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  1. Devious Tyrant
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    The LM UN report

    The Largest Insurance Industry in Lurking Mastermind

    1. The Galactic Armed Empire of WW_BITEME
    2. The Isolationist Autocracy of Lurking Mastermind
    3. The Police State of Y-1
    4. The Armed Republic of Commander Orion
    5. The Cosmic Protectorate of De Dragon
    6. The Dominion of Erik Allmine
    7. The Free Land of Des Blutes
    8. The Atheistic Paramountcy of Nefaris
    9. The Colony of Epsilon Eridani IV
    10. The Dominion of Evil Cenobites
    11. The Dominion of Demonic Cannibals
    12. The Qrrbrbirbel of Hurricane America
    13. The Glorious Nation of Aspadan
    14. The People's Republic of T3h feelfree
    15. The Empire of The Colonies of Man
    16. The Empire of Latique
    17. The Empire of The Prevailing
    18. The Free Land of Lolbania
    19. The Flying Ham Toast of MIlton legs
    20. The Collective of X-1

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    The LM UN report

    The Most Beautiful Environments in Lurking Mastermind

    UN researchers spent many arduous weeks lying on beaches and trekking through rainforests to compile this definitive list of the most attractive and best cared for environments.

    1. The Collective of X-1
    2. The Empire of Latique
    3. The Free Land of Lolbania
    4. The Galactic Armed Empire of WW_BITEME
    5. The Glorious Nation of Aspadan
    6. The Empire of The Prevailing
    7. The Cosmic Protectorate of De Dragon
    8. The People's Republic of T3h feelfree
    9. The Flying Ham Toast of MIlton legs
    10. The Free Land of Des Blutes
    11. The Qrrbrbirbel of Hurricane America
    12. The Colony of Epsilon Eridani IV
    13. The Dominion of Demonic Cannibals
    14. The Dominion of Evil Cenobites
    15. The Dominion of Erik Allmine
    16. The Armed Republic of Commander Orion
    17. The Isolationist Autocracy of Lurking Mastermind
    18. The Atheistic Paramountcy of Nefaris
    19. The Empire of The Colonies of Man
    20. The Police State of Y-1

    The Most Beautiful Environments in Devious Tyrant

    1. The Dominion of Flying Monkey Poo - Democratic Socialists - "Akk!"
    2. The Dominion of Demonic Cenobites - Capitalist Paradise - "Explorers in the further regions of experience. "
    3. The Allied States of Zonotrichia - Right-wing Utopia - "The only good enemy is a dead enemy"
    4. The Disputed Territories of Draki - Inoffensive Centrist Democracy - "Big Brother is Watching You"
    5. The Dominion of Tyrannicus Devious - Compulsory Consumerist State - "Death is only the beginning"
    6. The Dictatorship of The Oppressed Pugs - Corporate Police State - "Might makes Right"
    7. The Confederacy of AzH - Compulsory Consumerist State - "Great intellects are skeptical"

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    The LM UN report

    The Largest Automobile Manufacturing Sector in Lurking Mastermind

    1. The Police State of Y-1
    2. The Empire of The Colonies of Man
    3. The Armed Republic of Commander Orion
    4. The Isolationist Autocracy of Lurking Mastermind
    5. The Cosmic Protectorate of De Dragon
    6. The Dominion of Erik Allmine
    7. The Atheistic Paramountcy of Nefaris
    8. The Colony of Epsilon Eridani IV
    9. The Free Land of Des Blutes
    10. The Dominion of Demonic Cannibals
    11. The Dominion of Evil Cenobites
    12. The People's Republic of T3h feelfree
    13. The Empire of The Prevailing
    14. The Qrrbrbirbel of Hurricane America
    15. The Empire of Latique
    16. The Free Land of Lolbania
    17. The Flying Ham Toast of MIlton legs
    18. The Galactic Armed Empire of WW_BITEME
    19. The Collective of X-1

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    The LM UN report

    The Largest Welfare Programs (per capita) in Lurking Mastermind

    Governments ranked high on this list spend large amounts of money on social welfare programs. Nations ranked low tend to have weak or non-existent government welfare.

    1. The Collective of X-1
    2. The Free Land of Lolbania
    3. The Empire of LatiqueUN Member
    4. The Free Land of Des Blutes
    5. The Qrrbrbirbel of Hurricane America
    6. The People's Republic of T3h feelfree
    7. The Dominion of Erik Allmine
    8. The Atheistic Paramountcy of Nefaris
    9. The Empire of The Prevailing
    10. The Flying Ham Toast of MIlton legs
    11. The Dominion of Demonic Cannibals
    12. The Dominion of Evil Cenobites
    13. The Cosmic Protectorate of De Dragon
    14. The Colony of Epsilon Eridani IV
    15. The Armed Republic of Commander Orion
    16. The Police State of Y-1
    17. The Isolationist Autocracy of Lurking Mastermind
    18. The Empire of The Colonies of Man
    19. The Galactic Armed Empire of WW_BITEME

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    The LM UN report

    The Most Devout Nations in Lurking Mastermind

    UN experts polled citizens from nations worldwide to determine which seemed to be the most religious.

    1. The Qrrbrbirbel of Hurricane America
    2. The People's Republic of T3h feelfree
    3. The Atheistic Paramountcy of Nefaris
    4. The Empire of Latique
    5. The Free Land of Lolbania
    6. The Armed Republic of Commander Orion
    7. The Galactic Armed Empire of WW_BITEME
    8. The Police State of Y-1
    9. The Dominion of Demonic Cannibals
    10. The Flying Ham Toast of MIlton legs
    11. The Dominion of Evil Cenobites
    12. The Dominion of Erik Allmine
    13. The Colony of Epsilon Eridani IV
    14. The Free Land of Des Blutes
    15. The Cosmic Protectorate of De Dragon
    16. The Isolationist Autocracy of Lurking Mastermind
    17. The Collective of X-1
    18. The Empire of The Prevailing
    19. The Empire of The Colonies of Man

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    The LM UN report

    The Most Rebellious Youth in Lurking Mastermind

    UN observers counted the number of times their car stereo was stolen from outside fast food stores to determine which nations have relatively high levels of youth-related crime.

    1. The Flying Ham Toast of MIlton legs
    2. The Armed Republic of Commander Orion
    3. The Empire of Latique
    4. The Free Land of Lolbania
    5. The Qrrbrbirbel of Hurricane America
    6. The People's Republic of T3h feelfree
    7. The Collective of X-1
    8. The Free Land of Des Blutes
    9. The Atheistic Paramountcy of Nefaris
    10. The Colony of Epsilon Eridani IV
    11. The Empire of The Prevailing
    12. The Dominion of Erik Allmine
    13. The Dominion of Demonic Cannibals
    14. The Isolationist Autocracy of Lurking Mastermind
    15. The Cosmic Protectorate of De Dragon
    16. The Dominion of Evil Cenobites
    17. The Empire of The Colonies of Man
    18. The Police State of Y-1
    19. The Galactic Armed Empire of WW_BITEME

    10,000th post!

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    The LM UN report

    The Largest Defense Forces (per capita) in Lurking Mastermind

    Nations ranked high on this list spend disproportionately large amounts of money on national defense, and are most secure against foreign aggression.

    1. The Galactic Armed Empire of WW_BITEME
    2. The Empire of The Colonies of Man
    3. The Cosmic Protectorate of De Dragon
    4. The Isolationist Autocracy of Lurking Mastermind
    5. The Free Land of Des Blutes
    6. The Flying Ham Toast of MIlton legs
    7. The Atheistic Paramountcy of Nefaris
    8. The Dominion of Erik Allmine
    9. The Colony of Epsilon Eridani IV
    10. The Dominion of Evil Cenobites
    11. The Dominion of Demonic Cannibals
    12. The Qrrbrbirbel of Hurricane America
    13. The Empire of Latique
    14. The People's Republic of T3h feelfree
    15. The Armed Republic of Commander Orion
    16. The Police State of Y-1
    17. The Collective of X-1
    18. The Free Land of Lolbania
    19. The Empire of The Prevailing

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    The LM UN report

    The Most Comprehensive Public Healthcare in Lurking Mastermind

    The following nations have extremely good public healthcare facilities, given their population.

    1. The Collective of X-1
    2. The Empire of The Colonies of Man
    3. The Free Land of Des Blutes
    4. The Empire of Latique
    5. The Free Land of Lolbania
    6. The Flying Ham Toast of MIlton legs
    7. The Dominion of Erik Allmine
    8. The Dominion of Evil Cenobites
    9. The Atheistic Paramountcy of Nefaris
    10. The Empire of The Prevailing
    11. The Cosmic Protectorate of De Dragon
    12. The Qrrbrbirbel of Hurricane America
    13. The Colony of Epsilon Eridani IV
    14. The People's Republic of T3h feelfree
    15. The Police State of Y-1
    16. The Dominion of Demonic Cannibals
    17. The Isolationist Autocracy of Lurking Mastermind
    18. The Armed Republic of Commander Orion
    19. The Galactic Armed Empire of WW_BITEME

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    The LM UN report

    The Largest Basket Weaving Sector in Lurking Mastermind

    1. The Galactic Armed Empire of WW_BITEME
    2. The Police State of Y-1
    3. The Isolationist Autocracy of Lurking Mastermind
    4. The Cosmic Protectorate of De Dragon
    5. The Armed Republic of Commander Orion
    6. The Atheistic Paramountcy of Nefaris
    7. The Dominion of Erik Allmine
    8. The Free Land of Des Blutes
    9. The Dominion of Demonic Cannibals
    10. The Colony of Epsilon Eridani IV
    11. The Dominion of Evil Cenobites
    12. The Qrrbrbirbel of Hurricane America
    13. The Empire of The Colonies of Man
    14. The Flying Ham Toast of MIlton legs
    15. The People's Republic of T3h feelfree
    16. The Free Land of Lolbania
    17. The Empire of Latique
    18. The Empire of The Prevailing
    19. The Collective of X-1

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    The LM UN report

    The Greatest Rich-Poor Divides in Lurking Mastermind

    Nations high on this list have large gaps between the incomes of rich and poor citizens. Nations low on the list have high levels of income equality.

    1. The Isolationist Autocracy of Lurking Mastermind
    2. The Police State of Y-1
    3. The Dominion of Evil Cenobites
    4. The Cosmic Protectorate of De Dragon
    5. The Galactic Armed Empire of WW_BITEME
    6. The Dominion of Demonic Cannibals
    7. The Empire of The Colonies of Man
    8. The Dominion of Erik Allmine
    9. The Armed Republic of Commander Orion
    10. The Atheistic Paramountcy of Nefaris
    11. The Flying Ham Toast of MIlton legs
    12. The Empire of The Prevailing
    13. The Colony of Epsilon Eridani IV
    14. The Qrrbrbirbel of Hurricane America
    15. The People's Republic of T3h feelfree
    16. The Free Land of Des Blutes
    17. The Empire of Latique
    18. The Collective of X-1
    19. The Free Land of Lolbania

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