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Thread: Fixing "exploits"

  1. Left 4 Dead
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    ... Well i ain't no troll. But i luv the Wicked CLownz 2 man. IM from NiagaraFalls canada

    IVe just had no real problems with BASh or Closets....ever. And i play alot man.

    Ive seen people do what u say they do. But sooner or later the poop hits the fan. ANd as soon as one dies. Time iz on your side.

    And if u ain't got no one to play with, il playz with ya man.

    Vooodu on Xbox
    Quote Originally Posted by Mytheral View Post
    Would you consider the ability to spam bash 5.3 times per second overpowered?
    NooOoo, i figure if can do it in real life. So its kinda real man

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    You all seem to be forgetting that the entire point is for you to survive long enough to make it to the safe house, and if hiding in a closet wildly bashing your arms like crazed suger high 4 year old against the latest horde then dammit, it's what you gotta do.

  3. Senior Member
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    personally i just think it should be the same but just cant do it as quickly... no "cooldown" just a much higher delay to the one we have right now, because as soon as people see a hunter (including me) they just melle spam so whenever you pounce you can never hit them

  4. Senior Member
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    Camping should be the opposite of what you're trying to do. Valve has created an artificial situation in many points in the game where cramming together in a small space makes you invinciable. It's counter to how the game is suppose to be played, and takes away much of any chance for the game to be competitive. I've played about 8 games in the past 3 days, only one of them only one or two of them did a team *not* use the various "closet" locations in the game to completely negate the panic moments.

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    Valve has tested this game a lot (as they do with all their games) so if there was a better option I'm sure they've already looked at it, tried it, saw how it failed horribly and went with what works the best.

  6. I've done my time
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    I play exclusively Co-op, so I don't have a say on VS. But it doesn't seem it would be so hard to keep the neccesary defensive power of melee while making it so people can't corner crouch and just melee an entire hoard. I like the ideas of having the hits become less powerful after a certain number per 3 seconds or whatnot.

    Ideally any changes would not affect anyone who plays the game "normally." Without meleeing out of a closet for 2 minutes.

    I don't want to feel "cheap" for ducking into a closet or room if I hear zombies coming. That is exactly what I'd do in real life.

  7. Senior Member
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    Valve also took the other games modes away for no apparent reason. I'm not going to just trust Valve, especially when a large portion of the player base has a problem with this. Besides, how much testing do you think Valve was able to do compared to an international player base working 24/7? I think the players have tested above and beyond what Valve ever could, especially as far as balancing goes. And I'll say this again, I'm referring to teams with co-ordination and skill, not random pub people without mics that can't work together on either team.

    Even ignoring all that, I just can't agree that Valve would want the players to bee able to completely negate the panic moments so easily. There's almost no skill invovled, and if done right your team can repel everything but a tank, and it's very rare that you get a tank during a panic moment. I refuse to believe that Valve wants the survivors to have a wall they can put up at any time if given a corner or a closet, because that would really make me lose faith in their ability to balance their own games.

    Coconut, would you duck in a closet to try to hide, or would you duck in a closet because you think you have a better chance at survival? In any sort of realistic scenario, zombies would just pour into where you are, completely trapping you, and you definitely aren't going to kill them all on the way in.

  8. Left 4 Dead
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    I look at it like this,

    Sometimes people are lucky enough to make it to a closet and sometimes they aren't.

    ANd if alls they do is run from 1 closet to another, they still have to to come out sooner or later to run to another closet. Same goes for BASh spam. Eventually they will stop.

    And if u havent had the chance to BASH n MASH 4 survivors in the closet yet, its very fun. ITs like make'n cotton candy.

    BASH is the last defense, and with out it Expert would be impossible. Hell so would advance. They should give an option for what difficulty u want for VS. BUt damn..! VS on expert would = DEATH to ALL surviors

    BASHING doesnt win VS, the better team does. Bash or no BAsh

    ANd ain't nuthin funner then bashin a smokers head of a mircowave with his toungue flipin n flappan everywhere.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  9. Senior Member
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    Bash is the first defense. Anytime anything goes wrong, any good team gets to a corner and bashes. Yeah, if they go in a closet, they are invinciable while they are in there. Do you really think they should be able to bypass all the panic areas of the game? If you really think that, what's the point of having them? And when they come out of the closet, they are no more vunerable that the are when they went in. They are actually less vunerable because they'll be grouped together closely, making it easy to bash anything waiting for them.

    Again, we're talking about VS, not campaign mode.

    I'll re-state this, almost every single panic area in the no mercy campaign (anytime you hit a button and a horde comes) can be completely negated by a corner or closet. If you think there's something you can do to 4 survivors in a cramped space, you're playing sucky survivors. Hunters get bashed instantly then shot, smokers tongue gets instantly bashed, and boomer bile does *nothing* since they're already pushing 10-20 zombies at a time to begin with.

    Please explain to me how this is a good thing, because really, what's the point of trying to create panic and chaos, if the best strategy in the game is intentionally bunkering into a corner or closet and just waiting it out?

  10. Left 4 Dead
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    Heres sumthing ive done and seen many times.

    They come out of the closest. Boomer barfs, 2 hunters pounce 1 guys yoinked by a smoker and the last guy is blindly bashn away.

    Even a barf then run in with a TANK.. Booomer barf ZOmbie BBQ sauce..Yummy. The party don't start till they all been basted in BooOmer Sauce!

    Hardest part should be the 1st kill. Once 1 survivour goes the 3 left are MEAT!

    And lets face it, if u gotta hide from zombie swarmz in VS. U suck or have no grapefruits.

    My only problem iz bash is the only mele. Id would luv to HEAD BUTT a ZOMBIE or drop kick a Smoker out the window
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

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