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Thread: Freezes all the time

  1. Junior Member
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    The first thread is for Via Chipset Motherboards, and I don't have one. I have a MSI K9AGM3 Series motherboard.
    I tried the second thread, though I don't have texture problems, but didn't help either.
    75ºC?? That's excessive! Nothing in my PC steps over 48-49ºC

  2. Junior Member
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    Im' sorry, I meant my CPU, VGA (on board) card and motherboard temp, not my Video Card temp. I now realize I have no way of checking my video card temp. I installed ATI Toools and ATI Tray Tools and none of those could tell me (neither can the ATI Catalyst Control Center). It's pretty odd actually, non of them mention the temperature anywhere. They should, right?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaba_p View Post
    Im' sorry, I meant my CPU, VGA (on board) card and motherboard temp, not my Video Card temp. I now realize I have no way of checking my video card temp. I installed ATI Toools and ATI Tray Tools and none of those could tell me (neither can the ATI Catalyst Control Center). It's pretty odd actually, non of them mention the temperature anywhere. They should, right?
    ATI Tools shows it pictured here, the graph and the "44 - 49" (low temp - high temp I think)
    ATITool - Overclocking utility for ATI and NVIDIA cards

    but it has the proviso that it's not available on all cards.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaba_p View Post
    This is what ATI Tools looks like on my PC: ATI Tools
    So I guess my video card its not supported
    Yeah, you might have some luck looking at the manufacturer's site if it's a sapphire or another brand like that.

    There has to be smt different about the day where you could play for a few minutes... probably a hint in that if we can figure it out.

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    Found some specific ATI Issues exactly like yours.

    they were fixed by
    1) Making a fixed Page file set it to 1.5-2X the amount of ram you have (but not to exceed 6gb)
    Start > Run > sysdm.cpl > Advanced > Settings (under Performance > Advanced > Change (under Virtual Memory > and set the Inital and Maximum to 1.5-2x the amount of ram you have (in your case 4092MB but make sure you have that much space free on your HD that windows is installed on)

    2) Reinstalling the video drivers every time they reboot their computer. So install the drivers reboot. Try game if it doesn't, Install reboot again then when windows loads install them again but do not reboot and try the game

  6. Junior Member
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    I'm sorry for not responding, I was away for a couple of days.
    I tried both things and still nothing, it still freezes the same way.

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    Give this guide a go (I know it's on a nvidia forum but the same process should apply)

    How to correctly remove graphics card drivers. - NVIDIA Forums

    *note: found they pulled the program down :/

    give this one a try in it's place:

  8. On the way to greater things
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    Yesterday I read something about the pagepool option, and how to change the values there in XP and Vista instead of in the game menu - but now I can't find it.

    Perhaps Mythereal has heard of this trick ?

    I'll keep looking for it in any case...

    Good Luck and don't give up :-D
    Just found it again

    EXTREMELY UPSET ABOUT CRASHING. *Fixed* - Page 2 - Steam Users' Forums

    tibetanpunk : "Sounds like a paged pool related crash to me...

    Try this registry fix, it increase paged pool memory to 300MB from the default 175MB.
    It has worked for me several times as well as anyone else that has used it (that got back to me anyway).

    It solves the paged pool low error message, as well as greatly reducing (or even completely removing) the sound/graphical stuttering in all source based games.

    EDIT* registry fix is for XP...No idea if it will work on Vista."

    In his post there is a link to the registry fix - Since I'm not that computer savvy, I don't know whether it's safe to use...

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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueCat View Post
    Yesterday I read something about the pagepool option, and how to change the values there in XP and Vista instead of in the game menu - but now I can't find it.

    Perhaps Mythereal has heard of this trick ?

    I'll keep looking for it in any case...

    Good Luck and don't give up :-D
    Just found it again

    EXTREMELY UPSET ABOUT CRASHING. *Fixed* - Page 2 - Steam Users' Forums

    tibetanpunk : "Sounds like a paged pool related crash to me...

    Try this registry fix, it increase paged pool memory to 300MB from the default 175MB.
    It has worked for me several times as well as anyone else that has used it (that got back to me anyway).

    It solves the paged pool low error message, as well as greatly reducing (or even completely removing) the sound/graphical stuttering in all source based games.

    EDIT* registry fix is for XP...No idea if it will work on Vista."

    In his post there is a link to the registry fix - Since I'm not that computer savvy, I don't know whether it's safe to use...
    XP Version:paged pool.rar
    Vista: How to Increase the file system memory cache in Vista/2003 | Windows Reference

    Haven't really seen anyone in that thread that's said it's worked for them other then the OP, plus supposedly there is an error associated with it which is why I haven't suggested it... Worth a shot tho.

  10. THE TANK
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaba_p View Post
    Well, I finally tried running it on a Windos XP SP2. I installed it on another disk an the only driver I installed after was the Video card driver. Sadly it still froze after a couple of minutes. Maybe I'll try some more with this fresh OS, but I think I have nothing less to do but accept the defeat and wait until I get a different PC. Thanks a lot to everybody, especially to Mytheral for all his time and help!
    hmmm weird, I'd take a good look through your bios and look for any power regulating settings. Other then that I'd try again after each patch valve puts out.

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