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    Left 4 dead Suggestions

    Okay here is some suggestions for left 4 dead:


    Hunter: Instead of making it so the hunter can only jump straight they should be able to control their jumping. In Left 4 dead 1, it takes several jumps to get on 1 survivor before getting killed sometimes.

    Boomer: The Boomer is fine. But they should be able to call a horde like the boomer bile in another way not JUST by puking on Survivors and exploding.

    Smoker: In left 4 dead series, players has to be in a certain distance from the survivors in order to constrict them. They should be able to constrict them from any distance as long as the recticle is on the survivors.

    Charger: Just like the hunter, make it so the charger can control their charging, not make them charge straight and then die.

    Tank: Now why the hell would Valve make so if a Molotov (or Fire) hits a Tank or any other Infected it stays on them until they die. And also, WHY WOULD THE AI DIRECTOR SPAWN A TANK WHERE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GET TO THE SURVIVORS BEFORE THE LIFE METER RUNS OUT. Wow, they should at least put the tank near the survivors or remove the life meter.

    Versus Suggestions

    Kicking System: Ok, this is what I hate about Left 4 dead, the kicking system is abused. They should at least make it so only the host can kick people.

    Points: I'm sick of the lame scores. Like it was said by Vooodu, people should choose how they want it to be scored.

    Instant kills: Honestly, how could a shotgun kill a Smoker with 250 of health with a single shot? 2 or 3 shots could kill them.

    Survivors: After the end of the round, a player is randomly selected to be a survivor. Now, shouldn't they add a Character selection before the round starts instead of having one male player play as a girl?

    That's all for now.

    Add your own suggestions here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    Okay here is some suggestions for left 4 dead:


    Hunter: Instead of making it so the hunter can only jump straight they should be able to control their jumping. In Left 4 dead 1, it takes several jumps to get on 1 survivor before getting killed sometimes.

    Can you control where you jump in midair?

    Boomer: The Boomer is fine. But they should be able to call a horde like the boomer bile in another way not JUST by puking on Survivors and exploding.

    How do you propose they do that?

    Smoker: In left 4 dead series, players has to be in a certain distance from the survivors in order to constrict them. They should be able to constrict them from any distance as long as the recticle is on the survivors.

    Then that would waste time dragging the survivor and it would be physiclly impossible to do anyway.

    Charger: Just like the hunter, make it so the charger can control their charging, not make them charge straight and then die.


    Tank: Now why the hell would Valve make so if a Molotov (or Fire) hits a Tank or any other Infected it stays on them until they die. And also, WHY WOULD THE AI DIRECTOR SPAWN A TANK WHERE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GET TO THE SURVIVORS BEFORE THE LIFE METER RUNS OUT. Wow, they should at least put the tank near the survivors or remove the life meter.

    1. If you were on fire, would the flames go out? No. They would continue to burn because skin is flammable. The only reason you are spotted is because you just run in screaming your bloody head off and not working with your team.

    Versus Suggestions

    Kicking System: Ok, this is what I hate about Left 4 dead, the kicking system is abused. They should at least make it so only the host can kick people.

    Like the host won't abuse it either? "Dude I love Lost man." Lost sucks." *Kick*

    Points: I'm sick of the lame scores. Like it was said by Vooodu, people should choose how they want it to be scored.

    Score running. Nuff said.

    Instant kills: Honestly, how could a shotgun kill a Smoker with 250 of health with a single shot? 2 or 3 shots could kill them.

    I'm gonna guess you were what, 2 feet away from the survivor?

    Survivors: After the end of the round, a player is randomly selected to be a survivor. Now, shouldn't they add a Character selection before the round starts instead of having one male player play as a girl?

    Are you insinuating that playing as the girls in the games are bad?

    That's all for now.

    Add your own suggestions here.
    There ya go.

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    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    I'm sorry man. I was in a bit of a foul mood. But however my answers to your suggestions still stand.

  5. Hi, my name is...
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    You can control hunters in mid air, only slightly, but I think it would be too much hassle to control it, my screen would be all over the place xD

    I think you just have to practise with the infected, they may not be to your advantage sometimes but it's easily done to land a good boom, smoke from a reasonable distance, avoid a molotov and land a decent jump.

    The key to success for the infected is to observe. You can see through walls and spawn wherever you want... sometimes you can predict what the survivors are going to do which you can use to your advantage. Generally, the infected have the upper hand.

    Although I see where you are coming from on all points. Especially the tank one as in levels such as No Mercy 4, the tank sometimes spawns all the way on the top floor when the survivors haven't called the elevator yet so it is difficult for you to get down.
    "You know what I don't hate?...
    ... I don't hate vests" - Francis

  6. Junior Member
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    Ok; here's a suggestion I've always thought would be a good idea for verses: hit and run infected.
    The hunter and the smoker should be able to let go of the survivor at any time, not just wait until they're dead.
    Just think about it...

  7. Left 4 Dead
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    Actually i wouldn't mind a charger with more of a controlled charge.

    Nothing too drastic, but the abilty to make your charge curve a lil bit would be nice.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  8. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    Hunter: Instead of making it so the hunter can only jump straight they should be able to control their jumping. In Left 4 dead 1, it takes several jumps to get on 1 survivor before getting killed sometimes.
    the hunter pounce can be controlled slightly by pushing back on the control stick or forward i think. but if you mean being able to turn, i dont think thats nescessary. because if you miss, you can pounce again right away which allows you to try to get away or pin a survivor. at least so long as you dont pounce right in front of the group

    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    Boomer: The Boomer is fine. But they should be able to call a horde like the boomer bile in another way not JUST by puking on Survivors and exploding.
    this could work in a sense but that would ultimately remove any skill needed to play the boomer. unless the boomer had another move that would give it the effects of the bile bomb like you said without it directly affecting the survivors, then this would mean whenever a boomer misses a vomit or pops without covering anyone. a horde would show up regardless

    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    Smoker: In left 4 dead series, players has to be in a certain distance from the survivors in order to constrict them. They should be able to constrict them from any distance as long as the recticle is on the survivors.
    i disagree. for the survivors, it would be terribly annoying and inconvenient to have a smoker pull him from anywhere on the map regardless of distance. as infected, remember how long it takes for a smoker to successfully grab a survivor at its max distance? well the longer the distance, means the longer the tongue takes to reach over. which could either give the smoker away or the survivor could turn the corner and the tongue doesnt catch anything

    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    Charger: Just like the hunter, make it so the charger can control their charging, not make them charge straight and then die.
    it would depend on how much the charger can turn. if it had full control like it was running. it would remove what skill was needed to play it like the boomer in your other post. if it had a slight curve however, this would be more beneficial. regardless, it isnt impossible to catch a survivor as a charger. you just need a good distraction or position

    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    Tank: Now why the hell would Valve make so if a Molotov (or Fire) hits a Tank or any other Infected it stays on them until they die. And also, WHY WOULD THE AI DIRECTOR SPAWN A TANK WHERE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GET TO THE SURVIVORS BEFORE THE LIFE METER RUNS OUT. Wow, they should at least put the tank near the survivors or remove the life meter.
    because zombies are flammable. regarding fire damage in general, i would prefer the survivors to take increased damage and have a longer burning effect personally. their less flammable but they shouldnt have skin made of asbestos

    i agree how fire is incredibly annoying especially if your a tank. but i think its better to give the tank a drastic increase when lit as well as a slight nerf to how much damage the fire does because there's no reason for it to be a double whammy in versus mode. it isnt so bad with the other infected seeing as they can be easily dispatched. that and their alot faster so they can avoid it. hell the boomer can actually use fire to turn itself into a time bomb to counter survivor shoves.

    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    Kicking System: Ok, this is what I hate about Left 4 dead, the kicking system is abused. They should at least make it so only the host can kick people.
    ill agree on how a pair of players can easily fuck things over for new team members and how it only takes two to nullify any vote kicks in a team of four. but if a host had full control on who could play and who couldnt play in their game, it could and probably would be abused even worse that the vote kick system we have right now. it could be used well to boot any TK'ers, cheaters, ect. but then there's something like this: "hey their actually doing well as survivors, ill boot their better players" or "well they've got a full infected team, time to cut them down!" and thats just for starters

    votekicking probably should undergo some change to make it more fair, but your answer would make things worse, no offense

    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    Points: I'm sick of the lame scores. Like it was said by Vooodu, people should choose how they want it to be scored.
    although i dont care much for scores, i agree on that something should be done so the survivor team which plays as intended by staying together, conserving medkits, ect. get more points than those who just rush through it.

    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    Instant kills: Honestly, how could a shotgun kill a Smoker with 250 of health with a single shot? 2 or 3 shots could kill them..
    under a few but common circumstances, that is actually a good estimate of how many shots it takes. i would prefer to make some of the SI who have to throw themselves in the fray be a little beefier but i guess its to discourage players who would utterly waste it. the only beef i have with damage agaisnt SI is the range autoshotguns have against them. but even so, its only minor

    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    Survivors: After the end of the round, a player is randomly selected to be a
    survivor. Now, shouldn't they add a Character selection before the round starts instead of having one male player play as a girl?
    that mainly applies for those who start off as infected. but let me answer that question by asking you these questions: do you prefer some survivors over others? of course you do. do you find the dialouge of some survivors funnier than others? most likely. but is your ability to shoot, heal, and do other tasks as survivors completely unchanged? once again, the answer is yes

    seriously man, if you wanted to be nick but got rochelle instead. you are able to do EVERYTHING the same way regardless so is it that big a deal? all it does is make you seem like a kid whining that didnt get the red car instead of the blue one

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    Quote Originally Posted by gosteelers826 View Post
    the hunter pounce can be controlled slightly by pushing back on the control stick or forward i think. but if you mean being able to turn, i dont think thats nescessary. because if you miss, you can pounce again right away which allows you to try to get away or pin a survivor. at least so long as you dont pounce right in front of the group
    Actually you have more control than that. You can curve a pounce to the point that it is possible to pounce survivors around corners/door ways. If your going for a high pounce you have even more control due to your hang time.

    First thing anyone should know: Don't crouch while your mid-pounce, you lose a ton of control if you remained crouched during your pounce.

    Second thing: Left control stick determines your direction relevant to where your looking. So by using a combination of both control sticks you can curve pounces, aim long, or aim short. Practice makes perfect.

    Fun fact: Did you know it is possible to pounce without crouching first? No I'm not talking about using a glitch here. If your good with wall pouncing try jumping towards a wall (A button) and pouncing as soon as you make contact with it.

    Anyway good hunters can bounce all over the place and nail survivors from just about any angle. I often switch targets mid-way through my pounce depending on the situation. Experienced players know how to use the hunter. It is like so many things in life: Easy to learn, difficult to master.

    Watch and learn:

  10. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eylof View Post
    Actually you have more control than that. You can curve a pounce to the point that it is possible to pounce survivors around corners/door ways. If your going for a high pounce you have even more control due to your hang time.

    First thing anyone should know: Don't crouch while your mid-pounce, you lose a ton of control if you remained crouched during your pounce.

    Second thing: Left control stick determines your direction relevant to where your looking. So by using a combination of both control sticks you can curve pounces, aim long, or aim short. Practice makes perfect.

    Fun fact: Did you know it is possible to pounce without crouching first? No I'm not talking about using a glitch here. If your good with wall pouncing try jumping towards a wall (A button) and pouncing as soon as you make contact with it.

    Anyway good hunters can bounce all over the place and nail survivors from just about any angle. I often switch targets mid-way through my pounce depending on the situation. Experienced players know how to use the hunter. It is like so many things in life: Easy to learn, difficult to master.

    Watch and learn:

    YouTube - All Things Hunter
    well ill be damned, i didnt know that

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