I have completely redone my water cooling loop and no longer need these parts. Everything is about a year old, works perfectly, and has been cleaned out, drained, and dried. I am likely going to put on eBay with the rest of the stuff I have recently sold, but I thought I would offer it to some of you TPGers that would like to add to your water cooling loop.

HW Labs Black Ice GTX Xtreme 120 Radiator - $30 + shipping (sells new for $62.50+tax)
Black Ice GTX Xtreme 120 Radiator - Black - FrozenCPU.com

HW Labs Black Ice GTX Xtreme 360 Radiator - $60 + shipping (sells new for $119.95+tax)
Black Ice GTX Xtreme 360 Radiator - Black - FrozenCPU.com

HW Labs Black Ice GT Stealth 120 Radiator - $25 + shipping (sells new for $46.95+tax)
Black Ice GT Stealth 120 Radiator - Black - FrozenCPU.com

XSPC Dual 5.25" Bay Reservoir Black with Ball Front and blue LED - $20 (sells new for $49.99 +tax)
XSPC Dual 5.25" Bay Reservoir - Black - Ball Front (BR525DBW) - FrozenCPU.com

PM me if you are interested.