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Thread: Hard Drive Stuff!!!

  1. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Hey! I don't knock something without reason. Most of the time I am just joking anyways. And who cares if I like or don't like it! Your opinion is just as valid as mine so assert away.
    Haha, yeah, you always give good explinations to why you dont like something, I was half giving you a bad time there

    I agree with the fact that we dont have information on the infection is really anoying, but I found a book, "The Zombie Survival Guide" and is actualy a good read and is where I get my info on zombies... but the zombies in this book are the slow moving zombies and not the ones in the game, but it is all we have to go off of really haha.

    It will be interesting to see what valve does to get the charicters of L4D2 out of the south and wherethey will end up going. That cast of survivors wouldnt seam to work well in any other setting that I can think of. L4D2 did get that right in which the characters are absolutly perfect for the environment that they are in and it just works. The south I think is just a death trap though and it would take some serious work to save them or get them out of there.

    15 might be a little young yes, but 17 or 18 would work too. He still would be the youngest survivor, but not too teribly young that he would not be accepted by the comunity and the other survivors. As it wa smentiond earlier in this thread, he could be Bills grandson which i think would make him more accepted to the players and to the group of survivors than some random somebody, but on the same hand that is incredibly unlikly that he has a grandsom, that he is imune, and that the survivors do run into him. That is quite a big streatch I dont think alot of people can get over. A good personality for him would be a cross between a Zoey and and Ellis. Like Zoey he canhave a knowlege of zombies because he did watch and play alot of zombie movies and games, and like Ellis he can tell stories all the time that gives him the quality of still being young and trying to be liked and accepted by the other survivors. He also needs to have a kind of inocense around him where he gets scared sometimes, but other times tries to act like a hero to impress Zoey.

  2. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by Electric Worry View Post
    As for my saying Canada was because in all the old zombie movies and books the cold kills the virus therefore being no zombies. .

    Cold.... In canada? Its like a 104 degrees outside right now.

    Most of the over populated cities of Canada share the same climate as the states near the border.

    Ya sure, if i drove north for 10 hours i'd hit snow, but if i drove 10 hours south i'd hit palm trees.

    Where i live, i'd compare my area to L4D1.

    If anything the Virus would freeze for 2 months every year, and thaw out a few weeks before spring.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  3. Hi, my name is...
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    How far from the border do you live? If not very far, then I wasnt talking about where you live to be a safe haven from the virus. I was talking way the hell up there.
    I have never been to Canada, so I dont know the weather, but to most people here Canada is full of snow, moose, and people who say "eh" after every other word lol.

  4. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by Left4Dev View Post
    I'm thinking of a character that is either exactly like Bill (Wise, sarcastic, has experience with zombies) to please fans who liked him. Or it could be the exact oppisite, maybe even a female character?
    Has experience bout' zombies? you know he was kidding about that right?

    Why dont we just make the boy mature (ever think of that?).
    maybe family issues matured him, maybe hes an orphan.
    Maybe he was really close to Bill (Bill being a pretty serious guy) Bill has made him more of a mature person. Maybe 16-18 seems more fit. is a suggestion, just thowin' it out there, How bout' Kieth?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vooodu View Post
    Cold.... In canada? Its like a 104 degrees outside right now.

    Most of the over populated cities of Canada share the same climate as the states near the border.

    Ya sure, if i drove north for 10 hours i'd hit snow, but if i drove 10 hours south i'd hit palm trees.

    Where i live, i'd compare my area to L4D1.

    If anything the Virus would freeze for 2 months every year, and thaw out a few weeks before spring.
    lol he has a point, im friggin' boiling.
    i dont know Fahrenheit conversions, but its pretty damn Hot.
    (i didnt know you were from Canada, Eh' Buddy)
    "I hate mountains" is probably around The Rockies, which are at the border of Canada.

    Quote Originally Posted by Electric Worry View Post
    I have never been to Canada, so I dont know the weather, but to most people here Canada is full of snow, moose, and people who say "eh" after every other word lol.
    about the moose, thats so true, like every second day in the paper, its like "Moose (or deer) seen on this guys lawn, think its cute, or creepy and keep buying our paper".

  5. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by Electric Worry View Post
    How far from the border do you live? If not very far, then I wasnt talking about where you live to be a safe haven from the virus. I was talking way the hell up there.
    I have never been to Canada, so I dont know the weather, but to most people here Canada is full of snow, moose, and people who say "eh" after every other word lol.
    But no one really lives WAY up the hell up there. Except for a few small towns and native reserve's.

    The bulk of all canadas population lies at least 30 mins to and hour away from the USA border, from east coast to west. The zombies would have to run for weeks to get far enough north to see any moose.

    As far as people saying "eh"... Well. Thats kind of true. But its no worse than some of the messed up stuff that certain americans from certain areas talk like. Ever have conversation with someone where the only thing you understand is "Know what im sayin". Because its the only thing they

    ANd everyones whos never been to Canada has a messed up view of it. Its our way of keeping all the assholes out. Because lets face it assholes hate snow, hate moose and really hate people that say "EH".

    But all the smart americans come here for their summer vaction to lounge at the cottages and the beaches.

    Yes... we have beaches.... Crazy i know.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  6. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vooodu View Post
    Its our way of keeping all the assholes out. Because lets face it assholes hate snow, hate moose and really hate people that say "EH".
    Haha, it is a good thing I aint an asshole then. I love the snow, love moose (well the taste of moose), and I really hate the way people talk here in California and 'eh' would be a nice get away lol.
    I have actually wanted to go into Canada but nobody has wanted to go with me and I would have no clue where to go haha.

    And as for what you said about nobody really living all the way up there, don't you think people would start moving up there if they think they can be safe from the zombies?

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