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Thread: PR game this easter weekend

  1. Registered TeamPlayer AzH's Avatar
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    The man they call only 'AzH' and the reason for the existence of the nation stood on a balcony overlooking Revolution Square. Below him, a sea of people stretched out as far as the eye could see across the vast expanse of the square. Some waived banners proclaiming AzH as the one true universal truth. Others fired their AK-47 rifles into the air indiscriminately. A chant started. 'AzH! AzH! AzH!'

    He raised his arms to bring the mob to order and gazed out across his people. His people.

    "Lunatics to the south threaten to invade us. Fanatics to the north threaten to consume us. Across the oceans the powers of WW_BITEME and The Empire of Man reach out to claim the free lands of our brother revolutionaries. The regional giant Crimmond threatens to take us in the name of defending us. WHO DO THESE PEOPLE THINK THEY ARE!?"

    The crowd erupted into a frenzy of screams and roars and they baying for blood.

    "They think we are small, BUT OUR STRENGTH IS MIGHTY!!"

    More frenzied screams from the crowd. AzH could feel the electricity building in the Square.

    "Take up the gun and the spear and the sword and the bow. Steel yourself against those that wish to make claim to our birthright, the Canal which brings us much wealth. Arm your brothers and your sisters and your sons and daughters. Send them to watch our borders and our beaches. ALL CITIZENS OF AzH!! ARM YOURSELF! PROTECT YOURSELF! DEFEND YOUR HOMES! DEFEND!! YOUR!! FREEDOM!!!"


    Across the Pacific Ocean, thousands of miles away, Zakalwe sat intent on the monitor showing the scenes from around the world. The bond between AzH and Zakalwe was deeper than that of brothers. The bond between the Armed Republic of AzH and the Omnipotent Autocracy of Lurking Mastermind transcended national boundaries. The Autocracy used the AzH Canal freely and was the only nation which did not pay to pass easily between the Pacific and the Atlantic. It was vital to trade with Hurricane America, Demonic Cannibals and the western states of Masiq. The Canal could not be allowed to fall into less friendly hands. It was imperative it remained with an Autocracy friendly state.

    He picked up the phone which was reserved for just this purpose and was connected to Central Command located deep within the Australian desert.

    "General, this is your President."

    "Sir, we have been watching also. AzH is threatened."

    "Indeed. We knew this was a possibility. Times are troubled and the nations bordering AzH are not known for their stability."

    "What are your orders, Mr. President."

    Zakalwe paused, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Prepare for war. We must protect AzH at all costs."

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Quote Originally Posted by AzH
    "Lunatics to the south threaten to invade us. Fanatics to the north threaten to consume us.
    Correction. we have no reason to invade The dominion of AzH, as we are a peaceful nation, with the expection of Brazil. Crazy Train poses a real threat to our nation as well, and we would gladly join your cause if crazy train turns it's fanatic eye to our land. But, If you don't too trust us, that's fine too.

    That is all.

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Mid Atlantic Ocean

    A moderately sized carrier group cruised slowly towards the area. They do not respond to any communications, though it's obvious they are receiving, as they are re-transmitting them back to Europe.

    The group was made up of a carrier, five cruisers, three missile destroyers, five frigates, four assault ships and several unarmed support ships. Under the waves were most likely two attack submarines, as well.

    Several hours after the speeches by other leaders, another message comes, this time with Omar Pace standing in front of the Scorpion's Tail symbol of the Brotherhood, looking to be his normal disgruntled self.

    "Annexation by the Empire means that the lands will simply have the military of the Empire to defend them. Frankly, so long as commerce continues, I don't give a damn how you run your nation. And if it wasn't for that canal, your backwater wouldn't even be worth my time looking at.

    "We will do what we must to ensure that commerce continues. Even if that means running the canal ourselves. I have deployed the Vladimir Assault Group to the area for overwatch. If things progress to a point that travel is hindered along the canal, we will not hesitate to invade Panama and return the nation to proper running order."

    Omar Pace
    'The Untouchable'

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Official Statement from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, Lord Marshal William Stryker
    To: The Holy Empire of SS Crazy Train

    "The Empire of the Colonies of Man sees itself as the protector of the LM Region. As per the UN Proclamation, the Empire has in effect a casus belli for all nations within the region. I am declaring this to now be in effect.

    The Armed Republic of AzH is a vital trade artery to the Empire and our brothers in Crimmond. It is also a sovereign nation that has a right to remain independent. If any aggressive action is taken by SS Crazy Train against AzH, we will see it as an act of war upon the Region, and that of our brothers in the Crimmond. Stand down immediately, or we will declare war.

    We are also angered by your act of aggression against our friends in Milton Legs. We will not allow any aggressive action to be taken against their nation.

    You have 24 hours to comply. As a sign of our intentions, I have dispatched Imperial Task Force Bravo Echo 419 to the Western coast of AzH. This battlegroup is composed of four nuclear aircraft carriers, five light carriers, six fast battleships, two battlecruisers, 13 cruisers, 15 destroyers, 21 frigates, two nuclear ballistic missile submarines, and four nuclear powered attack submarines. 22 assault transports are carrying the Imperial First Marine Division, the 7th Armored Cavalry Regiment, and the 83rd Mechanized Regiment. If these vessels are attacked, we will retaliate in full. Think of them as a means by which careful thought and consideration of events can be facilitated.

    For the glory of the Empire!"

    Lord Marshal William Stryker

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    TO SS crazy train,

    We have sent 3 carrier groups to Panama to reinforce nuke's task force. That's 3 carriers, 7 cruisers, 15 frigates, 10 destroyers and 5 nuclear subs. If one man crosses the border into Milton Legs, We will show you the full wrath of Milton Legs.


  6. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    To SS Crazy Train. The canal is of vital importance to WW_Biteme.

    Dictator Bush has ordered 4 aircraft battle groups to join up with our ally The Empire of the Colonies of Man.

    Long live the empire & Dictator Bush.

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Message to The Chordata, from Field Marshal Jacob Carter, Commander HIGHCOM:

    "My master has instructed me to inform you that you have just under three hours to withdraw your threat of invasion and to stand down your military forces. Task Force BE419 is under orders to commence offensive operations once the 24-hour time limit has expired. Admiral Martin Foehammer, the commander of the Task Force, is one of our best naval commanders and a man who will follow his orders without question. He has been instructed to maintain radio silence. He can receive messages, however he will not send them. He will carry out his orders, I assure you, unless the Lord Marshal, Fleet Admiral Lord Terrence Wellington, Commander NAVCOM [Naval Command], or I order him to stand down.

    In the interests of maintaining the peace and security of the LM Region, and in the hopes of preventing massive loss of life as a result of the regional conflict of which you are about to cause, I urge you, no, I implore you, stand your forces down. Our spy satellites can see your every move. FLEETCOM [Fleet Command] has a frigate stationed over your nation with orders to observe (although not to engage as per regional law). We will know the instant you order your forces to stand down, and upon ascertaining this, I will order Admiral Foehammer to abort.

    In three hours a war begins. It is up to you and you alone to stop it."

    Field Marshal Jacob Carter
    Commander, Imperial High Command [HIGHCOM]

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    OOC: I need to go to bed now. Please wait for my decision in about 12ish hours before advancing this further.

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    The Free Land of Masiq condemns the coup and offers support to the beleagured Armed republic of AzH. Whereas will shall not commit troops to battle we will provide our ports and amenities for those in the coalition opposing SS Crazy Train. We shall also sever all diplomatic ties with SS Crazy Train until the crisis has been averted.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer AzH's Avatar
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Brigadier-General Zaul of the elite 5th Dragoons Brigade of Lurking Mastermind had the privilege (as he saw it) of being the first real armed force to make landfall in the Armed Republic of AzH to counter the threat presented by SS Crazy Train to the AzH Canal. The Canal had been paid for by Autocracy Cirtas and he'd be damned if that investment by his superiors would fall into the hands of those unfriendly to the Autocracy. The 5th Dragoons consisted of approximately 6,500 personnel between three mechanized infantry battalions, an armored battalion, an armored artillery battalion, and other logistic and engineering units. It had been dispatched and arrived within 24 hours of the coup in SS Crazy Train via RR (rapid reaction) Strato-Jets which the Autocracy used for such a purpose.

    His men were ready and willing to fight, kill, and die if necessary in defence of this particular business interest.

    They had landed at Panama City, the only internation airport big enough to cater for the huge Strato-Jets and now the armoured vehicles moved under cover of darkness west towards the border with SS Crazy Train. Their mission was to secure the border towns of Elena in the north and Cerro Punta and San Andres in the South. In addition, the third battalion would move forward to overwatch the primary crossover points and observe enemy activity within SS Crazy Train. The Autocracy expected enemy activity to be erratic due to the coup, but it paid to be prepared for any eventuality.

    A wing of Starling Air Superiority fighters had been seconded to the 5th Dragoons and had began flying combat patrol missions along the border whilst Songbird spy planes kept a beady eye on developments deep within SS Crazy Train territory.

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