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Thread: Online Record?

  1. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP]Milton Legs Rogue Starship

    Quote Originally Posted by The Dragon

    Now had you given us notice that a ship had made an un authorized launch from the moon and was heading for the earth, then I could have responded but you had them already in the atmosphere, so I suppose they are just a metior shower now over the OALM.
    OOC: fixed; it's now in low earth orbit. and will now hit in 12 (real time) hours.:devil:

    @Azh: if you read this, just know that i'm causing chaos and things to bump activity around this forum.

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP]Milton Legs Rogue Starship

    ...doing... (gotta give things a bit of color) if it's idling in low orbit then it's not looking suspicious to anyone. if it's doing some strange actions or Mr. Milton were to notify the rest of us then actions could be taken.

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP]Milton Legs Rogue Starship

    Quote Originally Posted by The Dragon
    ...doing... (gotta give things a bit of color) if it's idling in low orbit then it's not looking suspicious to anyone. if it's doing some strange actions or Mr. Milton were to notify the rest of us then actions could be taken.
    Allright then.

    Shoot It DOWN!!!

    Does that work?

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP]Milton Legs Rogue Starship

    OOC: I fail to see how crashing a starship not belonging to me into a major city belonging to another nation would cause that nation to go to war with me. If logic servers correctly, the owning nation of the ship would go to war with the target nation.

    And take note that all of my starships are accounted for.

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP]Milton Legs Rogue Starship

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Milton
    Shoot It DOWN!!!
    Commander Duey "Lucky Ducky" Denton of the Argo recieves the broadcast from Mr. Milton and shakes his head. So little intel, how critical is the situation. It's a friggin huge ship which needed a sizable crew to run properly. How many were aboard? Were they familiar with the ship? How were they armed? What a cluster fuck.

    Why the hell hadn't the Flying Hamtoasts warned folks that they had a rogue ship. The dam thing had several days to fly from Saturn to Earth before they though to mention it. Fucking politicians. Too buzy covering their ass to do the sensible thing.

    He commands the Argo, the Flagship of De Dragon, it's symbol to those of the Lurking Mastermind Region of it's commitment to protect the region from space born threats. But the Argo is just that a Symbol, it's far out dated now, but that doesn't matter. The Dragonius saw it's creation (coming close to putting the nation in debt) and it was his job to command it. His squadron of 40 vessles were in orbit above the Dragonius space dock attached to the Mt. Kenya beanstalk. His job was to maintain a presence over the facility and assist in it's protection. Unfortunately his squadron was the only squadron in earth orbit. There were two other squadrons at the L2 Lagrange point production facilities, but they were several hours away. He'd already signaled them. Time, that's what he needed, just a few more hours. A luxury he may or may not have.

    He signaled general quarters and started to power up the 'wave motion gun' (fucking fancy ass antique particle accelerator) dam thing took forever to recharge. At least it would be powered up before he got in range. He also ordered the squadron's small attack craft deployed. He'd close to maximum range and monitor the situation, with luck the calvary would arrive in time. If not he'd have to hit the dam thing fast and hard. If he was lucky it would just stay put. If it went after Bite ME's new space dock there wasn't much he would be able to do about it. He wasn't going to get his fleet damaged by Bite ME's orbital weapon platforms trying to protect it's space dock. "Dam idiots are too trigger happy" he thought. But any other action would have to be dealt with.

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP]Milton Legs Rogue Starship

    Jackson had waited too long. "Relay orders to the Sergeant to execute stage two."

    OOC: Milton, you suggested part two, so you can write it.

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP]Milton Legs Rogue Starship

    Quote Originally Posted by Chordata
    Jackson had waited too long. "Relay orders to the Sergeant to execute stage two."

    OOC: Milton, you suggested part two, so you can write it.
    OOC: I totally forgot about That, thanks for reminding me.:lol:


    A Couple of days had passed since the attack on Rio, and things where looking good in the short term. The Stock Exchange had started up again, and people where returning to there homes. People where already starting to shrug off the attack, when this happened:


    OOC: I'm sorry that I posted that video. I just think it's awesome.

    A Bright Flash of light Appeared over Rio. Fire Filled the streets, and Anybody outside was toasted. president Milton and The Lord Marshall, Who where still on the Aircraft Carrier, Could not believe there eyes. A nuke Had gone off in Rio. Milton knew who was to blame. The Dissolving of SS Crazy Train was a diversion to do this. He realized that many people had died in a event that would never be forgotten by anyone in the entire region.

    "This means total war," Milton said to the Lord Marshall, with a somewhat sadistic look in his eyes.

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP]Milton Legs Rogue Starship

    Jackson heard the rumble off to the distance. They were well outside the blast radius now. "Success?"


    "Good. Have 1,750 of the troops blend back into the countryside. Have the other 50 come with me back to the base. Remember to spread them out. I'll take 5 with me on the plane."

    "Excellent. I will relay the orders immediately."

    Jackson let the smile creep again onto his face. They had lost. Now it was time to take a side visit to Andrews. He couldn't be dead. OALM must have simply hid him. If not, at least he could take a few potshots at them before heading to Australia.

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP]Milton Legs Rogue Starship

    OOC: Fuck

    Of three Imperial army corps sent to Rio, Fifteenth Shock Corps of the Imperial Guard -- the most elite, battle-hardened troops in the entire army -- and part of Third Mechanized Corps had been offloaded into the city's docks. Some elements had been sent farther into the city, but the majority remained there, waiting for the heavy armor of Sixth Armored Corps to be brought up. For some, the wait would last for all eternity.

    The bomb was by no means large, but it was powerful nonetheless. The entire city was destroyed in a single flash of light. The harbor itself was spared -- mostly. Two frigates and a destroyer capsized from the blast, while battleship Valiant took severe damage to its superstructure. Many planes had been swept off the decks of the three Imperial carriers in the harbor, but otherwise damage was limited. The same could not be said for the ground troops.

    Of nearly 40,000 men inside the city, 15,000 perished instantly, mostly from Fifteenth Shock corps. Another 17,000 were unaccounted for, most likely buried in the rubble, or completely vaporized by the blast. Much of the rest were severely wounded, either through radiation poisoning, or by shrapnel and debris from destroyed buildings. Those troops on the transports out in the harbor remained relatively safe, however all vessels were ordered to vacate the area immediately to avoid the fallout from the blast. Special teams were sent in with radiation suits to recover any survivors and equipment, but otherwise, total military death toll stands at 32,000.

    The Lord Marshal sat down at the makeshift desk on board Formidable. Cameras lined up in front of him. The camera man qued him down. Stryker spoke:

    "Terrorists have used nuclear weapons against us. We are uncertain at this time of the total scope of the damage, however we can say with unfortunate confidence that the city of Rio De Janeiro has been completely destroyed. Civilian casualties we expect to be light, as much of the city was evacuated after the first attack. However, a great many Imperial soldiers now lie dead in the city streets because of this one bomb.

    I am going to kill them. Not just those responsible. No, no. That won't cut it. Their families, their friends, their connections, every body they ever knew, shook hands with, or met on the street. Even the family pet. I will kill all of them. I don't care how long it takes. If I must spend the rest of eternity searching and killing, then that is to be my legacy. I will chase them until there remains no enemy left to chase. I don't care what means I must use to find them. And I will be reviewing the Hostel series of movie for ideas on how they should die. I will erase their existence from history, and let only the memory of an evil few who had the audacity to use the ultimate weapon against us be their only mark of existence.

    As my brother in arms, Mr. Milton has said, 'this means total war.' "

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP]Milton Legs Rogue Starship

    [Meanwhile High above the world]

    Commander Duey Denton watched and stalked the rogue ship carfully. Several hours passed with no overt action from the rogue ship. "Signal Sir" said his Exc. "The Punisher and the Carrier Smog squadrons will be in position in 5 minutes". Duey the "Lucky Duck" smiled, now the odds were looking much better. The 3 squadrons now fielded 120 ships. Most were the smaller 100 and 200 ton escort friggates, but hell that made far more targets to defend against. He had the 3 squadrons spread out behind the big ship (keeping it's big spial mount out of direct line of fire) it would have to make an agressive turnabout to attempt to fire that big boy. He also had the combined assault pods of the 3 squadrons ready to make their move.

    With the fleet in position he addressed the rogue ship.
    "This is Commander Duey Denton, De Dragon Space Force Adressing Rogue Milton Leg's ship. You are ordered to surrender you're ship. You are badly out numbered. Stand down and surrender and you won't be fired upon."
    On tactical frequencies he said "Watch carefully any agressive manuvering and you have permission to light her up."

    [occ] the rogue ship sees 3 capital ships to it's rear with excort complement of smaller ships totaling 117 (40 ships/squadron). The Carrier Smog (10,000 tons) just dispersed a cloud of 300 fighters, Both the planetoid ship Punnisher(15,000 tons) and the Argo(8,000 tons) have thier 'business ends' in you're direction. There are also some 50+ small craft (of 30 tons or less) that have already been or currently being launched from various ships. If surrendering state so, if another action is desired, contemplate how many rogue crew you have onboard (a ship that size usually has a crew of 500-1000 minimum but could be run (not too efficently) by a smaller skeleton crew.

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