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Thread: 3DMark06 results with new vid card

  1. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korkon View Post
    By the way, I found a product that is perfect for you. It's a hearing aid with built-in bluetooth, you could use it as a headset for ipods, cellphones, and xbox.
    Bluetooth Hearing Aids
    Also, you mentioned connecting your hearing aid to your TV. I think there's something like that called Direct Audio Input.
    Direct Audio Input (DAI) Definition

    That is pretty cool. I was unaware of that technology. I just got a new pair of $4k hearing aids so I'm gonna check with the audiologist and see if these are bluetooth capable. Neat!

  2. Community Staff
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    Try to save your spawn, as in don't spawn in until you're ready to attack with your team. This way it gives them less of a chance to react and find exactly where you are.

    Something else I noticed as a side note that I think is funny is practically everyone on pc has a form of headphones and a lot of times on xbox you get accused of hacking if you have them haha

  3. Zombie Rat
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    Yeah, everything there is standard procedure bro. The only one fishy is the guy standing there wacking you before you spawn. It may have been a simple case of spawn blocking. Every other one seems completely feasible. I pre-shoot all the time, and although I don't have sonar capabilities that some expensive-mic guys have, I can call out almost every infected as they spawn and then make an educated guess as to where they're at (and usually pre shoot).

  4. Chicago Ted
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    90 percent of every Dead Center game I play a Boomer thinks he is being sneaky by spawning there. Such a predictable location. Wouldnt be suprised if he did that just to send off a warning that he knows that spawn point and dont even think about trying it.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  5. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bolandjf View Post
    If they're following your ghost it's either coincidence or hacks. If you're already spawned in probably just a pair of headphones.
    I have been playing L4D2 for about 3 months now. I play with the same 3 people in pub matches and we have never lost except for one game (and we usually win by a huge deficit). The same thing was happening to us where the other team did not pick up health packs and it felt like one person was seeing us every where we were. The rest of the team just waited for him to kill us. He was shooting us through walls, he would come find us in the pitch-black behind a wall from about 200 feet away. He would straight walk into the exact room we were in, inside a house with many rooms.

    We decided something was a little fishy, so we voted all chat on. We start asking the kid how he is killing us through walls, and knowing exactly where we are, every time we spawn. He claims that he can hear us, so I start yelling "La, La, La, La, La!" and he still says, "I know exactly were you are," even when I spawn in a crazy spot on purpose, roughly 300 ft away. He walks straight up to me and kills me.

    We would look at his aim when we were spawning and he really was killing us through walls. His aimer was following exactly were our teammates were through walls, and from all distances.

    I don't believe there is any way he could have heard us THAT WELL, over himself, us and his team yelling, then locating us at the random places we were spawning just to test it.

    I have a pair of audiotechnica's AD-700's, which are open headphones with a huge soundstage. I cannot hear exactly were anybody is to the degree he was doing it, especially with my team and I talking. I was playing on 360 and I believe we were modded. There was no way he could have been playing legit.

  6. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeFLeX View Post
    I have been playing L4D2 for about 3 months now. I play with the same 3 people in pub matches and we have never lost except for one game (and we usually win by a huge deficit). The same thing was happening to us where the other team did not pick up health packs and it felt like one person was seeing us every where we were. The rest of the team just waited for him to kill us. He was shooting us through walls, he would come find us in the pitch-black behind a wall from about 200 feet away. He would straight walk into the exact room we were in, inside a house with many rooms.

    We decided something was a little fishy, so we voted all chat on. We start asking the kid how he is killing us through walls, and knowing exactly where we are, every time we spawn. He claims that he can hear us, so I start yelling "La, La, La, La, La!" and he still says, "I know exactly were you are," even when I spawn in a crazy spot on purpose, roughly 300 ft away. He walks straight up to me and kills me.

    We would look at his aim when we were spawning and he really was killing us through walls. His aimer was following exactly were our teammates were through walls, and from all distances.

    I don't believe there is any way he could have heard us THAT WELL, over himself, us and his team yelling, then locating us at the random places we were spawning just to test it.

    I have a pair of audiotechnica's AD-700's, which are open headphones with a huge soundstage. I cannot hear exactly were anybody is to the degree he was doing it, especially with my team and I talking. I was playing on 360 and I believe we were modded. There was no way he could have been playing legit.
    Sounds like someone was pub stomping and getting reversed. And yes, you can be heard from that far away, si are loud

  7. Vooodu
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    Its easy to find loud pre spawned special infected depending on how good your sound is. Spawning early means you either want the attention or screwed up.

    So if you spawn early you better have on your dancing shoes.

    Spawning early isn't a bad thing if you and your team can take advantage of the survivors first reactions.

  8. Junior Senior Member
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    You realize that game sound and chat sound are different, and he can effectively lower the voice chat to allow easier hearing of game chat, right? Saying "Lalalalal" into the mic isn't going to do anything. Also, the point is to hear game chat over mic chat anyway, so he probably didn't even have to do that. What are you, 12? "LALALALALALALLA"

  9. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belthazar666 View Post
    You realize that game sound and chat sound are different, and he can effectively lower the voice chat to allow easier hearing of game chat, right? Saying "Lalalalal" into the mic isn't going to do anything. Also, the point is to hear game chat over mic chat anyway, so he probably didn't even have to do that. What are you, 12? "LALALALALALALLA"
    Yes I know that, but I find it nearly impossible to hear my teammates if my voice chat volume isn't turned way up and the game volume is turned way down even because the game is so damn loud, even using my Audiotechnica's. AND you have to be in a party chat for those volume changes to work. We were not in a party chat because we voted all-chat on in game. I had to leave the party, set my voice output to headset and use one ear on my headphones and the other on the headset to hear him and everybody else.

    No, I'm not 12, it was just a way to try to be loud and distracting while we were spawning far away to see if he would hear it and he still heard us from about 200 feet away in random locations on top of everyone yelling. I don't see how headphones could have that good of a soundstage to pinpoint locations far away on top of people yelling and talking yourself.

    If it is true that this guy actually was hearing us, what headphones was he most likely using to do this? Because there is no way the soundstage is THAT much better than mine.

  10. Junior Senior Member
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    Uh, Turtle Beaches have separate volume control for the sounds and voice chat...

    I do it all the time, it's possible, calm down already.

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