or when we do it, but one of us is going to die. And it's you. Becuase you are inventing rules and etiquette, when it's a fighting game, war game, shooting game, checkers, chess, tic tac toe.....doesn't matter.

    the best examples, which are mirrored on DoD, are maps with uncappable spawns, such as berlin, or battle of the bulge, or stalingrad in BF1942.

    So here we go....nice and simple. One question. And you answer it.

    So...I've managed to take all the flags, and clear the entire map of enemies. The only thing left is your spawn point, which has vehicles, tanks, and ....spawn points for your soldiers. What am I supposed to do now?

    Let you spawn, get in the tank, and escape? Let you spawn, grab that jeep, and ride off? Let you spawn, get in the mg, and shoot me?

    Why would I do that? So that way....we can play some sort of "tag, your it" type game? When were we playing tag? I thought I was killing you? I was killing you at all the other flags.....but it just so happens that I can't get this flag.

    But, you're team is shut out. You're stuck. Your backs are against the wall, and you have nowhere to go but into my territory, to take back my flags. MY flags. MY territory.

    And I say No. You have no flags. You have no where to go. You have no way out. So guess lose.

    what's wrong with losing? You lost all the other now it's time to lose the map, change sides, switch levels, balance whatever it is we do between rounds.

    Are you saying that I should hold myself back, and draw out your death? That I should toy with you, and let you walk a few yards out, and then slaughter you? I actually supposed to believe that you're telling me that I should give you back some of my territory and flags? That I should give you back some of the shit I busted my ass to get. Me, and my 32 man team.

    is that what you want me to do?

    Are you kidding?
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    when these two forces meet, it is when you can call it a game, a competition, a first person shooter. it is when you can call it DAY OF DEFEAT: SOURCE.
    No, I call it attrition. Senseless violence, perpetuated for nothing. I call it a 50/50 win or lose. And that's not good enough for me. I'm too smart, and too "winny" to sit there and watch my team have to fight it out.

    I know....I've got a great idea. Our team would have a much better chance if we outnumbered you 2:1. Maybe even just 1.5:1. And the only way for that to happen is for your ability to reinforce the line with fresh soldiers and vehicles (i.e. your spawn, or spawn exits) to be suppressed.

    play smarter, and spawn camping isn't an issue. You can camp my spawn all you want. I'm ready. No problem. Hope you know what you're doing.

    You can call me all the names you want, and it sucks you're making a punk of yourself, but the reality play your game, and I play THE game. You want things to happen as you can control them. You want things to happen so you have a chance to react.

    I just want to win. Like you said. And against players like you.....I do.

    AND....I bet you haven't seen me in a spawn....not even ONCE in DoD. Watch yourself.

    since games were invented with points/flags/point systems for teams....such as CTF games, BF type games, DoD, etc......this is the new style. Spawn camping restrictions make sense only in team DM type games.....where the game IS simply running around and killing eachother. There's nothing else to do but that, so camping the spawn doesn't benefit anything, except giving you a cheap KD.

    I don't count my KD. I count winning. In CS, it's the lovely sound of the bomb going off, or the hostages getting rescued. In DoD, it's all the flags getting taken. In's getting that damn flag back to my base.

    yeah, killing people comes with it, but secondary to me winning. I can't kill all of em, since they're going to respawn (except of course in CS). Killing helps....but holding strategic parts of the map, accumulating vehicles, and suppressing their spawn helps more. If some killing goes on, that's fine....but I can win without killing anyone. It's their choice to leave the spawn, or to even spawn at all. They know they're they should simply surrender.

    they should NEVER expect me to back off, when I'm right at their fenceline.

    I would never expect them to do it for me, and certainly wouldn't "lower myself" (if I may use a snuggans insult) to the level of asking them to let me have a "chance" to take back everything and win.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    I am extremely confused by your post snuggans. The only support you can come up with is that it is not honorable to kill your enemy at their reinforcement point.

    I had to go double check that there weren't two versions of DoD:S in existance, because in the version I play I don't get any points for honor. After looking I found that there is only one version. There is no ingame honor point system that exists. No where.

    Everyone is free to express there thoughts and ideas. But yours have no basis in this game. Maybe in Final Fantasy or some other game but not in this one. What your asking us to do is buy into your invented thoughts and ideals and insert them into a game that has no way of tracking or rewarding your so called honor.

    I am pretty sure that each team starts in there own spawn and have to make there way around the map to accomplish the goal of winning by capturing all of the flags. I have found nowhere in any documentation by the map designers or game creators that any part of the map is off limits to the opposing team.

    You speak often of "respecting yourself". How can someone posibly respect themselves if they do not do everything within their ability to help there team to win. Seems you have invented some sort of alternate reality that has its own sense of self-respect and honor that cannot be applied in this one.

    If the best argument you can come up with is for us to look to our own sense of honor and that we do not "respect ourselves" then you should probably give up. I am not going to change my mind no matter how much you rant and rave about it.

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    so nyah!
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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