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Thread: Fixing "exploits"

  1. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by -RaYne- View Post
    Haha i think your the only person who responded to the OP. Everything else seems off topic. In either case, the only problem i have with this post is the #1 thing you said. If 90% of the walls were breakable, no one would go around breaking all of them if it took around 5 hits to break it. The breakable walls would only be broken when people are using closets and such or when the infected can set up a good ambush. Otherwise, the walls will remain in tact. No one is going to waste their time breaking walls where they dont need to be broken.
    Yes, if 90% where breaking no one would go around breaking them.... The NPC Zombies will. Just like how if a survivor bot touches something breakable they spaz out and have to break it with melee.

    But on the melee stuff, still it is very much like the Jet Lee Circle kick that could be spammed in Tekken. While can be useful, it is not Overpowered.

    What is really though is the fact survivors have an near infinite supply of projectiles they can use, while the zombies only get one that has a true long ranged attack. (Tank)

    I do not count the smoker as a long ranged attack, because it does NOT deal damage when it hits. The damage is delayed until much later, giving the survivors lots of time to shoot you dead.

    What is needed is a zombie that appears more than a tank with some actual long ranged attacks. Such as a zombie who can pick up the physics objects and fling them at the survivors. There was a mod for the source engine that did this beautifully, I forget the name though.

  2. Hi, my name is...
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    - 90% of walls should be breakable, not iron walls (prevents use of closets)
    - A hunter's pounce should not be bash-able
    - People who get pulled by a smoker should not be able to free themselves, that alone makes the smoker almost useless. Why should they be able to free themselves from a smoker but not a hunter?
    - Bash should have a 2-3 second timer on it to prevent spam

  3. Senior Member
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    Bash is overpowered, anytime almost any horde event is provoked, there's always some corner or closet people can hide in to completely negate what the map is suppose to use as an opportunity for the infected. You may have a different definition of overpowered, but when a single, easy, simple strategy can defeat many many strategies coming from the other team, who have to work much harder to begin with, it's overpowered. It's a crutch survivor teams rely on anytime the situation gets out of hand, preventing moments of panic and chaos almost completely.

  4. Staff of the Forums +5
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    I am contemplating getting a video together to prove the overpowered point; I just have to gather the troops to play with me, and have them stick to it. Some considerations though:

    - Despite what I see as a blatantly overpowered tactic (I know I know, still up for debate), I don't think anyone is truly arguing that bash alone gets you through a level. Long range attack (Bullets) + Bash Shield (Close range defense) = Potentially unstoppable Survivor team, especially on the weaker difficulties. That said, no one here could honestly put any weight behind an argument saying that anyone ever suggested that Bash was a viable attack option for Tank encounters. As a result, if I can get around to making this video (or anyone for that matter), guns will be used to down a Tank. It is Normal difficulty after all, it wont take long.

    - As mentioned above, going through a level with Bash only isn't really proving a point here. Bash is a cheap TACTIC, not level STRATEGY. However, if this video is created solely in an effort to go overboard in showing the cheap factor of Bash Shields, one is going to presume that this video will be LONG. Bash only will take time to kill hordes of zombies, even if it leaves the Survivors unharmed. As a result, I would suggest just a round of play to prove the "point". Anyone who makes it through a level with bash only will have taken their time, and have been well coordinated; we dont need to see 5 levels of slower play.

    - Lastly, though I maintain the fact that getting through a level with Bash only is merely an extreme defense of this cheaper tactic, I don't foresee it to be impossible. As a matter of fact, my fear is that the game will proceed so much slower than normal to display its merit, yet potentially prove so effective that it might force a randomly assembled VS team to quit the server. What happens then?

    Just some potential hurdles I see coming up with the creation of this overzealous and misleading video that has been suggested.

  5. Junior Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triskavanski View Post
    Yes, if 90% where breaking no one would go around breaking them.... The NPC Zombies will. Just like how if a survivor bot touches something breakable they spaz out and have to break it with melee.

    Im talking about walls that only the special infected can break. I agree with your idea to have a special zombie that can have long ranged attacks. Maybe in the style of a boomer, but the spit is acidic? I don't know, just giving an example.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr_Ash View Post

    Nice argument

  6. Just getting started
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    there's an easy fix to overpowered bashing...

    a "tired" or "stamina" meter. everytime you bash, your arms get tired and your stamina drops. once your stamina is depleted, your bashes become weak enough to the point where they're almost useless, and you can only do one (very weak, slow) bash every couple seconds. the stamina meter should take up to a minute to refil, or you can take pain pills to fill it up.

    however, i love the way the bash currently works. it makes fighting off hordes in expert mode fun, and is almost a necessity for those that dont have auto shotty and are being stormed by a horde.

  7. Zombie Cat
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    It's a tough juggle, because on expert it really is necessary. On the other side of the fence is people cornering up on at the elevator in No Mercy. You can't jump them with a hunter, a smoker is knocked off immediately, and a boomer just adds more zombies to be bashed.

    It's too powerful if the versus mode is locked to normal, but necessary on expert. So what do we do Hehe. Catch 22.

    Incidentally, I use the closet bash tactic all the time. In fact, the ramp at the end of the heli pad in No Mercy is a perfect spot for defending. Too perfect if the other team does it as well
    Gaming, it's wuts for dinner :P

  8. Senior Member
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    It's not a catch 22, bash on campaign can be independant of bash in VS, since vs mode is locked to normal, you don't need bash to be strong enough to let you survive on advanced or expert.

  9. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by -RaYne- View Post
    - 90% of walls should be breakable, not iron walls (prevents use of closets)
    - A hunter's pounce should not be bash-able
    - People who get pulled by a smoker should not be able to free themselves, that alone makes the smoker almost useless. Why should they be able to free themselves from a smoker but not a hunter?
    - Bash should have a 2-3 second timer on it to prevent spam
    - As liq3 had said, this would raise the system requirements for L4D greatly. However, it is not all that bad of an idea on a much lesser scale. Just, 90% of all walls destroyable is far to extream and rather pointless. A supliment for this would be say 10-20% more walls destroyable, however maybe only by a Hunter, Tank or Boomer explosion. From what I've seen from their melee attacks, Boomer's nor Smoker's really have the physical capacity to run around destroying wall after wall.

    - From a roof top pounce, absolutely not. From a ground level wall bounce, again, absolutely not. A straight ground pounce, sure, but it should still be more difficult then it already is. As it is just a game, all ideas about physics must be thought of hypothecically. As such, try to think in a realistic way of how the hunter works. As they are able to make such drasically large leaps, this means that they have highly developed leg muscles. Further, they are extreamly agile and have supreb senses, which allow them to make their crazy wall jumps. Taking these in to mind, would a normal, run of the mill human really have the strength to just brush these pounces off with a single melee?

    I wouldn't think so. Well, that's not entirely true. Francis looks as if he might be able to go a little more toe to toe with these guys, however as the game mechanics would allow this singlism for a survivour, it doesn't happen and has been balanced by allowing all survivours to do this. It is rather a little unfair against the Hunter, because once those melees start getting you, unless the Survivour is a total dolt, you as the Hunter are totally freaking boned, as the Infected have absolutely no defense against this, becoming disoriented and blind at the same time.

    Back to the original point of this however, due to the sheer velocity of the Hunter's pounce due to their Infected-Phenotype's traits, no Survivour should be able to shrug off their high speed pounces.

    - I actually agree with this point 100%. Again, you have to look at this from a hypothetical realism view.

    Situation A) The Smoker has "shot" his tounge at his target (which is typically random when they are in a group), which wraps about their torso.
    How the hell are they using their arms to either bash or fire their weapon?

    Situation B) The Smoker has once again "shot" his tounge at his (hopefully) intended target. This time, instead of the torso, the tounge has latched around the neck of the Survivour.
    As an immediate human instinct or atleast my own, I would not be looking for what just happen, as I would most definately be in a panic. Relinquishing everything in hand, the Survivour should be more concerned with trying to remove the tounge quickly, leaving his/her hands totally occupied, forcing another non-engaged Survivour to come to your rescue.

    An idea that just struck me as I was writting this responce was, introduce a hunting knife in to the game. In either Situation A or B, if the survivour was to have their knife as their *active weapon*, then I wouldn't see an issue with them being able to free themselves.

    And finally, yes, the most controversal aspect of this game to date, Bashing.

    - A 2 - 3 second cooldown is not that bad of an idea. Hell even a 1 second. I'm not going to get in to the whole Balanced/Over Powered debate on the subject of Melee/Q-Melee (as I've mainly never heard of the Q-Melee term), however No Mercy, level 4 does offer some insight in to this.

    Keep in mind, this is again, not me taking any side in this debate, rather just offering information from my own experiences. Please do not try to drag me in to this if you feel to reply to this. Merely reply as if this information had already been blaten public knowledge, as it most definately should be.

    Right. So No Mercy, Lv. 4. More specifically, the elevator section. This scene is often played out the same, over and over and over.

    Three Survivours get in to the closet located in the room right near the elevator, while the other summons the elevator and then heads to the closet as well. The two in the front will kneel down and comense spamming their bash against the hordes, upon hordes of Infected that begin coming. The two in the back will remain standing, doing much the same, though sometimes using Auto-Shotty's to clear larger groups more quickly.

    Now, if you are't familiar with this closet, let me describe the scene for you. Obviously, it's a closet, able to fit all four Survivours in, they then become protected indefinately from three sides of attack, five if you count the floor and the roof. So there is only one way to get them. Next, the room this closet is in has two enterences. You'd think this is good for the Infected, but sadly, it is not.

    In the past, when I have come against people using this closet, it is atrociously near impossible for any of the special Infected to be of any use here. Hunter's, forget it. They're totally fucking useless here, pardon my language. The Smoker as well, is pretty useless, as he is left in the wide open if he wishes to get any angle on the Survivour's, who kill the Smoker before he is even able to get a firm grip on any of them. The only one who really does anything here is the Boomer. But don't give him too much credit just yet, as all he can really do is Boomer Bile one or two (all if they kill him right in front of the closet), which will attract more horde. Utterly pointless in the end, as the Melee wall holds so easily.

    This makes all of the Special Infected more useless then a horde... That's just not right. >_>

    So in closing. Yes. A cooldown on Melee I can see becoming inplimented at some point in the future if this tactic (and many, many, many other similar ones) is continued to be used. And I don't think this implimentation will be caused by any ranters who are pro or con about it. No, I think Valve will see the folly in this simple, yet devastating manuver themselves and snap back to reality.

    Or atleast i pray to the Sun that they aren't as retarded as the guys over at Blizzard.

    Edit: Holy crap, that was way bigger then I thought it would be. :/
    Largest pounce: 25 points

    Unlisted Achievements:
    Epic Pounce (Land a 20 point pounce or greater)
    Cutting Corners (Land a pounce by clearing a roof between you and the Survivour)
    Mutilation (Kill 2 or more Survivours in 1 life as the Hunter)

  10. Left 4 Dead
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    I dunno what u guyz are talkin about..?

    Everything iz fine in this game. Its freakin beautiful

    People wanna hide in a closet, let em hide. They gotta come out sooner or later.

    Ain't nuthin better then POUNDING gutless wussies in a closet with a tank. KInda like makin a salad.

    As far as BASh goes, it is not OVERPOWERED.

    Going into bash spam on Expert can leave u grounded fairly quickly. Even advanced iz ruff with bash unless u time it out right. Just spamming it leaves u dead.

    And if ur gettin bashed to much on VS, then u should stop going in on all 4 with no back up.

    Anyone complaining about this needs better teamates or more practise.

    VALVE made the game play freakin next to perfect. Except u should be able to change difficulty on VS.

    Any cool down effect/ or any change period would ruin the game.

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