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Thread: The Zombie Survival Guide (Book review)

  1. On the way to greater things
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    World War Z is being made into a movie!!

    World War Z (2010)

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    Hehe great book.

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashy View Post
    World War Z is being made into a movie!!

    World War Z (2010)
    Which is a mistake. It should be made into a series. How can you cram all those stories into a two hour long movie? I know you can get the epicness of the battles in there... but the rest...

    The guy climbing down the apartment, the downed pilot, the trek north from the USA, the Chinese sub, the astronauts... the list goes on. How the hell are they going to pull that off unless they make several movies?

  4. Staff of the Forums +5
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    I saw the mention of it becoming a movie, but only knowing the format of the book, I cant say how it'll turn. I did think the way they wanted to structure the move would be cool though. If I remember right WWZ is a recollection of stories from various people. The movie would follow this same fellow getting these stories, but rather than actually listen to someone drone on, the movie would cut to a scene reenacting the story, which could be cool. However, depending on the amount of content, a lot could be cut, and that'd be a shame, as a lot of book to movie movies often are lame at best...

    Still, I'd like to read the book before I see the movie; any reviews on it?

  5. Hi, my name is...
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    I have the book and it's quite good, actually. Not quite as quickly appreciated as the Zombie Survival Guide because the people occasionally ramble about things. But it feels like real people are being interviewed and ultimately, the reading experience is addicting and strangely terrifying. If you like Zombie Survival Guide, you should get World War Z, it's not a bad book at all. Great for a long airplane flight, I bought it at LAX and couldn't stop reading until I arrived at Tokyo.

    I think WWZ might be appropriate if presented in a documentary format, with interviews interspersed with reenactments? Sort of like a History Channel thing. Just my take on it.

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    The only complaint I had about WWZ is the final section, where he wraps up some of the stories. I was scratching my head going 'who the hell is this person?' and had to flip through the book to find their section again. It would have helped had he reintroduced them with a paragraph at the start of each one of those mini-sections.

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    That book made my actually believe there was a zombie apocalypse coming. @.@

  8. Zombie Rat
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    I've read both this and "World War Z" and loved them both.
    Can't wait for the WWZ movie either.

  9. Rob Zombie
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    I have both of the books and love them. I will soon be giving a demonstration speech to my speech class about "How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse" in an effort to boost possible survivors once they rise.

    I've noticed that there are two main types of zombies, there is the slow-moving one, and the fast one. So the guide would be partially useless in the event of a breakout like the one in L4D, because the guide is about slow-moving ones.
    Khorne Flakes! They're Heretically Delicious.

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  10. Just getting started
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    i have read the zombie survival guide ... after reading How to survive a horror movie (good book even better if you can imagine it narrated by Bruce Cambell)
    so I was a lil surprised at how serious it was. i definitly liked the last... half? ..third?.. and think it should be made into a mockumentry.

    a great book though and i have one at home and carry one around with me most of the time.

    world war Z is on my book shelf waiting to be read
    thanks for the post about the movie! im stoked for any zombie movie, hopefully its high end.

    also if you like zombie survival .. uhh literature check out the walking dead by robert kirkman best zombie survivor story i have ever read (even better than most movies) & should be a HBO series

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