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Thread: 3DMark06 results with new vid card

  1. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by the MASK View Post
    Check your PM. I might already be on your F list...

  2. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeFLeX View Post
    Achievements don't matter. Just because I haven't played the game for 100+ hours doesn't make me bad at it.

    We are not the best humans, but we don't let many teams get past 100 points in pub matches on any round when we are si.
    Two things here, not playing for 100+ hours will be a huge deficit if you ever plan on playing a good team and 2, in pub "matches" you say? That's what it is, a pub match, anyone can play those. Trust me over a year ago I used to be a super pub/pub stomper and my team never lost, but when you get into the competitive aspect of this game your whole view will turn 180 degress

  3. Vooodu
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    Mal you comming out of retirement on Xbox for a game against this dude? He really doesn't care what anyone says.

    Im pretty intrested in what this guy will say after getting stomped by a team that can actually play. Send a real team his way if you can.. Since he still seems to talk alot after getting beat by me and 3 random newbs.

    If not, I see you on Call of Duty on XBOX.... How bout you make the call to join me and have a duty free game againts this guy. You might have some fuuUuunn...Uh Ooohh!

    AT least with 3 good players i can goof around abit more. And we can take turns killing his badly spawned SI to prove his original arguement wrong as well. No wonder that guy thinks people with TB's can see his team and cheats. They spawned at some really stupid time and distances.

    If the newb team i had could haved cleared and covered me with a little bit more speed i could have spent all day shooting his ass up. My team was soo bad,, lol.

    Of course if anyone wants to take the Reverse Pub Stomp The Other team with Random Newbs Challenge. My victory margin was 420. Inronic yes. But lets see anyone else beat that.

  4. Chicago Ted
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    I guess i can join you Mask, i have played with the likes of Holy Red before, and i have no shame if i lose.

    I've faced Whitey before and lost, but i want to see this 'Zeflex' guy go against him and try not to rage.

  5. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeFLeX View Post
    Why are you talking shit before you even play me? You weren't there for the game when I played this kid theMask. He's not very good. We whooped him the first 2 games, we barely lost the 3rd when we had a teammate drop mid-game. He did not back up all his shit talking, he did not seem to have this "sonar" you guys have been talking about.

    We had no problem stomping him when he had 3 random pubs. When he had 3 other friends we barely lost. We were winning the first 3 rounds.


    When I was playing yesterday I would see big glowing si figures before they spawned and everywhere they were moving for about 4 seconds at a time. It also happened to my teammate and I have a witness that saw them on my screen. I don't know why it was happening, but I still believe that is what they guy we played could see. themask played nothing like the guy I was originally talking about
    I am because I actually take part in competitive Left 4 Dead part time. That I have clocked in 500+ hours of Left 4 Dead. That I played L4D for near 2 years. That I know the much more better players of the community that would absolutely slaughter peeps like you. I am very confident of myself. I have seen a lot happen in L4D. I have been insulted, slaughtered, lost by thousands and thousands of points, teabagged, skeeted, dead stopped, popped, leveled, shoved, you name it.

    And instead of being a big whiny baby about it, I decided to do something about it and use them as a yardstick to measure where I stand and try to catch up.

    Why cant you just see that you fuckin lost. You will LOSE at this game. You can make up all your stupid, petty excuses, you can say people were cheating, you can say you lagged and thats why you lost, you can say you had to take a fucking dump and thats why you got killed, I dont care, you lack real experience and discipline. Stop playing with regular pubs. If you like I can supply you with a huge list of names of people you should face before you bark about being undefeated. Let me be the first to tell you, you think 1 person with 'cheating sonar' was bad? I know over 50 players that have sonar-like playing styles, well, at least to people like you. Most of Left4DeadForums is more of a laid back community, pretty much play for fun with some competition on the side, but there are many places where players thrive on hardcore competition and by the looks of it, you have never seen that side before. I would like to show you, just for you to simply realize how INFERIOR and utterly insignificant your team really is compared to many many others out there.

    I had your same fucking wake up call a long time ago and its about time for you to realize the same thing. I am sure many people here have had their egos come crashing down when they lose and realize they werent as good as they thought they were.

    But you should feel lucky to have that feeling. Makes you strive to be very good at something.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  6. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by the MASK View Post
    Mal you comming out of retirement on Xbox for a game against this dude? He really doesn't care what anyone says.

    Im pretty intrested in what this guy will say after getting stomped by a team that can actually play. Send a real team his way if you can.. Since he still seems to talk alot after getting beat by me and 3 random newbs.

    If not, I see you on Call of Duty on XBOX.... How bout you make the call to join me and have a duty free game againts this guy. You might have some fuuUuunn...Uh Ooohh!

    AT least with 3 good players i can goof around abit more. And we can take turns killing his badly spawned SI to prove his original arguement wrong as well. No wonder that guy thinks people with TB's can see his team and cheats. They spawned at some really stupid time and distances.

    If the newb team i had could haved cleared and covered me with a little bit more speed i could have spent all day shooting his ass up. My team was soo bad,, lol.

    Of course if anyone wants to take the Reverse Pub Stomp The Other team with Random Newbs Challenge. My victory margin was 420. Inronic yes. But lets see anyone else beat that.
    That's my little brother playing on my account since he doesn't have gold, I literally never play anymore haha. But yeah, I was thinking perhaps I'll come on some time soon, maybe even play him.

  7. Banned
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    I'd be happy to play this guy at L4D2. I'm actually playing it a lot these days now that I don't have Internet, I find it quite alright to play offline on single player. Nothing like slaying a load of zombies while having the jukebox blasting out some tunes.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  8. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by crimson phantasm View Post
    That i have clocked in 500+ hours of left 4 dead. I am very confident of myself. I have seen a lot happen in l4d. I have been insulted, slaughtered, lost by thousands and thousands of points, teabagged, skeeted, dead stopped, popped, leveled, shoved, you name it.

    And instead of being a big whiny baby about it, i decided to do something about it and use them as a yardstick to measure where i stand and try to catch up.


  9. Zombie Rat
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    jumped in a game last night on the 4th level of Hard Rain. Well I kicked someone on my team and the other guy left so it was me by myself VS this random but my friend joined, she's a chick. Her exboyfriend then joined.

    So it basically came down to me VS them 2 on the hard rain finale with them up like 300 points. The points didn't matter though it was clearly a situation that was like - ok let's see who wins this last level for keeps.

    They wrecked me when I was the tank. I only managed one rock hit on the roof and her exboyfriend (very good, played with before, impressive player) was climbing up the ladder and laying into me from a distance. I got one incap but got destroyed for doing it.

    Basically they wrecked me.

    When they were on defense I was crushing but I made the mistake of trying to take the tank on a joy ride around the perimeter of the map. I've had a lot of success 1v1 against tanks back behind the 18 wheeler.

    Well although I was laying into him he ended up incapping 2 stupid fucking bots and a smoker got the other bot. I got hoarded and killed by their first tank with 3 bots on my team against just those 2.

    They didn't talk shit or anything like that she's not liek that at all; but my face was literally red with embarrassment. Like in real life my face got all hot and I was really embarrassed and pissed that I let them beat me because i tried some dumb noob shit.


    A similiar note I played a team VS with 3 friends about 4 months ago. 2 of them who play a lot but for whatever reason have never quite progressed like I have for various reasons. The other guy is really good but doesn't play nearly enough.

    They were basically 3 of my best player friends in the game and although we had never operated as a team together I figured we could win a Team VS so I got them to do it.

    We. Got. Wrecked.

    Kind of a different situation though. The whole time I saw and understood what the opposing team was doing but the rest of my team was just a few steps behind. They rushed on us bad and our team was simply not coordinated enough, and point blank good enough, to do the same. As a team they were on a different level.

    One dude never quite played as much since that day (during the game he thew a boomer bile when we got boomed on, I seriously could not even believe it, dude played A LOT and was legitimately good).

    The other dude had the audacity to ask me a couple weeks ago "prime, have we EVER lost when we are on a team together?"

  10. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by zoeyyyy View Post
    I'd be happy to play this guy at L4D2. I'm actually playing it a lot these days now that I don't have Internet, I find it quite alright to play offline on single player. Nothing like slaying a load of zombies while having the jukebox blasting out some tunes.
    When are you getting back on?

    I bet you get into VS on L4D2 at some point. You'll see that after a while the game just isn't the same without the charger around.


    Also, I need a team badly. I get tired of quick matching so I often try to join lobbies to engage in teh most competitive games possible. L4D 2 has turned into a total team of friends game. It's usually me with 3 randoms vs a team of 4 friends.

    Start a lobby up with a friend? Best believe a team of 4 will quickly populate to "reverse pub stomp." in RVS.

    I deal with it, but I often find myself thinking - shit, if I had a couple dudes on my team who were as good or better than me this shit would simply not be happening. RVS we're talking here, ftr, regular VS has a bunch of bums that think they are good (plus outlines to help the people on my team if I ever get hit) and it's comparitively easy to take over a game.

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