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Thread: new system cause my ps shit the bed

  1. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syphon View Post
    I dont get why your bots arent good. because mine are uber!!!

    every time im down or get taken by a smoker or hunter, the bots help me up or shoots/melees/kills the zombie that gets me.

    and they do that about 1/2 - 2 seconds after it happens.
    They do react uber fast when there's not a lot going on, faster than humans, and they have epic aim and autodetect SI approaching.

    But in hordes etc they will often not do this anywhere near as fast, and ofc there's the issue where they watch you get smokered until you die, or stand there for a second before attacking.

  2. Chicago Ted
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    Having 1 bot on a team of three players is teh kickass. Other than that combo, the bots fail harder than Sean Hannity trying to be "fair and balance".
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  3. On the way to greater things
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    I have had my biscuts saved by bots plenty, but as many times thay spoil a shot by walking in front of me, or as was stated stand there with there colective heads implanted fermly up there out holes. The oly one I realy have any problems with is Coach, Just when I think I have seen the depths of stupidity I can alwas relie on that one to come up with some way to truly mess it up more. Iv lost count on how many times that bot has messed me up. And the scors at the end, 0% frendly fire my arss, I get hit by them plenty but it nver counts yet when thay walk in front of my gun as Im fireing it counts aginst me. Yes thay can be flipping idiots but it could be worce.

  4. On the way to greater things
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    I had a classic last night. I was on Swamp Fever on advanced. Let me set the scene. I am outside the safe house. Inches away from a safe house. Coach (bot) is dead. Nick (controlled by my boyfriend) is also dead. I am Rochelle and I have green energy. Cue a hoarde. Me and Ellis work together to destroy the hoarde, working in perfect unison to send the dribbling undead to the hell in which they belong. So now the hoarde is gone, Coach and Nick are currently rotting away in a pool of their own bodily fluids and I am making my way to the safe house. Out pops a smoker, wraps his tongue around me and pulls. Ellis runs over, and promptly begins to stare into the middle distance, reloading his gun, scratching his arse and generally being a complete and utter waste of space.

    Shoot forward three seconds and I am dead and screaming at the the screen. When the chapter reloads, all I can do is shoot Ellis dead at point blank range. Not particularly helpful in the scheme of things but it made me feel a hell of a lot better.

    Is it me or are the bots even worse on l4d2 than they were on the first one?

  5. Regular Joe Member
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    Last Tuesday myself and my friend encountered the worst verses game chapter of our life's! Chapter 4 of Dark Carnival and the scores are pretty close; since we only had two bots on our side, I thought we would be OK and all. Haha... I get Smoked after dashing for some pills and my friend runs over to save me; only to get charged into the near by bush.

    We are about 5 feet away from each other and the bots are staring at us both; doing nothing! Myself and my friend where killed (Thats right... We went from 100 Health to Death and the CPU did nothing!) and then they started moving when Elis got a Jockey on him! ¬_¬

  6. Just getting started
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    Yes, bots in L4D are the best proof of the existence of REAL ARTIFICIAL STUPIDITY!!!

    Why cant they shoot a jockey from my head just like humans do?
    In critical situations they behave AAARGH!!! I don't find words for it!!!
    Example: Team split in 2 halfs, i'm the last one, hunter on me, i'm already down but instead of at least killing the hunter so that i can help myself against the zombies, the bot next to me decides to help the 2 other players first, of wich one is incapacitated, too. GRRRRR.

    Please, valve, what do you need to know about tactical decisions? What do you need to know about priorities

    The bots don't know shit about that.

  7. Feet under the table
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    One time when I was hanging on a ledge and the bots were right next to me they didnt even TRY to help me up.They just stood there.Once i reached 15 health they finally noticed me but then, when they tried to help me, all of them JUMPED off the freaken ledge!!!!!!

  8. On the way to greater things
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    Yeah they suck. I was playing the L4D2 port of Death Toll on Normal. Made it to the finale when suddenly a Smoker nabs me. The bots sit and watch as I am incapped. They WERE fighting off Infected at the time but still, there was only a few. But no matter, I figured they'd rescue me once the CI are dead. They did not. They killed the Smoker and that was pretty much their work done in their minds. So I sat and watched as Louis' taunting grin teased me while I died.
    He's like a five year old! A five year old with guns and a comprehensive knowledge of every swear word in the English language!" -Nick

  9. I've done my time
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    Coming from someone who only ever plays coop or with the Bots, I can say that I would prefer them to a lot of human players.

    First question all of you need to ask yourselves is, WHY do you need to be constantly picked up??

    The problem with you guys and poor players in general, is that you feel that you can run into any situation knowing the Bots will be there to "save you" if you hit trouble. But one thing I`ve found from beating both L4D1 & 2 with Bots, on the highest levels (even realism), is that they are only as good as you are. So if you haven't worked out or play to the strongest strategy to beat this game, the Bots "messing up" makes NO difference.

    Bots will NOT improve your game, they will only highlight your weaknesses.

  10. On the way to greater things
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miktal View Post
    Coming from someone who only ever plays coop or with the Bots, I can say that I would prefer them to a lot of human players.

    First question all of you need to ask yourselves is, WHY do you need to be constantly picked up??

    The problem with you guys and poor players in general, is that you feel that you can run into any situation knowing the Bots will be there to "save you" if you hit trouble. But one thing I`ve found from beating both L4D1 & 2 with Bots, on the highest levels (even realism), is that they are only as good as you are. So if you haven't worked out or play to the strongest strategy to beat this game, the Bots "messing up" makes NO difference.

    Bots will NOT improve your game, they will only highlight your weaknesses.
    True I guess, well said
    He's like a five year old! A five year old with guns and a comprehensive knowledge of every swear word in the English language!" -Nick

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