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Thread: Online Record?

  1. Registered TeamPlayer yungryder's Avatar
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    Online Record? Online Record?
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    PSN ID: PaBloPisTolaS Steam ID: yungryder yungryder's Originid: PaBz

    Online Record?

    41 ppl online!!!!

    Yes i just figuered out how to use Paint...shut it.... :P

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Online Record?

    Wow that beat our old record. Rock on TTP! 8)

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP]Milton Legs Rogue Starship

    Since activity is sort of slipping around, I'll start something.
    OOC: don't be a party pooper nuke, don't say that one of your doubles is here.

    It was a cold, rainy morning In Rio De Janeiro. Milton Legs had been accpected into the Eurasian alliance. Ambassadors from all nations of the alliance where there at the signing that would make The acceptance official , but the Stars of the Show here where president Milton and Lord Marshall Stryker. "finally," Said Milton, "this time it's not a double." Milton was about to put his signature on the paper.

    Thats when everything went wrong.

    Somebody shouted, "For the Platypus!". Milton look up in time to see a massive explosion rip through the crowd. Suddenly, The place was swarming with masked men, and it seemed like thousands of Ak-47's where firing everywhere. Within seconds, the courtyard where the treaty was being signed became hell. Milton And The Lord Marshall dashed for the only means of escape, a helicopter, with the ambassadors and a few guards following. Milton, the only one that knew how to pilot a helicopter, scrambled into the copter, within seconds, they where high above the scene of the carnage. One of the ambassadors screamed, "The city is in Flames!"

    Everyone looked down on the city. Rio was now a battleground, with guns blazing and explosions ripping through every street and alleyway. Some streets looked like swiss cheese from explosions. The Airport looked like a tornado went through. Suddenly,

    BOOM!! An RPG hit the helicopter's cockpit, sending shrapnel through Mr.Milton's arm. BOOM! Another hit, this time tearing off the tail. The Helicopter spiraled down, slamming into the side an office skyscraper, going through several floors before finally lurching to a stop.

    It took a while for everyone to come to there senses. Milton Woke on the floor of an office, The Lord Marshal Standing by him. Milton looked down. His arms where covered with blood. His blood. He looked around. It looked Like only he, Stryker, and two guards survived the crash. Suddenly, a door crashed open and several hooded men with AK-47s came through.

    Then, A La Duke Nukem, The Lord Marshal Pulled out two Uzi's, and emptied both into the hooded men. When the Uzi's where out of ammo, Stryker pulled out a sawed off shotgun ans started blasting away, but not before shoving a knife into the heart of one of the men and breaking the neck of another with his bare hands. Milton wondered why he would carry so many weapons on him, and how many times he did this before, not to mention his extreme skill with weapons.

    Soon, all the attackers where dead. Milton pulled out a radio from his pocket and said, weakly, "Whats going on?"

    The Voice on the other side was his vice president, at the capital, Bonos Aries. He said, "Its happened here too. A explosion happened here too. We think Its the Cult of the Platypus. Reports are varied and incomplete, but we think as many as 50,000 cult members from around the globe are at Rio."

    "FIFTY THOUSAND!!!" Milton screamed into the radio.

    "It gets better," his vice president replied, "We Received a distress call from a shipyard around Saturn. It appears that they got attacked as well. They might have Stolen as may as Five of Milton Legs' most powerful ships. now I have t-OH SHIT, THEY'VE-"

    "what,WHAT IS IT!" Milton screamed.


    Milton turned towards The lord Marshall. Milton said, "tell your troops to get the damn hell here."

    Milton turned on his back. "Shit."

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP]Milton Legs Rogue Starship

    Battlegroup Delta approached Saturn. Five Imperial starships, the largest being the ISS Pillar of Man, a Halcyon-class battlecruiser, advanced in formation. As they drew near, the commanding officer of the battlegroup gave the signal to break radio silence. He ordered all ships to launch their fighters, and to prepare for contact with the enemy.

    Vice Admiral Jankowski knew his orders to the letter: recapture the orbiting shipyards and the five battleships under the control of the mysterious organization known only as "Orion." The ships, formerly under the control of Milton Legs, had been seized through unknown means. They were vast, powerful ships, and there existed the very real possibility that Jankowski could lose his battlegroup. But, before departing STARCOM Headquarters, he had been provided with the technical read-outs of the ships. He now knew how to disable them.

    Jankowski ordered his ships into weapons range. As they closed, the enemy came to life. The battleships, spotting Jankowski's ships, fired up their engines and moved to intercept. Pillar of Man entered range and fired its Particle Accelerator Cannon. A miss, just over-top the aft engine block of the leading battleships. The remaining Imperial ships closed. Cruiser Titan entered range and let loose a full broadside, inflicting some damage on a flanking battleship. Destroyer Valiant and Frigates Spartan and Trident broke hard right and moved around the perimeter of the fighting, firing all their weapons at the same ship targeted by Titan. Imperial fighters zoomed about, some being shot down by fire from the defensive turrets surrounding the station, and some from the battleships. Some were able to deliver their ordnance, but the effect was minimal.

    "Damn you Milton Legs and your shitty technical readouts," cursed Jankowski. As he finished, the lead battleship fired on Pillar of Man, damaging the PAC gun and knocking out power to the bottom decks. Sparks flew throughout the bridge, and a lowly Ensign was ripped in half by a hail of rivets that had been ejected from a bulkhead by the force of the blast. His blood sprayed the Admiral, and he realized the gravity of the situation. He ordered all ships to flee.

    Pillar of Man turned hard about, as did Titan, Valiant, Spartan and Triton. They gunned their engines, making a run towards the moon of Rhea. The fighters broke off, too, screaming towards the fleeing ships. The battleships, lured on by the prospect of easy prey, and commanded by officers who experience in battle was questionable, gave chase, firing their bow batteries all the way. Spartan took a hit on her after engines, knocking her port side engine out. Still, she ran towards Rhea. The other ships took damage, too. Some where able to return fire, but the effect was again negligible.

    [align='center']* * *[/align]

    The commander of the lead battleship chuckled. His first victory, and no less it was over the Empire of Man -- the same Empire who had gassed San Jose. This would be a proud day in his career, and perhaps it would catapult him into higher positions. Perhaps one day he would command his own fleet. The thought gave him much pleasure.

    As he looked at the view screen, admiring the spectacle of a flee enemy, he noticed something strange. The enemy ships were headed straight for the moon. It appeared as though they would slam into its surface. Given the difficulty of slowing his massive ship to avoid such an obstacle, he ordered a hard turn to port to avoid sharing what he felt would be the eventual fate of the Imperial ships. He ordered a cease fire. He would need his weapons no more.

    The other ships followed suit, and soon all were on a course that would let them pass safely by the moon's surface. The commander again chuckled, and looked around the bridge to his officers, some of whom he congratulated. It was a moment of ecstasy for him -- and as it drew to a close, it was permeated by the cries of the helmsmen. "Sir, enemy warships, directly ahead!"

    The commander flung himself about and looked at the view screen. He could see the outlines of 12 more ships and hundreds of fighters. He was speechless -- where did they come from?

    [align='center']* * *[/align]

    Carrier Furious, Battlecruiser Halcyon, and Heavy Cruiser Lord Marshal entered firing range. They and nine other ships, part of Battlegroups Alpha and Sierra, had been hidden on the other side of Rhea. Jankowski had done exactly as planned: he had used his five ships to lure to renegade Milton Legs ships out into the open. His ships, though heavily damaged, now turned towards the rear of the renegade battleship formation and opened up. Furious, Halcyon and Lord Marshal fired their PAC guns -- modified to fire a shot that would disable the engines of the renegade battleships. That they did, and in two salvos the battleships were adrift, powerless.

    Cruiser Apache maneuvered alongside one of the ships. Four other ships followed suit, each one pulling alongside each one of the battleships. They launched boarding craft, which slammed into the sides of the battleships. Imperial Marines stormed out of the craft and onto the ships, killing all who opposed them. Each sent teams to the bridge and engineering sections of the ships. A combat team from Pillar of Man reached the engine room of the lead renegade battleship. There, they hacked into the ship's computers, and after securing themselves in the compartment, as did all other teams throughout the ship, they opened the ship's airlocks, venting the atmosphere -- and the entire crew -- into the vacuum of space. The commander's last thoughts as he spiraled into the black abyss were mixed between thoughts of his family, his home, and of various curse words. His dying image was that of the Imperial fleet turning towards the station.

    Today would not be a day of victory for him.

    [align='center']* * *[/align]

    The Lord Marshal and the F.E.A.R. team moved from cover to cover in the battle-torn square in Rio. President Milton was safe, well on his way to an Imperial aircraft carrier anchored off-shore (from which the F.E.A.R. team had been deployed). The area was strangely deserted, evidence of a cowardly enemy who sought to hit and run instead of stand and fight. The Lord Marshal was distasteful of this, and cursed aloud the people who had attacked him. He would spill no more blood today. He resigned himself to having been beaten and unable to respond.

    He ordered the team to hold their position and await evac. For the first time in the last ten hours, he finally got some much needed relief. He sat down on the ground, laid his weapon across his lap, and admired the beautiful sunset which so often graced Rio. "Mitlon has such a beautiful capital. Tis a pity it has been soiled by the efforts of cowardly beings," he thought to himself. As he admired the view, the comm officer walked up to him.

    "Sir, news from STARCOM. Milton Leg's battleships and shipyard have been secured."

    "Excellent," said the Lord Marshal. Today would indeed end in victory for him.

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP]Milton Legs Rogue Starship

    The day after the attack, Milton woke up in the aircraft's hospital ward. He wondered what the EOM's doctors where thinking, considering that his treatment was a horribly oversized band-aid around his arm. A least he felt much better.

    Milton climed out of his bed, and walked from the ward to the flight deck. Everyone seemed very busy all around the ship. He heard a loud noise come towards the carrier. he turned around and saw a Milton legs helicopter land on the deck. he walked toward it. a man came out and handed a sheet of paper, then quickly climbing back on and leaving Milton with the carrier. Milton looked at the paper. It was a report, and said as follows, in rather messy typesetting:

    From the Government of the flying ham toast of Milton Legs:
    Report on all happenings of the past 24 hours:
    Attack on Rio De Janeiro not isolated; Capital of Milton Legs bombed; vice president dead. Area now secure by Milton legs army after heavy firefighting.
    Control of five Milton legs battleships and shipyard returned to Milton legs by The EOM; Look into improved security of Milton legs shipyards.
    Plane crash in Greenland; later revealed to be the work of "Orion". Leader of Crimmond Omar Pace seen in public looking visibly pissed. For preservation of president Milton's mental health, avoid Small talk with Pace in future.
    Warning sent to cult by EOM; leaders visibly shaken.
    End report.
    Milton sighed, and read over the report once more. A loudspeaker sounded and Milton was instructed to return to the hospital ward, apparently the doctors had a bigger band-aid for Milton. While walking back, Milton realized something and stopped dead in his tracks.

    The EOM had captured 5 ships around saturn. However, he remebered that 6 ships where docked at the time of the attack.


    Earth's moon was quiet, as awalys. not now though, as a ship's massive engines roared to life. This was the Reaper: a massive ship measuring 1.3 Miles in length. At its command was a mysterious man named "bob"; a former Milton legs citizen and a member of orion. (OCC: I'm so original with names, right?) Though not one of the SSCT's experiments, he had the battle planning skills better than any. He ordered the ship to leave the surface of the moon, and head straight for earth. He had instructions to raise havoc among the stupid, squabbling nations. He had the perfect plan: to smash the ship into sydney, in the OALM. This would Create a political hell with the OALM and The Empire of man, and surely lead to a world war.

    "Sir!" someone said. "We have entered Low Earth Orbit!"

    "Very Good." Said bob.

    The Sydney Skyline will be darkened by a huge shadow. Then a bright burst of light...

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP]Milton Legs Rogue Starship

    (occ) er, um, the OALM is NOT I repeat NOT a space faring nation. You'll need to chose another target)

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP]Milton Legs Rogue Starship

    Quote Originally Posted by The Dragon
    (occ) er, um, the OALM is NOT I repeat NOT a space faring nation. You'll need to chose another target)
    No! NO! Its not me dragon, it's orion!

    If you want to help, you should shoot it down before it reaches The OALM. Shoot it down, SHOOT IT DOWN NOW!

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP]Milton Legs Rogue Starship

    well if it's already in the atmostphere then it's too late to be shot down, although if the ship isn't streamlined (and I don't think it is) it's gonna tear itself up in the upper atmosphere anyways) silly non space born pilot).

    Now had you given us notice that a ship had made an un authorized launch from the moon and was heading for the earth, then I could have responded but you had them already in the atmosphere, so I suppose they are just a metior shower now over the OALM.

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP]Milton Legs Rogue Starship

    OOC: Also, when we're doing these RP's, does everything we say automatically become public knowledge? Or are we supposed to pretend anything that isn't said directly to other leaders or made public we don't know about?

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP]Milton Legs Rogue Starship

    (occ)Well I don't see folks 'god modding' but using common sence.

    I usually state something is 'publically broadcast' or "comunications with leader X" or as in another thread (and this one too), just waiting for the responce of the person I'm addressing.

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