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Thread: Newegg DIY Specails

  1. Hi, my name is...
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    I would grab my dads pistos and hade to GFS [A store that sells food, pans, and other things} kill all that's in it wait for 7 mounths and with out humen contat I will put up spkers on the roof. The have a meses repit and put on "Don;t you Forget about me while drawing the zombies to me so other suver can run away. Than run out killing the zombies and get killed.

  2. Junior Member
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    Like mentioned before, I would be at a prison . I'd grab like twenty auto shotguns, a crapload of food, etc etc. and lock myself in a cell with the keys of course .

  3. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by The-Bommer View Post
    I would grab my dads pistos and hade to GFS [A store that sells food, pans, and other things} kill all that's in it wait for 7 mounths and with out humen contat I will put up spkers on the roof. The have a meses repit and put on "Don;t you Forget about me while drawing the zombies to me so other suver can run away. Than run out killing the zombies and get killed.
    It may be chliche but id blast "bodies" by drowining pool while killing all the zombies i could.
    because the damed zombies arent going to kill themselves.

  4. Zombie Cat
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    "Where would you be if a zombie apocalypse happened?"

    Chances are... That I'll be at Home, in front of my computer.
    I wanted you to know, that by reading this signature you have wasted approximately 6.235 seconds of your life.

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    I'd be in my underwater biodome, chillin like a villain.

  6. Regular Joe Member
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    Oh well, let's see what I would do...(I am in no way a survival expert, so this is an everyman's plan, probably doomed from the start.)

    First: 0.0001% of all people who will ever post here will actually be able to kill ONE zombie. Fear will render the rest of them useless, myself probably included. If you are not a military person, a cop, anything that is used to dealing with extreme amount of will probably choke. And piss yourself as soon as one zombie charges you. If it's the slow kind of zombie then you'll just run away and bump into other ones, fear giving you tunnel vision and making you think stupidly.

    So. The best you can do, as an every day Jack, is HIDE at first. Until at least some people/zombies have died. Your best bet is being already inside, the contrary being in most cases a doomed scenario. Get somewhere that is high above the ground. An appartment building with armored doors would be nice. Most ground-level compounds can be invaded by numerous things: enough charging bodies, a vehicle, even an attack from below. (Basement, sewers, etc.) Getting as high as possible (lol), imo is the best option. Choosing a room which has an other one directly below it is not good. Try to locate above a room that is hard to get into. (Heck, you might even forgo holding out in a room with an armored door, if the room below has one. Replace it by as many pieces of furniture as you can.)

    Underground? Please don't, if there is only one exit possible. You will die.

    Let's say you have a nice place to hide now. If you are lucky, you have food. If you are not, you have three weeks (Give of take, it depends on your condition) to get some, but you'll have to hydrate at all costs. Rain water can help if you have a balcony or access to the roof. During the time you are waiting, you can survey your surroundings, to find alternate places to hide when you get out. You could also try to find weapons, or make some with what's inside. (I live in Canada. There would be NO guns anywhere close to me.)

    Now let's say it's been a couple days, and it's quiet outside. That means that either: a)people are all hiding or b)people are all dead.

    Remains only the Z's outside. It's time to go. Preferably, and if possible, you will have determined when the zombies move, by night, day, or even all the time. Plan your outside trip accordingly. What you must do (What I would try to at least) is go to the most secluded place possible. Get out of big cities. If you already are in a more rural area, chances are there are not many threats around. Pray that during your travels, no pack attacks you. Not much to do with a blunt weapon. (This is the only time at which I'd like to live in the US. How different would an escape be with automatic weapons...) I wouldn't try to loot anything. I would not enter any buildings if possible. The objective is to get out of major agglomerations ASAP.

    Once that is done, I suppose people could just barricade, and go out from time to time, to get food. The countryside is bound to have veggies of fruits around. Even small animals.

    But then, if such a place has not been hit as hard as a big city, there may be lots of psychotic/surviving folks there, which could be dangerous...

    Argh. I'd just die.
    My blog. Where I write stories. It's in French though :P

  7. Senior-Senior Member
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    I'd head 20 miles east to my old hometown military post of WSMR and hold out there. Lots of bomb shelters and lots of mountains to separate us from them!
    polyrhythms, man

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    My friends and I have worked out an escape plan.

    We are all finding as many survivors as we can, and road-tripping it down to Pennsylvania, where my extremely weapon handy friends from the internetz Rapier Okamigawa and Ganny321 live.

    We would all get together and kill zombies inside a military bunker that they live near.

    Actually, now that I think about it, Welsh Korgii and Kittyinatoph4t live in Pennsylvania, too.

    It would be like a multiplayer session of Left 4 Dead. :]
    When the talking ducks enslave us all, we will finally get our happy baskets of pudding.

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    I still think an underwater biodome would be cool. And effective.

    Underwarter biodome uses shield! It's super effective!
    Lol, i dunno.

  10. THE TANK
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    Quote Originally Posted by sammybear View Post

    I still think an underwater biodome would be cool. And effective.

    Underwarter biodome uses shield! It's super effective!
    Lol, i dunno.
    Drive down to Iowa with me. We need someone to sit in the back of the truck with an assault rifle so that we can survive the trip down to Pennsylvania, and you would probably qualify.
    When the talking ducks enslave us all, we will finally get our happy baskets of pudding.

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