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Thread: 2 Processors, 1 Motherboard?

  1. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by sygnus View Post
    Then take your gaming to the next level. The config "Confogl" makes the game a lot more difficult for survivors. It's main features being,

    - Tank every map
    - Tier 2 weapons removed
    - No health kits (replaced with pain pills) or defibulators
    - Less item spawns
    - Fixed spawn timers on infected (20 second)
    - You cannot resist the jockey

    This config and it's competative community reside @ Cybergamer, make sure you change your region to USA in the top left!

    So, if you think you're good and you want to really challenge your skills, register for cybergamer and make a post saying Sygnus sent you here and you want to play Confogl!

    Peace out friends,
    - Sygnus[51]
    Seems like this could be quite fun, the only thing I will say is the Jockey thing. I find that I can barely resist against the little shit anyway!

    I'll look into this later.

    Oh god not Superpoop again, did he run out of lawns to mow?
    Kagato: "You got this Feesh?"
    The Feesh: "I am so fucked..."

  2. Junior Senior Member
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    I've considered playing L4D2 on PC instead of 360, but I don't want to have to meet new people who don't suck. Malevolence switched to PC, but he's the only one. I'd like to play more competitively against people who are competent, but eh.

    Plus, I don't want to have to start trying again, I just come up with over complicated plans and see if they work nowadays. Most of the time they do, considering everyone on 360 sucks.

    Yes, I just found a way to say I prefer 360 and everyone on 360 sucks in the same post.

  3. Community Staff
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    In all honesty Sygnus this site is generally filled with xboxers for the most part who play campaign, pug or do friends onlies with each other. You may find a few people interested but mostly everyone who would be interested in confogl already knows about it (at least from what I've seen). Perhaps I'm wrong, but that's generally what's around here

  4. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belthazar666 View Post
    I've considered playing L4D2 on PC instead of 360, but I don't want to have to meet new people who don't suck. Malevolence switched to PC, but he's the only one. I'd like to play more competitively against people who are competent, but eh.

    Plus, I don't want to have to start trying again, I just come up with over complicated plans and see if they work nowadays. Most of the time they do, considering everyone on 360 sucks.

    Yes, I just found a way to say I prefer 360 and everyone on 360 sucks in the same post.

    If everyone on the 360 sucks how come you keep losing to them...
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  5. Junior Senior Member
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    Once again Vooodu is reminded of events that never happened. I've told you countless times to play me and the people I play with, but you never attempt to, get off me if you're going to dodge.

  6. Banned
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    I can understand where Belthy is coming from. I've only been playing L4D for 6 months, and I'm still better than most of the trash I meet on this game. When I'm on with the boys, we can run into 10+ games a night because no-one finishes. Even most of the people I've met from the forums can cream the majority of pubs out there. GBs? A good lot of them are still utter shite. Oh billlly and his mates out pubstomping, because really that's all they can do. All I see these days on 360 is the same old lobbies with the same old shit players who kick anyone who shows any signs of being remotely good.

    I don't think it helps that every little kid seems to own a 360 now.

    So while I think his comment about all Xbox 360 players being shite is perhaps a tad extreme, I really don't think he's that far off. Every day this game's player base on the 360 just gets worse and worse.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  7. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    I swear, if this thread ends up as ANOTHER 360 players vs PC players thread, I'm handing out infractions.

    I'm not kidding, guys. Just accept that everyone has their preferred platform, every platform has its pros and cons and leave it at that.

  8. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belthazar666 View Post
    Once again Vooodu is reminded of events that never happened. I've told you countless times to play me and the people I play with, but you never attempt to, get off me if you're going to dodge.

    Remember when i played you and my team brought the gnome to the safe room on Dark Carni and you rage quit?!!?!....I do. Its why i laugh at you and everything you stand for.

    Go play on PC ya lil baby. You'll get your ass served there too... Maybe you'll finally understand its not everyone xbox that sucks,, Its just you.

    And as far as you saying im dodging. Im right here. Just because I don't go outta my way to play assholes like you doesn't mean im dodging. Just means i don't care. I've already played a buncha games against you. If you wanna beat me that bad i can play with some pubs against you anytime you want. just so i don't have to hear you whine all the time being so good.

    And don't worry TP this is no PC vs XBOX debate... THis is about 1 crappy player who sucks on either one no matter how far up his ass his head is planted.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  9. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    and it's wildly off-topic, so let's just stop, shall we?

  10. Junior Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_friendly_smoker View Post
    I can understand where Belthy is coming from. I've only been playing L4D for 6 months, and I'm still better than most of the trash I meet on this game. When I'm on with the boys, we can run into 10+ games a night because no-one finishes. Even most of the people I've met from the forums can cream the majority of pubs out there. GBs? A good lot of them are still utter shite. Oh billlly and his mates out pubstomping, because really that's all they can do. All I see these days on 360 is the same old lobbies with the same old shit players who kick anyone who shows any signs of being remotely good.
    It's for this reason, the only thing I play in L4D are friend only games. There is a very limited number of players I consider amazing. Whenever I say people aren't good, I mean they aren't amazingly great players. Good to me doesn't mean average or above average. It means good. You're GOOD at the game

    PC has this problem as well, don't get me wrong, the few hours I have on L4D was a headache. Difference is, they have a bigger competitive scene, so if you want to play with and against good people, it's possible. Pub games are just that. Public players. 999/1000 of them can't do anything for themselves.

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