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Thread: You're a magnet to BS

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    You're a magnet to BS

    Reinforcement suppression is not easy. Its also an extremely risky tactic. You run the risk of being spotted and killed before you can get into position. Especially after you have tried to do it a few times and get caught and killed.

    Often times when someone is focusing on trying to get into a reinforcement point they are ignoring the rest of the battlefield and may actually be doing more to help the enemy.

    Its not a tactic that needs to be used in every round of every game and not everyone will be good enough to pull it off successfully. But just because it is unpopular in some individuals eyes does not mean that it should be prohibited outright.

    For every strategy there is a counter-strategy. It just doesn't make sense to take away a tool that anyone can use.

    It would be like playing a game of chess and you keep getting beat by your opponent. Now would it be ok to say that your opponent can no longer use the squares that your pieces start on? And when they disagree with you would you cry about how dishonorable and lacking in moral values they are because you cried bullshit?

    Learn how all the pieces function and how they work together, work out multiple strategies and don't let someone try to convince you it is in the best interst of the game to not use the whole fucking board.

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    You're a magnet to BS

    You're right, you use one tactic over and over they soon learn it, so you gotta plan it out well, really... pay attention to where they are, where they aren't and sneak around, communicate with your team, plan out a scout to find out if they're in the area... it's a little easy at times, but when they have good communication it isn't... big team effort for them to get in, now that I think about it... that's why I like these valve games, a battle of brains.

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    You're a magnet to BS

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    Flaw = admitting that I somehow MUST let you fight me, or give you a chance.
    you misunderstand me. you must not spawn camp, because that is how the game is played. if you do not let anyone fight you, where did the game go? if there is nobody to meet anyone, and the map is empty, where did the game go? it is playing against an empty team.

    Something you said previously, that I didn't have to do, here:

    when, in practice, it doesn't matter if I have a wall of tanks shelling your base, or I have every exit from your base mined and contained, or if I'm actually in your base, blowing your shit up as you get in it. You have nothing left. Games' over. 1 second, 3 seconds, 10 lose. Are you putting a time limit on how long I should let you live BEFORE I kill you?
    your creative situations set aside, im putting a time limit on you and seeing how long it'll take before you give up and spawn camp or you keep back and play the game its supposed to be played, by actually capping the flags and earning your kills. the spawns in DoD are not bases. just because people spawn there, does not mean it is a 'base'. there is no such feature in DoD, it is simply a spawn. maybe if it had vehicles, and automated gun turrets to kill people like you, maybe it would resemble something like a base. maybe you see this spawn as a base and you decide to completely destroy the game by removing any opposition whatsoever, so your team can what? move down an empty map? there are no winners after you do this.

    Flaw = WRONG. Game ends when you run out of tickets. NOT when everyone is dead. If everyone is dead, but you have an uncapturable's not over. Hence, why if I have the entire map already, I go to where you are....and that's your last base. Too bad I can't take it, because if I could, I would. Blame EA for making it uncappable.
    take a look at what you said 'but you have an uncapturable spawn'. what i said was not wrong on maps like Strike at Karkand where the US army usually takes every base and the last two or three guys are killed, the game ends. but yes it does work with tickets in other situations. see that whats happen, you drop the sportsmanship and your lust for kills take over, you are not supposed to go to their uncap base, you are supposed to stay back and defend your bases, because that is how the map started in the first place and if you used a bit of logic your terms are to defend and recapture. are you telling me you are supposed to go to their base and kill people as they spawn? not me, not the developers, and certainly alot of gamers think that this is how the game is played. it is people like you who bring their 'win win win win' attitude too far. how about winning by defending it, not by doing some cowardly thing such as killing people as they spawn.

    Flaw = Imagining why things are uncapturable. My opinion would be that every map should have no uncappable spawns. None. But, that would make games pretty short. However, the most popular maps in BF, such as wake island, don't have uncappable spawns (and yes, even the carrier and destroyer, since they can be sunk/destroyed to remove the spawn point).
    i am not 'imagining' things, it is simply using logic and understanding how EA wanted us to play their game based on how the map is layed out. i want you to ask EA if you are supposed to kill people as they spawn IN AN UNCAP BASE in the first place? i want you to ask anyone with just a tiny bit of honour if you are supposed to be killing anyone at all at their spawn as they respawn. (doesnt apply to BF cap bases) but yes, there should no uncap bases, because if people like you are going to have problems with them and destroy the game as it is, yes there should not be any of those. but it is a pity EA has to remove a part of the game because people cant follow it.

    You're right. My role is to defend. Defend against an enemy. An enemy that is coming from ONE POINT ON THE MAP.
    naturally, if they are coming from a source, shut it out, right? this would be OK if it was a regular cap base, but a DoD-style spawn or an uncap base? DO you not understand that if you remove the opposition COMPLETELY before the game ends, there is no game to be played because there is NOBODY to play against? defend your enemy FROM your borders, dont destroy the game, or do you hate it so?

    An enemy that has heavy weapons, tanks, and vehicles to escape. These things must be destroyed. Only way to do so is to come within range of their spawn, and destroy them, and the enemy. And again.....if I could take that last flag....I would have already done so. Don't blame me for your misery.....blame EA.
    why blame EA because players like you cannot follow simple sportsmanship or the lay of the map? who says you had to be at their spawn to destroy them? be at your own bases and Eryx the hell out of anything that moves, but no, this is too much pacifism for you. you want to overdo it and completely destroy them as they spawn and that is the problem with spawn campers. they do not know sportsmanship when the time of opportunity comes. play a little better man, the only time of opportunity doesnt have to come when you can kill people as they spawn, that is so cowardly. you can flank so many people and that is enough time of opportunities for me. control yourself...

    Flaw = really isn't different. If you are naive enough to think that being alive long enough to move 10 feet, or get in a vehicle, or grab a plane, only to be destroyed immediately by a coordinated encircling of your base, outside of your "spawn camping" imaginary line.....then you are blinded by your personal attitude towards gaming, and are missing out.
    what am i missing out of? a bunch of players who glue their eyes to their hunger for winning and in turn destroy any form of morality they ever had? i think i'll miss out on this. i'd rather not destroy the game before it is actually over, thats the only time the game should end, and restarted. but when a game ends before the timer is up, what the hell just happened? a bunch of players who simply cannot follow sportsmanship and apparently think nothing of etiquette. are your skills so badly that you have no other means but to camp them out at their spawn? i'd rather you camp them up in a dark corner of the map, it would seem equally cowardly but it is truly not, since you did not shut out your opposition completely before the round was over and that is the result of spawn camping. if your enemy is way too good that you have to resort to spawn camping, learn from them and practice so that your skills can be better. and if they suck so bad, just take their flags and be on with it. why is there need for spawn camping? for atleast one time take your eyes off your lust for winning and focus a little bit on sportsmanship, after all was it not you who created the tradition of teamplaying? whatever happened to that bigdog? dont spawn camp...

    The fun of BF and DoD is the fact that you can be incapicitated. That your spawn can be eliminated.
    you can be incapacitated on that stairway, down that alley, across the rooftop, while capping a flag... that is where you STOP. you do not go ahead and completely (for the millionth time) DESTROY the game by 'eliminating' their spawn. the 'fun' of BF and DoD.... are you that selfish that you will do it just for the fun while the other team is wondering whats going on, and your team is 'having fun' running down an empty map. you are disrespecting everyone and yourself, even if you do get compliments from your team. they do not know their right to play the game was just taken from them, because there is nobody to play against, and they did not achieve that, it was just a cowardly spawn camper who obviously does not know anything about sportsmanship and would rather kill them as they spawn. do you actually think you did good in spawn camping? please..

    That, in BF, you're the last a jeep, and all the flags are taken. The enemy is running you down. Your uncappable spawn is suppressed, and you are the only one to make it out. Everyone is counting on your to get them out of this situation. You run. A plane spots you, and starts strafing. You make it to the east base (We're playing El Almein), hop in the AA gun, and blast that fucker. 2 shermans were following you, and are now within flag distance. The slaughter at your home base continues.....they have no hope but you.

    you sneakily plant some mines and exp packs, eliminate the 2 tanks, an incoming jeep of 3 men, AND another plane. you take the flag. Your team spawns on your point.

    And you're the fucking hero.
    quite a story, happens rarely, the relevance?

    Becuase you escaped the spawn slaughter, and provided your team with a spawn point outside, and very near to the enemy's spawn.....time to turn the mother fucking tides. Mmmmmmm a b17......he likes to play, too. Spawn we come, with your own damn tanks and planes against you. And now it's our turn to start winning.
    its YOUR turn to step down to their level. they were spawn slaughtering you, and what did you do, you went ahead and did it back to them? did i not talk about this before? you saw yourself how your own base was being spawn slaughtered, and you hated it. now those same eyes are looking upon the corpses of spawn slaughtered people, and you actually think its ok. congratulations, now you are no different from them. why dont you be the better freaking man by instead, playing the game how its supposed to be played and not by some coward's tactics.

    you know what wouldnt happen under the 'snuggans rule'? spawn camping. people, for once, would have the right to walk out of their spawn, even if shot by some guys at first flag, they were able to take a few steps. something you or any spawn camper did not let them do, there would ACTUALLY BE AN ENEMY TO PLAY AGAINST. therefore the GAME ITSELF WOULD NOT BE DESTROYED. 'a huge part of the fun' ask yourslef bigdog, where is the fun in the team thats getting slaughtered, where is the fun there? and where is the fun in the other team that is running around a completely empty map wondering just exactly where the enemy is and WHERE THE GAME WENT? when you notice the difference between 3 STG44 vs 1 C96 'fairness' and between spawn camping 'fairness', get back to me.

    bigdog, if you spawn camp the enemy, who is going to kill me? think about that.

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    You're a magnet to BS

    I'm done reading snuggans.

    I've made a lot of points, expressed a lot of opinions, and argued a LOT of cases in these forums. Concepts of team play, fairness, admin bias, goes on and on.

    And now, I'm sitting here watching you play dumb to all that. Liek for some reason....I'm a fair dealing, power giving, admin trusting guy on the server, but when I play the game....all that goes out the window.

    Of all the arguments and cases I've made in all the topics.......this "spawn camping" one is my best. The examples, the points, and the conclusions don't get any better.

    you don't have a right to live in a FPS. you have a right to try to live. if you don't protect the area of the map that allows you to live, then you lose the game.

    You aren't paying attention to the real rules of the're just assuming that everyone should play nice, and not try to win "too hard".

    and frankly, that's some bullshit.

    topic locked.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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